Warning: ''Political''

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Jay Leno last night, was:
    ''Asked about whether Joe Biden, Senator from Delaware, was indeed a
    good VP pick by Baroma.''
    Leno said of course,because he has--36 years--of goverment employment
    experience. And along with Senator Baroma, that adds up to ---37
    years---of experience, between the two!''.. JT
    Mr. JayT, Aug 27, 2008
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  2. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    heh, I wont vote for any of them. Now to decide who the write
    in...sure as the sun comes up I wouldn't inflict that thankless job on
    anybody here. Much less anyone I know IRL.
    S'mee, Sep 4, 2008
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  3. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ''heh, I wont vote for any of them. Now to decide who the write
    in...sure as the sun comes up I wouldn't inflict that thankless job on
    anybody here. Much less anyone I know IRL.

    ======Lets write in Jesse Ventura, he is truely a ''know it all'' and
    an 'independent.sob''. Or maybe Don Imus.
    Mr. JayT, Sep 4, 2008
  4. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest

    Way 2 boring.

    louie, Sep 4, 2008
  5. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    "Maybe" Jesse. But come on Imus? That dried up husk of a jerk would
    get killed by the job...stress man, stress.
    S'mee, Sep 5, 2008
  6. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    Howie Mandel? Don't even consider me...even if I would normalize
    relations with Cuba for the obvious reasons.
    S'mee, Sep 5, 2008
  7. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    Dammit so much, why is there no love for the socially liberal, fiscally
    conservative hippie independent?
    BiffB, Sep 6, 2008
  8. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    Or better yet YOU! I just didn't want Imus because the old racist
    doesn't deserve that kind of stress this late in pathetic and
    worthless life that's all. I'm mean SOB but I isn't cruel.

    You are hateful little piece of work aren't you. Makes me look nicer
    than pissed of rattler.
    S'mee, Sep 6, 2008
  9. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    Because man, no matter what's happened I'd never wish that thankless
    job on you. I maybe mean but I am not cruel and that would be cruel.
    S'mee, Sep 6, 2008
  10. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    (biff816) wrote in response to ''pREciSion'':
    ---Dammit so much, why is there no love for the socially liberal,
    fiscally conservative hippie independent?---

    ==Might not be your point above, biff, however, it's odd how 'if one'
    leans to the liberal side of any topic.. the least bit, ''that one'' is
    pretty much considered UnAmerican, here in America. I hear, (cause I
    dont read <g>) them commontaters say; ‘Oh, he or she is a Liberal, ya
    know'. Those Lef'wing Liberals.....so in so, yada,yada...''
    Don Imus is a liberal conservative. I watch him every morning on the
    newish fantastic rural TV network called ''RFD'', the station for the
    common, low Middle class real Americans'' (IMHO) <grinning like a
    possum, MrJayTFuss>
    Mr. JayT, Sep 6, 2008
  11. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Precision wrote:''--How about we write in Mr Jerry? I can see it now,
    the national motor of America, the Valkyrie.
    How about Mr BJay? Backpedaling and flip-flopping and slip out the back.
    How about Mr Pender, backstabbing, handsome, and oh so hot with the
    ladies...sounds like ObamaClintonKennedyJanetReno all rolled up into
    one. Give him enough speed and he'd win in Iraq without the United
    States Moron Corp.
    ~~~~ (S'mee)
    ---Or better yet YOU! I just didn't want Imus because the old racist
    doesn't deserve that kind of stress this late in pathetic and worthless
    life that's all. I'm mean SOB but I isn't cruel.
    You are hateful little piece of work aren't you. Makes me look nicer
    than pissed of rattler.
    keith aka (S'mee)

    =====okay, Keith, that'll tell 'em.
    Heh, 'Keith aka S'mee thanks for joining in, I; the 'ratings guy'' on
    here, welcome you to our little 'dirty dozen'' Texas group of old
    Our estinguished group of 6 regulars, is a fun group. May I ask,have you
    been a lurker, who has came out of the garage, and made that step to
    start responding to this well mannered, yet, fiesty, well edcuated bunch
    of ''real MC riders''?? If so we welcome you.
    regards, MrJayT. =
    Mr. JayT, Sep 6, 2008
  12. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    I've been a member since 1997. Just have posted alot since I went to
    Korea on YOUR dollar and ended up here (MT) 8^) I AM one of the RCOS
    (#2) OBTW anyone says you can't take I-35 through downtown @ 65 when
    the rain has your visability down to 50'. Hasn't been riding with me.
    S'mee, Sep 6, 2008
  13. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    well that isn't how it read. If I misread...sorry. I spent my life
    keeping racist scum in line in teh military. I have not a whit of
    respect for them adn plenty of time to punt them across the continent.
    8^) I love all colour and not every belief.
    S'mee, Sep 7, 2008
  14. Mr. JayT

