Wanted - A US Perspective

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by sweller, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. sweller

    T3 Guest

    They were always around during speedweek because of the Harley thing and
    Uncle Dick, my Dad, George Sr. and Reiman were good friends and my Mom may
    keep in touch with the Roeder's, but she's gettin' on, so I don't really
    know how much. I see Jr. and sometimes Jess at Springfield, but nothing
    other than to just to wish them well and say Hi...
    T3, May 1, 2007
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  2. Your post I was responding to was rmr posters, not race organizations and
    sponsors. But since you've chosen to run away from your own statement, let's
    address your other claims.

    You're making Rossi a racial issue. Inaccurate, disturbing, and another
    reinforcement of your bigotry.

    Yamaha is "black"? Gauloises? If the "blacks" were looking out for their
    own, how does Edwards fit in? If the "black" bias is as you say it is, then
    other riders' "blackness" would give them an extra bonus that Edwards
    couldn't have.

    Golfers do influence entries and events via their sponsors. Look at the
    demise of "The International" as an example. Some (but certainly not all or
    even most) of the golfers also get start money, preferential tee times,
    parking spots, personal gofers, hotel rooms, courtesy cars and/or on site
    motorhomes, private jet travel, etc. The list goes on and on.

    "Tiger also gets the very best clubs money can buy." Yamaha's budget and
    resources and influence are greater than Hondas? Or Honda/Repsol? Is it the
    "blacks" fault that the Roberts team has had difficulty financially?

    Roberts Jr is on the same safety committee that Rossi is that can give input
    for track design. If you have evidence of any other track manipulation that
    Rossi has done outside the safety committee then cite it. Of the tracks
    built or significantly modified since he entered the 500s (Turkey, Losail,
    China, Assen) show his input and how it benefitted him.

    Rossi as the recipient of officials bending the rules for him is no
    different than in any other facet of life, be it sport, business, or family.
    I would not be surprised to discover that tee box and pin placement at golf
    tournaments is not random and is underhandedly beneficial to favored
    players. Unfortunately in a situation where fair play is ideal, if there are
    human officials there is inevitable subjectivity. Were all of your
    promotions at work based completely on merit? What about your co-workers?
    What about chicks that give out their phone numbers to cops to avoid
    speeding tickets? I'm not condoning it, it is a distasteful part of life
    (like bigotry). If you can think of a solution, let me know.

    As it is, the MGP field is comprised of 19 riders representing 8 different
    countries. Of those 19 riders, 4 are American, a number greater than the
    riders from those "black" countries you frequently slag. Of those four
    American riders, three are on the factory squads. Yeah Mark, you're right.
    Those "blacks" are really doing their best to trash "whitey" every chance
    they get.

    Your repair skills are on par with your teaching "Motorcycle riding 101"
    skills. Your revisionist skills, however, are quite remarkable.
    Carl Sundquist, May 2, 2007
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  3. So why didn't you stick to the discussion of overwhelming bias in this NG
    instead of making a poor "repair" of the analogy?

    I do not believe you. Among other denigrating names, you have referred to
    Hispanics as "spics" and Asians as "yellow". You make homophobic attacks and
    ad hominems. You have made clear your dislike of the "Euro-Med" system and
    how they twist and manipulate, whether it is turning a blind eye toward
    infractions or favoritism via the traditional feeder system and sponsor
    leveraging. Now you take those same types that you dislike and view as
    unfair players and label them as "black", just as you did in your paragraph
    below. Do you think you are fooling people?
    So how does it apply to Edwards?
    Then you shouldn't have rebutted an analogy you didn't understand. The
    parking preference is relevant as one within a set of examples showing that
    there is favoritism beyond the sporting world of MGP. Why should I have to
    explain that to you? Even discounting that particular example does not
    nullify the point.
    You claim that Woods (Rossi) has the best equipment money can buy. Support
    that statement. Your claim of it not being that literal is you backing away
    from your statement. Of course Rossi has gotten equipment better than the
    average GP rider. You believe that Hayden should be (but isn't) getting at
    least equal, if not better equipment than Pedrosa. I agree. But in either
    situation, Hayden is also getting better equipment than the average GP
    rider, so what's your point?

