Waco is in Nova Scotia

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Waco Glen Rocks.. He called me this morning.. After a few minutes of "how
    are you's", etc. He told me he is on a ferry somewhere on a channel near
    Nova Scotia..

    Asking about his trip and the countryside up there (I never been in that
    part of our world) Waco commented about how many of the people he's come in
    contact with, are from our own part of the country..There weren't too many
    bikers, but a few ..

    I sure was glad to hear from my old friend and commented that we'd all be
    happy to hear that he makes it back.. safe..

    Waco will be back in the metroplex by Sunday, if he isn't delayed for some

    Talk about "living the dream".. Waco Glen is a legend in his own time.. The
    man is definitely "living the dream"..I'm fortunate to be his friend and
    that he is willing to share that dream with all of us.. Hat's off to Waco
    Glen.. you've earned the respect and admiration from all of us on

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 22, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Jeez. If I knew one phone call would impress Bill, I would have called him
    from the Northwest Territories. The cell phone coverage there sucks, tho.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, Bill! *You*, sir, rock. All I did was
    park my ass on a bike for a week.
    Wakko, Sep 27, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Be that as it may... There were sure a lot of people in Texas, that were
    pulling for you, all the way..I'm proud to consider myself, one of your many
    friends.. We'll all be "bragging" about our OWN Waco Glenn, for a long, long
    time.. Damn.. sure wish I hadn't got so freakin' old so freakin' fast..

    When you do get a chance to slow down a bit and take the time, we've still
    got a run down into Mexico.. Rest up a bit and I'll see you later..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 27, 2004
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