I wrote & run MotorCycleRiderDataBase.com ([URL="http://www.mcrdb.com"]www.mcrdb.com[/URL]) Funny... 2 separate guys joined that each had 3 running 1975-79 Goldwings. Vintage GL lovers. I emailed them both and asked if they knew each other. They're roomates. Between them they have 7 1975-78 GL's! My first was a 1978. I have NO good photos of it (maybe in a box somewhere). One of the guys sent me a decent photo of my first (78, 83, 96, 02) Wing. Compete with Vetter Windjammer III fairing! The guys: [URL]http://www.mcrdb.com/detail.php?rider_info_id=401[/URL] [URL]http://www.mcrdb.com/detail.php?rider_info_id=544[/URL]