Water Wing Story

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Heres the story...

    Louie took us down a country road..we saw a sign that said road closed
    due to high water. Seeings that we ride alot on the backroads, we have
    seen these signs before and the water be gone but the sign is still
    there. We rode on down the road to investigate. We came apon water
    over the road in two spots. We were trying to decide if we should turn
    around or go on thru it. Wakko takes off walking in the water...looks
    to be ankle deep or so. We decided that it was ok to roll on. Since I
    was on the cheapest motorcycle of the bunch, they figured they should
    send me thru first and If I didnt return in 10 minutes, it was safe to
    proceed. I crossed the first spot of water..all good...crossed the
    second spot of water...all good...I crossed over a old wooden bridge
    and rounded a corner. There was another spot of water across the road.
    A small car had just came thru there and he reported to Louie that it
    was only about 2 foot deep. I approched the water and I could see the
    road..the water was clear and pure. I should have walked it but I
    didnt. We had walked the other two spots..the small car made it
    thru...I figured it was all good so I went for it. The water kept
    getting deeper and deeper...I was already commited so I just kept
    going thinking maybe it was like a dip in the road and the road would
    rise back up but it didnt..it kept getting deeper and deeper until my
    bike stalled. I got off the bike and pushed it out of the Lagoon to
    higher ground. I walked back across the water which I figure was knee
    deep or better to tell them boys on the other side to hold back. Louie
    and Wakko already crossed the two other spots.

    Louie determined that I had water in my engine because it wouldnt
    hardly turn over. We got out the tools and he started working on
    pulling the sparkplugs. First plug he pulled, water came out of the
    cylinder. I started un-do-ing the other side..Louie pulled the 1st
    plug on the other side and it had pressure behind it. It was that plug
    that was keeping my motor from turning over good. Louie then pulled
    all the plugs, cranked the engine over several times to get all the
    water out. He checked the oil and said that no water was in the oil.
    He put the plugs back in and hooked the plug wires back up. We then
    cranked it over and after several tries, it fired up. The engine was
    running rough and water was comming out of the pipes. Water vapor was
    comming out the tail pipes and it looked like smoke. Finally it
    smoothed out and the water vapor was gone. Louie was real worried that
    the air filter was soaked and would be sucked in the intake so he told
    me not to rev it up or ride it hard until it had time to dry out some
    so thats what I did.

    THANK YOU Louie for all your help. I would have been screwed if you
    hadnt been there.

    Now them other boys were on one side of the Lagoon and I the other.
    Wakko suggested that everyone could just push there motorcycles to the
    side I was on but them other boys werent going for that idea at all. I
    laughed at that suggestion because Big Ed frowns about even getting on
    a gravel or muddy road. I knew he wasnt going thru no 3 foot of water.
    Louie and I put in some town on my GPS and I headed that away talking
    to Louie on the CB radio until we got out of range and then I called
    on the cell phone. I came to a intersection and called to report my
    location. Louie and the gang showed up about 15 minutes later and we
    rejoined. My bike was still running a little rough at this point and I
    figure it was because of the moisture in the air filter. We talked a
    little and then hit the road. This time I ran it on up to about 70mph.
    The next time we stopped I gunned the engine a little and it was still
    a little rough. We took off again and by the next stop, I gunned it
    again and it was smooth. It was running back like it was new again.

    Big Ed decided that he was going to go see his mother and I figured I
    would go see mine too. We went to Henderson to my mothers house first
    and then went on to his. We decied to come on back to the metroplex on
    highway 80 instead of I-20. When we got to highway 19, I decided that
    I was going to go to Canton to my country home and stay there since we
    didnt have anything going at work. I ran the bike pretty on highway 19
    into Canton and it all was fine. I got up Sunday morning and went out
    and it bump started..no smoke or water vapor or anything other than a
    quite purring engine. I did alot of work at my dads place and rode on
    in back to Arlington about 5:00pm or so. The bike ran perfect.

    What did I learn? I learned to always walk the water before crossing.
    I also learned where my spark plug are and how easy they are to

    I want to thank Louie again for all his help. I think because he acted
    fast and got that water out of my engine and all that my engine will
    be ok. I looked at my trip this morning when I got gas and it was like
    532 miles. I think running all those miles and keeping that engine hot
    helped alot too.


    redshad, Aug 6, 2007
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  2. redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    I can sure vouch that Louie is a good friend to have around in emerg-
    encies like this..

