Vintage GoldWing.... (75-78)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mike in Dallas, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. I wrote & run (

    Funny... 2 separate guys joined that each had 3 running 1975-79
    Goldwings. Vintage GL lovers. I emailed them both and asked if they knew
    each other. They're roomates. Between them they have 7 1975-78 GL's! My
    first was a 1978. I have NO good photos of it (maybe in a box
    somewhere). One of the guys sent me a decent photo of my first (78, 83,
    96, 02) Wing. Compete with Vetter Windjammer III fairing!

    The guys:
    Mike in Dallas, Oct 5, 2006
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  2. Mike in Dallas

    BJayKana Guest

    My first one was a '75 GL1000, Candy Apple Red. It was a crusier, now
    that I look back on it.Cause it had absolutly nothing on it.
    I put on one of those fairly tall Sissy Bars, and a regular, not too
    big, clear WindShield.~ Oh yeah, I changed the Handle Bars, that's it.
    ~We rode all over the south west, and up in Tenn, Kentucky, over to
    Florida, and I didnt even have Saddle Bags, (I look back and wonder why
    the hell I didnt put bags on the darn thaing?) I've got lots of photos.
    In those days we leaned back on our sleeping bags crusing along! And
    camped out every dogGone night, and it was so much Fun.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Oct 5, 2006
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  3. after chatting with them.... they're members of:

    Found a few pics of black 78 Wings with Vetter Windjammer III fairing
    like I had.
    Mike in Dallas, Oct 5, 2006
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