Walmart reports

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, May 8, 2008.

  1. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    the ''actual rider'' from Canada, known as ''Calgary'', with
    rancor, offers this nonsense (mainly to Jerry) ‘‘Another rebuttal
    full of facts!
    Gentlemen, hide your heads in the sand if you choose, but that will not
    allow you to hide from a new global economy.
    Suck it up Princess and get used to it.’’

    =========Hey Jerry, dang, I do believe that Calgary doesnt know Jack
    Shit either.
    It would do him good, to ''ride all the way down to Texas'' just to meet
    Jack Shit.
    Because Mr Calgary's wrangleness above is total Texas Bull Shit. what
    does a feller from Canada know.....yeHa......<g> MrJayT-
    Mr. JayT, May 12, 2008
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  2. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    group.   Every time I ride my bike instead of driving my truck, that
    is a choice. I save over 50% of my truck's fuel cost and fuel usage by
    riding my bike. So people have the choce of choosing a bike.  ’’

    ========I'm ''gald'' you brought that up. It royally pissed me off
    saturday, when filling up my motorcyclke. Hot damn, it use to cost about
    $8.00 (not too long ago, in fact), but on our Saturdays ride, each time
    it cost better about $16.00. Damn, I remember when riding the bike was
    ''2Morrow'', tell Moms out there''carting their kids' here and there to
    take care of school bizznes, your ignorant ideas of: ''do not drive
    unnecessarilly, ride a bicycle, walk or just stay home''.

    Those same Moms can cut down on a lot of things, but not
    is just not possible (for the most part, even though there are some,
    some exceptions, not many though)
    If you know some Soccer Moms in your church, make a point to tell 'um
    bright ideas.'' ya hear? MrJayT-
    Mr. JayT, May 12, 2008
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  3. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Calgary, among a lotta other stuff said this to Brian'' ‘‘Now
    don't be giving me that tired old line, it is an essential product. If
    you want that designation, then be prepared for rationing too. You will
    be able to buy it cheap, but you will only get what you absolutely

    ===========Calgary, are you practicing the same philosophy at home? such
    changing to the new conception energy saving ''light bulbs'', turning
    off the computer, when not in use: keeping the AC at a moderate,even to
    less comfortable setting: exchanging gas'using small engines to electric
    small engines;
    not watering the lawn as much: careful use of water level, and water
    temperatures in the washing machines; hanging wet clothes out on the
    lines, when possible: eating more fruit and veggies for health purposes,
    in order to stay out of the hospitals: and lastly ''flossing''. <g>
    Mr. JayT, May 12, 2008
  4. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Actually, the soccer moms here at work are talking about gettting rid
    of their SUVs and getting fuel efficient fwd station wagons. Who
    woulda thunk it???
    tomorrow, May 12, 2008
  5. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    to your ''ounce of effort economy theory opinion..
    I say---Not hardly, my man, atleaast I can speak for my self, and my


    ========OF course. Like,the high Gas prices, my friend. Yep,the high gas
    prices, has cause recession in my budget. If you leave your home, and
    your not walking, Louie, then your personal economy is somewhat
    re' I wrong. MrJayT-
    Mr. JayT, May 12, 2008
  6. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Beej tells morrowMan: ''If you know some Soccer Moms in your
    church, make a point to tell 'um your''
    bright ideas.'' ya hear?     MrJayT-

    MorrowMan responds:eek:f their SUVs and getting fuel efficient fwd station wagons.   Who
    woulda thunk it???

    ====around here, might near every family with school children, has
    gotten rid of those, that aint nothing new. I'm talking about you
    offering them your own bright ideas, the ones you been ''spinning'' on
    this little texas forum.....little buddy.
    Mr. JayT, May 12, 2008
  7. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Oh, it's just about all me and the soccer moms talk about 'round the
    water cooler, Jeeb. Heck, they are now askin' fer details on what
    kinda bicycle to buy!
    tomorrow, May 12, 2008
  8. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    Yep. Yer wrong. Folks I know are taking a proactive approach to the
    fact that domestic energy costs are finally starting to line up with
    worldwide norms. They're dusting off those scooters they bought last
    time around, leaving the Suburban at home and taking the Cavalier,
    combining trips, carpooling, changing their work schedules to 5-4-9
    pay periods and 4-10 weeks, looking at diesel engines for their *next*
    car, and all kinds of things that save energy and let them continue to
    live the lifestyle they're accustomed to.

    Of course, they're not much for whining and being crybabies and
    pointing fingers. They just suck it up and get on with their lives!
    tomorrow, May 12, 2008
  9. louie

    louie Guest

    am I wrong. MrJayT-

    louie, May 13, 2008
  10. louie

    Calgary Guest

    On Mon, 12 May 2008 14:03:11 GMT, "Wakko" <wakko dot
    Tell ya what, I'll mail you some Tim Horton's coffee, but you might
    like it so much you'd have to ride up here a few times a year to

    And when you do, I'll buy the beer!

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, May 13, 2008
  11. louie

    Ed Hart Guest

    Send me some.
    Ed Hart, May 13, 2008
  12. louie

    Calgary Guest

    Email me your address.

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, May 13, 2008
  13. louie

    Wakko Guest

    Absolutely. But don't send coffee. Send some cheap oil!
    Wakko, May 13, 2008
  14. louie

    Wakko Guest

    And I really didn't care for Tim Horton's coffee (although they make great
    I've had Tim Horton's from Chilliwack to Prince Edward Island, mainly
    because it's the only coffee around. Cappuccinos were hard to find. I
    believe Tim Horton's sells instant cappuccinos.
    Cappuccinos should only come from a barista. I can only just tolerate the
    Wakko, May 13, 2008
  15. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    How about coffee that tastes like cheap oil?
    tomorrow, May 13, 2008
  16. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    morrowMan wrote.......beej, ''Oh, it's just about all me and the
    soccer moms talk about 'round the water cooler, Jeeb.   Heck, they are
    now askin' fer details on what kinda bicycle to buy!'''Timbo2-

    =========yep, you got all the answers, I hope they can handle the TM
    Mr. JayT, May 13, 2008
  17. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    MorrowMan chimes in: ''ya'll,How about coffee that tastes like cheap
    oil? Timbo2-

    ===========shoot, that's how welike it around here,that's the taste of
    real Texas Cowboy coffee. MrjayT=
    Mr. JayT, May 13, 2008
  18. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    They're mesmerized by the TM spins. Just like you!

    tomorrow, May 13, 2008
  19. louie

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Morrow-Man tells beej: '' They're (my local soccer moms at
    church)....mesmerized by the TM spins.   Just like you!

    ======as BillWalker would 'insert'' about now..........LMA0. Tim you
    are a hoot. Thanks for your contributions these past few days, to the
    TxMoto ratings. MJT
    Mr. JayT, May 13, 2008
  20. louie

    tomorrow Guest

    <modesty> Aw, shucks. I just do what little I can.... </modesty>
    tomorrow, May 14, 2008
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