    You are probably right about keeping that engine hot and running like
    you did.. In my unqualified opinion, if it had sat and cooled, that water
    would more than likely have seeped from the top end to the lower
    crankcase and there would have been hell to pay.. Fortunately, those
    Wings have the breathers and vents mounted high, to minimize that

    Glad it worked out well for you..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 6, 2007
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  3. redshad

    Anonymous Guest

    Thanks for the clarification. I'd read intermittent/spotted
    reports of the incident, but hadn't/couldn't put it all toget-

    I guess it always good to have someone around with
    years of locomotive training, for GoldWing diagnosis.

    If you'd filmed the event(s), it might have made a great
    GW commercial.

    Anonymous, Aug 6, 2007
  4. redshad

    Bill Cattell Guest

    snip a watery tale
    I guess you weren't the one in this pic too, were you?

    (the first pic)

    In early '98 I was coming home from downtown Dallas in a friggin
    pourdown when I came up on the I35 service road at Trinity Mills (before
    all the re-destruction). A Carrollton cop was diverting traffic around
    the flooded area. He was amazed when I said I could make it - and did.

    The water was about 2ft deep at the time but was only about 15 ft across.

    Needless to say I was a trifle moist when I got home. My loving wife (who
    was still pissed that I got another bike instead of a second car)
    literally laughed out loud as I "sloshed" through the house to go change.
    Bill Cattell, Aug 6, 2007
  5. redshad

    bj_kana Guest

    --I imagine you learned...just how tough Hondas, truly are.
    That was a close call, glad you wern't on a solo ride back in those
    low roads.
    So, do I understand that Louie, didnt ride thru that third ''deeper''
    area, that he parked his, and waded thru to give you a hand?
    -Another obsevational question/comment...Red-shad, that had to be one
    heavy Goldwing being pushed through 2 or more feet of water. Looks
    like your footage would have been pretty difficult!. thanks for
    clearing all this up......chuckle....BJAY
    bj_kana, Aug 6, 2007
  6. redshad

    BiffB Guest

    You gonna get pin stripes at the high water mark, so you know how deep
    not to go again? Do you have to register it as a boat now? If so, does
    that mean you're gonna trailer it everywhere? Did you take any purty
    girls skiing with it?
    BiffB, Aug 7, 2007
  7. redshad

    BiffB Guest

    Oh, and glad it's still runnin good for ya, that's a good way to bust a
    BiffB, Aug 7, 2007
  8. redshad

    redshad Guest

    No pin stripes needed. I aint going thru high water again unless I
    walk it first or see someone else make it thru first. I dont think you
    have to resister a submarine and you sure cant ski behind one so no on
    both of those questions. I dont own a trailer anymore...I sold it to a
    board member so they could haul there bikes around for a while.

    redshad, Aug 7, 2007
  9. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Thanks..I am sure glad it didnt do any damage. I guess the rings held
    since its a new engine. I bet that would cost a pretty penny to have a
    ring job done..I dont want to find that out.

    redshad, Aug 7, 2007
  10. redshad

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey! I was standing by waiting for the call from you....remember,
    we're "strategically placed"!
    Brian Walker, Aug 7, 2007
  11. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Hey! I was standing by waiting for the call from you....remember,
    There wasnt any strategically placed anything where we were
    located...not even a cell tower. I had no signal under or above the
    water. Louie ran us in such a remote area that even the passer-byers
    wouldnt stop and talk to us. They were all scared of us I guess. We
    were in such a remote area that who ever paved the roads wouldnt even
    go past a certain point. We were riding on a pretty nice oil top road
    and then BAMMM.........dirt and gravel. I was trying to call Laura
    Bush to get her to bring me one of those FEMA flood checks but didnt
    have service. Got to watch that GPS of Louies...no telling where you
    will end up...Can I get a AMEN Big Ed!!!

    redshad, Aug 7, 2007
  12. redshad

    louie Guest

    GPS = Gravel & Pothole Seeker
    louie, Aug 7, 2007
  13. redshad

    BJayKana Guest


    redshad wrote:
    Heres the story...

