Waaaay OT, hug a rat today......

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by gazz, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. gazz

    gazz Guest

    for it's world rat day!!

    yes I know, there's a fucking day for everything lately,

    My 4 rats are tucking into a bowl of curly kale, mixed fruit, yoggie drops,
    grated cheese and chunks of spam with some coleslaw as a dressing, and they
    are loving it, might bake them some emp biscuits later on.

    I know I'm going to receive a barrage of abuse about how all rats are
    disgusting, but **** it, my PET rats are cleaner, nicer and more intelligent
    than some people I know, and anyone who's had one as a pet will know they
    are as loyal as a dog and very entertaining animals.

    If I hadn't sold the car yesterday I'd have taken them to the brum rat show
    to see if they could collect some more awards, don't think I could handle
    all 4 of them on the bike (I know someone who used to ride their bike with
    their rat sitting inside their jacket, as soon as the engine stopped he'd
    pop out and sit on their shoulder, bet that'd shit a copper up who pulled
    you over :)
    gazz, Apr 4, 2009
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  2. gazz

    Nige Guest

    I quite like rats, very intelligent fuckers. But they have teeth, so they
    can **** off. I like my daughters rabbits, but they have big teeth...



    Honda VTR1000 SOLD!
    BMW K1200S
    Range Rover Vogue
    Aprilia RSV Mille
    Nige, Apr 4, 2009
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  3. Four words that conjure up a while new world of horror and tedium.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 4, 2009
  4. gazz

    Timo Geusch Guest

    So boring the rats are trying to gnaw their way out?
    Timo Geusch, Apr 4, 2009
  5. Hmm, better give ours something other than left over Dominos today then.
    mike. buckley, Apr 4, 2009
  6. gazz

    Beav Guest

    Do you need a midget nuclear explosion for that?
    Yeah, but that could be true of a pile of shite too. I know some people
    thicker and muckier than a BIG pile of shite.
    But they don't come upstairs with a piece of dead animal in their mouth,
    wake you up and offeri it as a gift, now do they?
    I bet it'd shit up half the population too.
    Ooooo, veeery interettink.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Apr 4, 2009
  7. gazz

    ginge Guest

    Add some chilli sauce, it'll be fine.
    ginge, Apr 4, 2009
  8. gazz

    gazz Guest

    they have teeth, but unless you hurt them, they dont use them on humans,
    never been bitten by a pet rat, hamsters, rabits, gerbils tho, those fuckers
    bite first and... well they dont think, so they bite again.
    gazz, Apr 4, 2009
  9. gazz

    ogden Guest

    I was never bitten once in the two and a half years we had our old

    This new one, mind, has already had a pop once and we've only had the
    deranged little fucker five days.
    ogden, Apr 4, 2009
  10. gazz

    Nige Guest

    I once got bit on the nose by Hammy, my pet Hamster. I got too close to the
    bars & whop!



    Honda VTR1000 SOLD!
    BMW K1200S
    Range Rover Vogue
    Aprilia RSV Mille
    Nige, Apr 4, 2009
  11. gazz

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    Show it the sesame seed bun, processed cheese and relish.
    Alex Ferrier, Apr 4, 2009
  12. gazz

    ogden Guest

    He was the most mental one in the shop. Even if he's a nippy little sod
    he should still have better entertainment value than the fat lazy fucker
    we had before.
    ogden, Apr 4, 2009
  13. What did I tell you? <G>
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 4, 2009
  14. gazz

    Eddie Guest

    < snip >

    The last rat I saw had "had a bang on the head, you know".
    Eddie, Apr 4, 2009
  15. The only thing they won't eat is garlic (so far), and we've stopped
    giving them uncooked tomatos as it gave them some kind of fit, and not
    in a funny way.

    They don't mind spicy food, and have the sense to head straight for the
    water bottle after a jalapeno.
    mike. buckley, Apr 4, 2009
  16. gazz

    gazz Guest

    our lot love the remains of curries when we have them, one of em loves
    marmite, but you should see the face the one that hates it pulled when she
    sampled it :)
    they all love drinking neat vinegar puddles from our fish and chips.

    garlic is supposed to be very good for them, i gave mine a clove of it once,
    and they pushed it out through the bars of the cage.

    the only thing i dont give my rats is orange, as it causes cancer in the
    males (well, in lab rats anyway, not gonna risk it with pets)
    but we can almost guarentee if the dog wont touch it, the rats will, who
    needs one of those fancy waste disposal units.
    gazz, Apr 4, 2009
  17. gazz

    Beav Guest

    I walloped a rat with a **** off big shovel once (should've been twice I
    suppose) and the bastard thing *still* wasn't damaged enough to slow him


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Apr 5, 2009
  18. gazz

    Eddie Guest

    This one had definitely stopped.

    Mind, it was an athletic little bastard when it was alive. I'm amazed
    how far rats can jump.
    Eddie, Apr 5, 2009
  19. gazz

    dog Guest

    an unusual and interesting name.
    dog, Apr 6, 2009
  20. The only thing I've ever been bitten by was a cat. The tortie we had
    when I was a kid - would go from 'purring puddle' to 'psycho 10-knives'
    in about 1/2 a second.

    Phil Launchbury, Apr 6, 2009
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