    IIRC, others such as Melandri complained about the dip by turn 7. But your
    comment "And Tiger gets input into the design of the courses, is the rough
    too tall, are the greens too short, are the traps too deep?" implies that
    Rossi is making wholesale changes to tracks everywhere.
    That has to do with the cost and economic fragility of flagship motorsports
    leagues and market value of riders. It's also why I don't like having the
    best AMA riders spread out over 4 different classes. Same problem.
    Not entirely true. Lesser talent can be masked somewhat by equipment that
    makes it easier and more manageable to ride.

    Hayden is unfortunate to have won in the season before a rule change having
    to do with a reduction in engine displacement. I'm not going to argue with
    you that his team has chosen to go with a design that is seems to be better
    suited to a smaller individual (where's Koscinski when you need him?). But
    that isn't really a deviation from the Honda philosophy of building from a
    long term view of what will work best within the rules and fitting the rider
    to those parameters. In other words, I think it's as much about Pedrosa (or
    Stoner, et.al.) being in the right place at the right time as I think it's
    about Hayden being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think that if
    Hayden was two years older and had entered GP two years sooner, there
    wouldn't be these discussions about lack of respect.

    How effective was he at taking points away from Hayden last year for his
    teammate? Isn't that just as much a reason to be on a race team as being a

    but is used by the Euros in this NG as both proof of the
    How do you defend against "yet once again Colin is fast on Monday"?

    What do you think his capabilities are at this point? Also, you are saying
    KRJr's path is a path Hayden shoud be worried about getting drawn down.

    And the last rides for a factory that's never been on
    A position he has chosen to straddle.
    Flip the coin around: which Americans are displaced in GP by undeserving

    Spies is at the top of my list (of everybody's list, I assume) of Americans
    to go into GP, but he has yet to show he really wants to be there and make
    the adjustment to cope with the global aspect of the series. You've gone on
    plenty of times about the advantages the Euros have in terms of track
    familiarization, among other things. If GP racing is Spies' eventual goal, I
    don't think he's done himself a favor by re-signing with Suzuki for another
    2 years in the US.
    We all have varying degrees by which we involve ourselves in the sport.
    Yours is obviously much greater than mine. That, however (especially in this
    unmoderated forum), does not mean I am disallowed from adding comments as I
    deem appropriate. YMMV.
    Carl Sundquist, May 2, 2007
  4. sweller

    sturd Guest

    An aside. Pop over to R.M.Dirt sometime. There are a number
    of outspoken jesus wackos and the tone of any political discussion
    is decidedly right wing and christian. Interesting contrast to R.M.R.

    Go fast. Take chances.
    Mike S.
    sturd, May 2, 2007
  5. sweller

    T3 Guest

    Yeah, politics and religion two of the stickiest wickets ever, so let's let
    'um go, in the meantime check this out..

    A man was riding his Harley along a California beach when suddenly the sky
    clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you
    have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."
    The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can
    ride over anytime I want."
    The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic, think of the enormous
    challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required to reach
    the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! It will
    nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me
    to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think
    of something that could possibly help mankind."
    The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, "Lord, I wish
    that I and all men could understand our wives; I want to know how she feels
    inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she
    cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a
    woman truly happy."

    The Lord replied, "You want two or four lanes on that bridge?
    T3, May 2, 2007
  6. sweller

    T3 Guest

    {BUULLLshit snip}
    Sorry to piss on your parade Reverend, but I'm fairly certain the Hayden's
    are Catholic...
    T3, May 2, 2007
  7. sweller

    T3 Guest

    Heh, a KenMed, or a EuroTuck?
    T3, May 2, 2007
  8. sweller

    T3 Guest

    Heh, I know a few Prody's that would, most likely, violently disagree, but
    you know what? I kinda' doubt anyone in RMR gives a shit, unless of course,
    being catholic makes him faster, or for that matter, slower...
    T3, May 2, 2007
  9. sweller

    j doll Guest

    Obviously you've never been to California (where Mark lives), you twit...
    They print ballots in over 30 languages. It's probably the most pluralistic
    society on the planet.
    j doll, May 4, 2007
  10. sweller

    T3 Guest

    And arguably, one of the most fuk'd up too... ;-)
    T3, May 4, 2007
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