    Hey Redshad----
    You gonna get pin stripes at the high water mark, so you know how deep
    not to go again?
    ======Do you have to register it as a boat now? =====If so, does that
    mean you're gonna trailer it everywhere? =====Did you take any purty
    girls skiing with it? =(BiffB)

    LMAO... that's a goodun....Biff.

    Well one thang is certain, he cannot register it as a ''Jet
    Ski''...cause them thangs run fast thru 3 or 4 feet of water...his
    GWboat/bike slowed down to a ''push''...........lololololoLL
    BJayKana, Aug 7, 2007
  14. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    BrianWalker.......''Hey Red-shad! I was standing by waiting for the call
    from you....remember,
    we're "strategically placed"!...

    I just thought, Brian, I bet chur' HondaBB, would have met that 3 or 4
    feet of water, like a JetSki...... Sorta looks like one, in a
    way......next time they head out to test the waters, you need to be
    their guide...hehe.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 7, 2007
  15. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    -----Brian Walker wrote"..Hey Red-shad! I was standing by waiting for
    the call from you....remember,
    we're "strategically placed"!-

    Louie ran us in such a remote area that even the passer-byers wouldnt
    stop and talk to us. They were all scared of us I guess.-----redshad-

    It is a wonder they didnt watch, and video ya'll for ''Americas Funniest

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 7, 2007
  16. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    Red-Shads ''Plight with deep water'' Bike Ride report. (edited
    (digested) version)

    :)It goes like this:)
    --Louie took us down a country road..we saw a sign that said road closed
    due to high water.

    A small car had just came thru there and he reported to Louie that it
    was only about 2 foot deep.

    I should have walked it but I didnt. We had walked the other two
    spots..the small car made it thru..so I went for it.

    The water kept getting deeper and deeper...I was already commited so I
    just kept going.
    it kept getting deeper and deeper until my bike stalled.

    I got off the bike and pushed it out of the Lagoon to higher ground.

    Louie determined that I had water in my engine because it wouldnt hardly
    turn over.

    We cranked the engine over several times to get all the water out.

    Now them other boys were on one side of the Lagoon and I the other.

    Wakko suggested that everyone could just push there motorcycles to the
    side I was on!!

    I laughed at that suggestion because Big Ed frowns about even getting on
    a gravel or muddy road. I knew he wasnt going thru no ==3 foot of

    Big Ed decided that he was going to go see his mother and I figured I
    would go see mine too.

    I did alot of work at my dads place and rode on in back to Arlington
    about 5:00pm or so. The bike ran perfect.

    Now we know the rest of the story.

    I bet Big Ed, is kinda proud, that he readily rides in the back.

    Red-Shad, it apparantly didnt dawn on you, that the small car had four
    wheels, and what a difference that truly makes.

    I would barely ride a motorcycle, thru 6 inches of water, not to even
    mention 2 or 3 feet.....Have you told the Honda Store guys yet????? I
    started to say, dont.....but on second thought it would be something for
    them to initiate in their sales approach, to a perspective Honda Wing
    ------(Evil Grin, Walker style)--------

    I would not have imagined, your GW motor, would have survived such a
    water drowning, and to think within a coupla hours, Louie saved it.

    Your buddy, the section hand, knows his onions.

    That is most impressive.

    What a friend to have along.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 7, 2007
  17. redshad

    redshad Guest

    Its just a damned motorcycle BJ...If you **** it up, you simply go to
    Honda and buy a new one.

    redshad, Aug 7, 2007
  18. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    ----Redshad tells bjay''straight''.
    ''Its just a damned motorcycle BJ...If you **** it up, you simply go to
    Honda and buy a new one.
    Redshad )

    W’ of course, its just a $19,000 plus a few extra lbs of Chrome,
    Motorsikle. That aint no Hill for a climber.

    That aint so unique for a guy named Redshad.... WTF was I thankin',
    BJayKana, Aug 7, 2007
  19. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Ed Hart, Aug 8, 2007
  20. redshad

    Ed Hart Guest

    Ed Hart, Aug 8, 2007
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