    Ed Hart Guest

    More CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Sep 7, 2008
  15. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    Pick one...it isn't tolerated, period.
    S'mee, Sep 7, 2008
  16. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    all of them you got a problem with that? That's the differnce between
    those who aren't and those who are. You have a problem with that?
    Well? Color has nothing to do with it...it's about the belief/
    attitude. Couldn't stand it when I was a kid and I stand it even less
    now. Point blank I feel that the best cure for a racist is to give
    them a proper burial. If you don't like that, well too damned bad.
    S'mee, Sep 7, 2008
  17. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    You don't really expect me to read all that shit on a Saturday night
    after I've been drinking do you?
    OK, here's my (current) view on racism. Nigger isn't a color, it's a
    lifestyle. Nigger is as nigger does. One of my children is currently on
    a football team where he is the minority, so I've spent a lot more time
    around dark skinned people than I normally would. Most of them are ok. A
    few I would have beers with. Some of them are niggers.
    Beaners. I don't have a problem with most of the beaners I know. The
    older ones tend towards being hard workers. The younger ones lean more
    towards thuggery and mischief, as is common with many youth. I'ld drink
    beer with any of the ones I work with, and in fact, I bought fund raiser
    cookie dough from one of em just the other day.
    Asians. They have shitty haircuts. I would drink beer with the two I
    work with. In fact, it might make it easier for me to understand what
    the **** they are saying.
    Canadians. The ones that are French and female have a sexy accent. Don't
    work with any, but converse with a few. Would definitely have drinks
    with em, especially if they have nice racks.
    Slurpee Indians. They smell funny. Our conversation is limited to "Gimme
    a can of Skoal and a pack of Zig-Zags please". Do they drink?
    Those are the ethnic groups I am in contact with enough to have formed
    an opinion.
    So I suppose what I'm saying is, we all have prejudices, based on our
    personal experiences in life.

    Tonight I got the phone number of a woman I've secretly lusted after for
    a number of years due to her New York sensibilities, and I am about to
    enjoy the efforts of some hard working northern Mexican, and I will
    enjoy it in honor of all the senseless killings that took place in order
    to import this product to me. So **** all ya'll. :)

    P.S. Who wants to go to Round Top tomorrow(today) for some motherfuckin'
    fried chicken and pie?

    (Apologies to the lady in the group for my profanities, but I figger
    she's used to me by now)

    end Tolstoy.

    BiffB, Sep 7, 2008
  18. Mr. JayT

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Keith isn't a badass. He just appears so. ;)

    Have any of you ever really felt prejudiced towards yourself? Try
    being a woman... or an American in a foreign country.

    A number of years back, when Joe and I was stationed in Germany, I
    experienced true prejudice for the first time, at a German brat haus
    in Frankfurt. The Germans working there refused to serve Joe, myself
    and another Sargent from Joe's unit, all because we are Americans. If
    you could have heard the things they said, thinking none of us could
    understand them, would have really pissed y'all off. I spoke German,
    so I knew what they said. I wanted to kick their butts (it was back
    in my younger, rowdier days) but Joe and George held me back. I did
    however, give them a few choice explicatives before departing, in
    German so they would know I understood.

    Deutsche mogen amerikanischen GIs nicht, so schrauben Sie sie.
    Vielleicht mögen sie uns nicht, weil wir ihre Kolben zurück in den
    1940er Jahren kickten.
    (Translation: Germans don't like American GIs, so screw them. Maybe
    they don't like us, because we kicked their butts back in the 1940s.)

    I do not tolerate racists, or anyone who is prejudiced against another
    person, due to color, religion or creed. Now if it's on a more
    personal level, such as one doesn't like the other because they are A-
    holes, I can understand that and make allowances. ;)

    Y'all have a nice day, ya hear? I need to get ready to go to our
    group's quarterly meeting. We're serving brisket and all the fixins
    and I baked a chocolate cake, stuffed with cream filling and topped
    with fudge icing. :)

    Rogue Rider, Sep 7, 2008
  19. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Jerry:------all of them you got a problem with that? That's the
    differnce between those who aren't and those who are. You have a problem
    with that? Well? Color has nothing to do with it...it's about the
    belief/ attitude. Couldn't stand it when I was a kid and I stand it even
    less now. Point blank I feel that the best cure for a racist is to give
    them a proper burial. If you don't like that, well too damned bad.

    ======ahhhhhhh, so you're that Keith, the irritable Sargent (ret.). The
    one who use to get crossways with Bill Walker. Okay.
    Above, your disposition seems so complexed. what's the deal? I bet you
    will not vote for Obama, because he is a black feller. I bet you cannot
    help yourself from falling into that category. However, Keith 'S'mee''
    remember I still appreciate your responses, and encourage you to
    continue to contribute your well versed opinions and whatever and
    however...we need the coverage on here. yours truly. MrJayT-
    Mr. JayT, Sep 7, 2008
  20. Mr. JayT

    S'mee Guest

    I've seent it in all colours and as for the rest...son I ain't no bad
    ass. I just don't take shit from nobody. I was here before yah and
    I'll be here after it's all gone.
    S'mee, Sep 7, 2008
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