If so, its back in the fold
In what sense? I get "Directory Listing Denied. This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed." and whois says that it's registered to someone in Canada. Tim
I get someone in Edinburgh via LiveDNS. So when's it going live eh eh eh? Need some hosting space? Hmm? *CoughIWorkAtAWebHostingCompanyCough* =D
I think that Frag registered it, then someone else, then it expired, and I think I camped on it for a year with the intent of reviving the old site from Darsy, Adie and Cab, but I never got a tuit. I offered it to Cab, who wasn't fussed, then it expired again. Oh what a chequered history .. Paul.
Just got on to the group after seeing an email from geoff. I can't remember being offered ukrm.org but I thought Molly had it for a while and due to a cock up with the registrar we lost it. Adie registered ukrm.info and redirected it to my server at home. If Lucretia is willing to host it, than that'd be great. We could redirect ukrm.org and ukrm.info to the same page. So does someone want to manage the site? Real life has taken over on my side...
My boss is amenable to hosting this site for you guys, probably at no cost but with zero management or support. Still want it?
And now I have ukrm.org sorted my first post oh lordy, lordy I can do something with the FAQs when I get back from Indonesia