Warning: Septic infection impending

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by turby, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. turby

    wessie Guest

    I was only counting UK as 4: W, E, NI & S

    there's the bloke in Greece, dwb in CI, porl etc in Oz, is Big Tony in NZ
    still? Mark in Canada, although not posting of late; USA various; gaz on
    the Isle of Man

    Then, if we recognise Catalunya as a separate state we can go to 19

    Oh, then there's des, so 20
    wessie, Feb 27, 2010
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  2. turby

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Heh. Make yourself at home, why dontcha.
    Colin Irvine, Feb 27, 2010
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  3. I suspect that your definition of Europe differs greatly from mine,
    hence my puzzlement.
    doetnietcomputeren, Feb 27, 2010
  4. turby

    wessie Guest


    But you did have some significant omissions
    wessie, Feb 27, 2010
  5. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Colin Irvine
    "Oh bugger, I'm in the wrong joke!"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Feb 27, 2010
  6. I'm not sure that Isle of Man, Channel Isles and Catalunya count as
    countries, although I take your point that they might be nice places to
    visit if one was touring Europe via UKRM sofas.

    Who's in Greece then?

    No Baltics, proper Eastern Europeans, Scandiwegians or Portugese Italians?
    doetnietcomputeren, Feb 27, 2010
  7. turby

    wessie Guest

    I think we had a Croat for a while. He's not posted in ages.

    and I've just remembered we have an ex-pat in Turkey

    Israel is in the Eurovision so should count...
    wessie, Feb 27, 2010
  8. turby

    Ben Guest

    I want to know what I'm doing in thirty years, dammit!
    Ben, Feb 28, 2010
  9. turby

    Scraggy Guest

    We intermittantly have John B in Norway and a Swede in the form of Mrs

    (1)When she's not being thrown down the road from the pillion natch.
    Scraggy, Feb 28, 2010
  10. But she, presumably lives somewhere near Beav, who, AFAICT lives in the UK?

    If we were counting nationalities represented, real and imaginary, by
    UKRM and spouses, the list would probably go on for quite some time.
    doetnietcomputeren, Feb 28, 2010
  11. I dunno, but you can have an eiderdown.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Feb 28, 2010
  12. turby

    Scraggy Guest

    Well, of course, but let's not worry about it, it was merely a vehicle
    for casting aspertions while I was pondering the thorny Scanderwegian
    Scraggy, Feb 28, 2010
  13. turby

    Leslie Guest

    On Feb 27, 7:45 pm, doetnietcomputeren <>
    Right, if anybody needs to stay for a few nights in Poznan or Warsaw,
    the email is not munged. :)
    Leslie, Mar 1, 2010
  14. turby

    Thomas Guest

    Sorry, no. I understand that you folk are under the influence of
    something called weather, which is a rarity here in SoCal. I'd like to
    minimize it, if possible. (Summer in mid-April? Somebody is, what's
    the word, barmy?) The tentative itinerary is to depart ~May 1st for
    Germany, go to Southern Italy, then get through the Riviera before
    tourist season hits and work my way up the West coast, from Gibraltar
    to John O'Groats. There's an idea festering to do the 4 corners of
    Europe - including Istanbul and Nordkapp, but not sure if that'll
    happen. I'm thinking 2 months or more for the whole trip.
    Thomas, Mar 1, 2010
  15. turby

    Thomas Guest

    I am humbled and impressed by the offers of hospitality. Perhaps those
    offers would be wiser kept under wraps until it's ascertained whether
    your prospective guest is prone to excess snoring, flatulence,
    midnight raids on the fridge, and general Yankee obnoxiousness.
    Thomas, Mar 1, 2010
  16. Interesting choice of route. I guess you're unlikely to get lost.
    That depends on whether you want to actually experience Europe, or just
    say you've been there.

    A former colleague from when I worked in SoCal recently asked me for my
    thoughts on his plans for a European vacation he was planning.

    London England,
    Somwhere in the south of france

    I thought it sounded pretty good until he told me they were doing it in
    a two week duration.
    doetnietcomputeren, Mar 1, 2010
  17. turby

    platypus Guest

    Should fit right in.
    platypus, Mar 2, 2010
  18. turby

    Thomas Guest

    Yeah. Sorta, "Keep the sea on your left and you'll be OK."
    Akshewly, already BTDT. Spent 4 years in Berlin (2.5 as a GI, 1.5
    afterward) and 5 months in London (Crouch End and a Freston Rd squat.
    FWIW, I have a stamp in my passport that says I'm the American
    ambassador to Frestonia, dated 1974.) I bought a BSA Thunderbolt when
    I was a GI, then later rode it up to Norway, where I worked on a farm
    for the summer. I've done a bit of travel elsewhere in Europe, too.
    You're absolutely right, though. You can't really say you've
    experienced anywhere in just 2 months, but you can have a hell of a
    lot of fun trying. I really don't have a time limit for this trip, but
    it's hard to buy an open-ended plane ticket nowadays.
    Thomas, Mar 2, 2010
  19. turby

    Scraggy Guest

    FFS, you're a septic, they're givens.

    Consider it a penance for Hollywood, Springer, MJ,... ad nauseum.
    Scraggy, Mar 2, 2010
  20. turby

    Ace Guest

    Indeed, a charming place. And the ride south next to the Rhine valley
    has some stunning roads, as I'm sure you're aware.

    Oh, and it's just a couple of hours from us here, where of course the
    OP would be welcome.
    Ace, Mar 2, 2010
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