Waco Bombs

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by X98, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. X98

    X98 Guest

    In the name of the Faaip de Oiad

    Monday, October 27, 2003

    Waco Bombs

    Over the last three weeks McLennan Community College was bombed
    numerous times. Fortunately the bombs were not physical... this time.
    Apparently, a bomb threat was called in to the campus on October 8,
    2003 at about 2:00 p.m. By 2:30 p.m., under the supervision of MCC
    Police Chief Larry Radke, and in accordance with the MCC Crisis
    Management Plan, the bomb threat was announced and an orderly
    evacuation was carried out to ensure the safety of all staff and
    students. The crisis was managed through the use of bomb-sniffing
    dogs from a Fort Hood bomb squad and a private security contractor.

    During subsequent investigation, conflicting information has been
    received from Faculty, Staff, and from within Secondary and Core
    members of the Crisis Management Team. Concerning the number of bomb
    threats, Kim Patterson, Director of Community Relations and Marketing,
    initially stated that there had been three bomb threats. However,
    upon being confronted with reports of "upwards of fifteen threats,"
    and Chief Radke's confirmation of "definitely more than three, but not
    as many as fifteen" threats, she admitted that her first report was

    Questions have also been raised concerning the use of military
    personnel in a civil police action. The use of such personnel in civil
    affairs is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1877. Both Mrs.
    Patterson and Chief Radke confirmed that a violation did in fact
    occur; nevertheless, they insisted the violation was justified because
    the BATF and the FBI in this area did not possess bomb-sniffing dog

    The proposed changes in current Crisis Management Policy have been
    met with strong resistance from both the faculty and student bodies.
    The suggested changes, which have been in effect since the second bomb
    threat on October 9th, require that during bomb threats, faculty
    police their own areas in search of the suspected bombs. Not
    surprisingly, many eyebrows have been raised because the proposed
    policy changes demand that students be denied notification in the
    event of a bomb threat. These policy changes have been confirmed by
    Chief Radke. While some faculty members deny having any knowledge of
    these changes, others are determined to resist them. For instance,
    Dr. Kimberly Roppolo has publicly stated: "The faculty is just as
    concerned about how this is being handled as the students are... A lot
    of us don't want to end up being professional bomb detectors. That's
    not what we signed up to do. We're not qualified to do it. We want
    to be safe. We want our students to be safe. We also want the policy
    that has been agreed upon by the institution to be followed in
    regards to these bomb threats."

    A sound file of Dr. Roppolo's comments should be available shortly at

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

    *The Waco Uncensored Crew*
    X98, Oct 28, 2003
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  2. X98

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wasn't that the dude who was pimping for Angel Faye on 7th and

    WHO FREAKIN' CARES ABOUT WACO? (not the guy...the place)

    You don't even ride a motorcycle! You don't mention a motorcycle!

    Go the f*ck away!

    Your little world is simply contained in what's in some little
    jerk-off nothing of a town. Can you strain your little self into
    expanding that pea shaped brain of yours into seeing a much larger
    picture? Who REALLY gives a rat's ass about your little bomb threat?

    You're an anonymous JOKE!
    Brian Walker, Oct 28, 2003
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  3. X98

    Waco Guest

    I've had that guy killfiled so long I forgot all about him.
    Waco, Oct 28, 2003
  4. X98

    Brian Walker Guest

    SHIT! Sorry, didn't mean to bring him back into the fore-front

    All it was was more of his babbling crap about world-wide affairs
    originating in Waco and he's also pumping (or pimping) Ollie "God of

    When he associated the Masonic Lodge with the "root of all evil",
    that's when I stopped. I guess the dumbass forgot about all the good
    things the Masonic fraternity has done for society. The thought that
    some ass-wipe would praise David Koresh (sp?) and talk about how evil
    the Masonic Lodge is...I don't recall David Koresh (sp?) ever helping
    a single person who he didn't know. Screw him! Right, wrong or
    indifferent...when the ATF comes to your home to serve a warrant, you
    don't slam the door on them and grab automatic weapons shooting
    through walls. On day one of that stand off, I was saying "they should
    take a tank over there and tear through the compound".

    I hope "Agent X98" is reading this too...'cause it's all for his
    benefit! Then again, he's too chicken shit to "debate" someone on

    Has anyone read up on Michael Moore's site? It seems he's taking quite
    a beating (or at least the right wing gun knuts are thinking so) from
    false-hoods in the press and so-called critics.


    Good reading!
    Brian Walker, Oct 28, 2003
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