Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ash, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. Ash

    Ash Guest

    Anyone know of some good quality noise cancelling VOX headsets for use
    inside a full face helmet to use with walkie talkies (the ones with both a
    2.5 and a 3.5mm input).

    Ash, Jan 24, 2005
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  2. http://www.autocom.co.uk/ ?
    genuine_froggie, Jan 24, 2005
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  3. Ash

    MikeH Guest

    Mine came with my chatterbox intercoms.
    Probably available somewhere [1] on the internet.

    [1] Left as an exercise for the reader.
    MikeH, Jan 24, 2005
  4. Ash

    buxtonmick Guest


    I'd be interested in your opinion of the Chatterbox system, if you'd be so

    Cheers, Mick.
    buxtonmick, Jan 24, 2005
  5. Ash

    Sean Guest

    I use a maplins headset on my flip front. Earpiece with bendy boom mike,
    which works well up to about 55mph and is apparently OK at 70mph[1].

    For the full face, I use one of the Maplin 'bike mikes' which I've
    semi-permanantely fitted. These should be PTT, but I shorted the switch out
    to use as vox. This works very well at 70mph[1]

    The Maplin 'bike mike' has been subject to a few threads on here recently.
    I'm considering the open face lid version for use with the flip front when
    the boom mike finally succumbs.


    [1]Based on asking pupils what they thought of the day they've had,
    facilities, bikes, instruction and communication etc.
    Sean, Jan 24, 2005
  6. Ash

    Ovenpaa Guest

    IMHO Cheap as chips and works (eBay GBP12.99) not ideal at high speeds,
    but who cares?

    Ovenpaa, Jan 24, 2005
  7. Ash

    MikeH Guest

    Works as well as I expected - I didn't pay Autocom prices so I didn't
    expect Autocom quality. There are probably systems which allow you to
    listen to CD-quality music as well as chat at two miles range, but
    that's not what I need. We can communicate well out of sight (assuming
    fully harged batteries) once we get it set up.

    Setting up needs doing every trip. The VOX can be a pain to set
    correctly due to large stick-out adjuster knobs (oo-er missus) which
    catch on things, and the shape makes it hard to get in a pocket.
    This may be different in current models.
    No - still the same shape.

    SOs helmet appears to generate wind noise directly to the mic whereas
    mine doesn't. We find it best to turn the sensitivity down a bit and
    talk louder - it's like talking in a pub, not your living room if that
    gives a better idea of what I mean.

    Range is good as long as the batteries are charged - a nine-hour ride to
    North Wales ended up with line-of-sight range only. That is OK as by the
    end of nine hours we were at the "not speaking due to differences in
    opinion over directions" stage anyway.

    One big advantage (and other parents of nine year olds may not believe
    this is an advantage) is that two riders and pillion sprogs can talk to
    each other. I am working on an 'are we there yet' in-line filter.

    MikeH, Jan 25, 2005
  8. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember MikeH
    RF breakthrough is probably quite entertaining for the drivers of cars
    you pass.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 25, 2005
  9. Ash

    MikeH Guest

    When I was instructing we used to occasionally pick up wireless baby
    alarms/intercoms from houses we passed.
    I often wondered if the parents heard a blokes voice coming out of the
    babys room saying "I'd like to stop when its safe to do so" or "Take the
    next left turn".
    MikeH, Jan 26, 2005
  10. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember MikeH
    "You fooking blind ****!"



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 26, 2005
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