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Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, May 8, 2008.

  1. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    English hasn't been your strong point, huh Squat?

    How many times do I have to say it here....I DON'T MIND THE PRICE OF

    Your little tirade doesn't phase me a bit. And besides, you can buy as
    much property in Mesquite as you'd like. I've already moved out from
    there to a much better place with a great house, plenty of land, and
    great riding roads. I'm not having to sit around and count my checks
    from the government like you do. I'm also not dependent on my time
    outside the country to make sure I keep a welfare check coming you do.

    You and your Canadian socialistic welfare counterparts don't do the
    United States any favors by your worthless existence. One case in
    point: We don't appreciate all the terrorists you worthless cowards
    can't seem to stop from entering your country and passing into ours.
    At least in Mexico, the Mexican government has NOT ONE time allowed a
    terrorist through their country. They have the guts to stop them at
    their borders to keep them from ours. But no, not a fucking coward
    like you sorry fucks are!

    Keep your socialistic welfare illegal allien bullshit up there where
    it belongs. Keep "talking" yourselves to death. Maybe Obama will be
    elected and get tired of you bunch of sorry welfare bastards and take
    over your government like Bush did for Iraq. With the gutless shit up
    in your part of the world, you'll probably just give it all up....

    And I'm "truly sure" you're well off. With the socialistic handouts
    Canada is famous for along with the amount of socialistic employment
    and the staggering unemployment, you must be the single only one
    person who doesn't take advantage of this....what do you think the
    odds are, Squat?
    Brian Walker, May 14, 2008
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  2. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    And if you notice, we STILL haven't received answers to all these
    profound insights from Timbo about the oil markets....
    Brian Walker, May 14, 2008
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  3. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    That's just got you stamping your tiny foot in frustration, doesn't

    tomorrow, May 14, 2008
  4. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nope not at all. I could care less.

    You don't know anything about a subject, so you pop in here to
    "correct" others....then have no way to justify your opinions.

    Then the best you can come up with is the hope it offends someone or
    frustrates them. You're just par. I already knew you didn't know what
    you were popping off about, but that didn't seem to stop you.

    At least when I say I'm satisfied about the prices of gas, I know why
    and can articulate it. With you, you can't quantify anything you've
    Brian Walker, May 14, 2008
  5. louie

    Calgary Guest

    On Tue, 13 May 2008 04:59:28 GMT, "Wakko" <wakko dot
    Give me caffeine on a stick and I am happy. I can't even speak the
    Starbucks language.

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, May 14, 2008
  6. louie

    Calgary Guest

    Geez Brian I didn't mean to make you cry.

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, May 14, 2008
  7. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    You honestly can't seem to read English, can you Squat? Am I being too
    Brian Walker, May 14, 2008
  8. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Brian, when you go off on one of your rage filled diatribes, I am
    amused. When you string together ten paragraphs of unrelated,
    nonsensical observations to "prove" that you are right, I laugh out
    loud. When you and BJay are convinced of the rectitude of your
    arguments, I'm convinced.... I'm just not convinced that you boys are
    right, that's all. However, none of what you've written has EVER
    motivated me to actually quantify anything to or for you for any
    reason at all. George Bernard Shaw said it as well as can be said.
    Google pig wrestling.
    tomorrow, May 14, 2008
  9. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ----------MrJayT to MorrowMan"
    ''Tim you are a hoot. Thanks for your contributions these past few days,
    to the TxMoto ratings.    MJT

    Say MrJayT:
    <modesty>   Aw, shucks. I just do what little I can.... </modesty>

    ============Tim, dont cut your self short, little buddy. You did a lot.
    Your responses on this thread line, meant a lot to us over here.

    We needed the boost in the ratings regardless of -how- your nickels
    worth of ''1/2 ass, ''far right, ''ignorant,and unFactual (although
    entertaining) opinions, -registered- with this elite group of such
    respectful, and outstandingly intelligent group of Texas gentlemen, who
    frequent this unusually popular discussion forum, all........ 10 of us.

    Thank you Mr. Tim Morrow,the guber'ollogist from Reekyville, and the
    great state of Virginia.
    Mr. JayT, May 14, 2008
  10. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ----TimMorrow, the guber'ologist said:
    ''Brian,George Bernard Shaw said it as well as can be said. Google pig

    =======Tim, little buddy. the word ''google, wasnt even'' a word in
    Shaws day and times. Laffatcha---MrJayT-
    Mr. JayT, May 14, 2008
  11. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Geez Bjay, I think you're starting to warm up to Timbo and be friends
    with him.....
    Brian Walker, May 14, 2008
  12. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yup, I agree...having a debate with you would be like pig wrestling.
    I'm just not willing to wrestle you, Mr Pig. I just don't mind
    pointing out when you're in the pen shitting on yourself hoping
    someone will come along to wrestle you.

    The problem as I see it, you just don't understand the difference.
    Brian Walker, May 14, 2008
  13. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Beej Your joshin me write?
    tomorrow, May 14, 2008
  14. louie

    bj_kana Guest

    ==========Poor ol' Calgary, he typed so much crap, he started
    reapeating his big canuck self. It didnt make a lick of sense.
    <LOL> MrJayT=
    bj_kana, May 14, 2008
  15. louie

    bj_kana Guest

    ===============unhuh, ''Tim you aint as dumb''as you look. I'm
    m'pressed with ya, little buddy. Oh yeah, question here? I said I
    was old enough to be your cousin, was I close? I was just guessing
    so, was I close? I have no ideer how old you are. Just wondering, you
    never responded........MrJaYt
    bj_kana, May 14, 2008
  16. louie

    lonestarlvn Guest

    ----------MrJayT to MorrowMan"
    ''Tim you are a hoot. Thanks for your contributions these past few days,
    to the TxMoto ratings. MJT

    Say MrJayT:
    <modesty> Aw, shucks. I just do what little I can.... </modesty>

    ============Tim, dont cut your self short, little buddy. You did a lot.
    Your responses on this thread line, meant a lot to us over here.

    We needed the boost in the ratings regardless of -how- your nickels
    worth of ''1/2 ass, ''far right, ''ignorant,and unFactual (although
    entertaining) opinions, -registered- with this elite group of such
    respectful, and outstandingly intelligent group of Texas gentlemen, who
    frequent this unusually popular discussion forum, all........ 10 of us.

    Thank you Mr. Tim Morrow,the guber'ollogist from Reekyville, and the
    great state of Virginia.

    Oh, did you mention Virginia? Hillary whipped some ass in Virginia
    yesterday. LOL

    lonestarlvn, May 15, 2008
  17. louie

    lonestarlvn Guest

    Beej Your joshin me write?

    Oh shit! You don't have the brains to even be funny trying to talk like a
    Redneck! LOL You need some learnin' boy!!!!
    lonestarlvn, May 15, 2008
  18. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Don't expect a response from him on this either. Remember, he was a
    CIA secret agent operative....very hush hush Homeland Security

    He got a mortgage during the Carter presidency. He filled up his first
    car when gas was .12 cents a gallon.

    I figure he's got to be the only 92 year old riding the super circuit
    of sport bike riding in the chase for Rossi's title for most wins in a
    Brian Walker, May 15, 2008
  19. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Yes, Beej, you are old enough to be my cousin!
    tomorrow, May 15, 2008
  20. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Huh. Imagine that. I guess we can forget that whole little fracas
    back in the 1860's then, Mr. LSL?
    tomorrow, May 15, 2008
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