for it's world rat day!! yes I know, there's a fucking day for everything lately, My 4 rats are tucking into a bowl of curly kale, mixed fruit, yoggie drops, grated cheese and chunks of spam with some coleslaw as a dressing, and they are loving it, might bake them some emp biscuits later on. I know I'm going to receive a barrage of abuse about how all rats are disgusting, but fuck it, my PET rats are cleaner, nicer and more intelligent than some people I know, and anyone who's had one as a pet will know they are as loyal as a dog and very entertaining animals. If I hadn't sold the car yesterday I'd have taken them to the brum rat show to see if they could collect some more awards, don't think I could handle all 4 of them on the bike (I know someone who used to ride their bike with their rat sitting inside their jacket, as soon as the engine stopped he'd pop out and sit on their shoulder, bet that'd shit a copper up who pulled you over :)