VIN Numbers And Year of Manufacture??????????

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Bally Tim, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. Bally Tim

    Bally Tim Guest

    Hi Guys,

    Anyone know where to look up VINs for bikes earlier than 1980?

    Also, how early the previous year would a bike be built then sold as
    the next years model?

    For example, I have a Yamaha DT250 titled as a '76, yet it was
    manufactured in March of '75.

    I know the new bikes come out late Summer early Fall for the next
    year, so if the frame sticker says manufactured in '75, could it be a
    '76 bike?

    Bally Tim, Jun 12, 2008
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  2. Bally Tim

    paul c Guest

    I think it's quite common, maybe even typical, for at least a frame or
    engine number to be stamped nearly a year earlier than the model year.
    Don't know whether assembly date matters or whether it's all just a
    matter of the manufacturer's book-keeping and reportiing to the various
    national authorities. Regarding look-ups, web searching often turns
    up manufacturer-specific sites where interested fans have posted their
    own vin research.
    paul c, Jun 12, 2008
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  3. Bally Tim

    MadDogR75 Guest

    On the frame near the steering head.
    MadDogR75, Jun 14, 2008
  4. Bally Tim

    Hank Guest

    It was fairly common (in north america anyways) in the early to mid 70's for
    Yamaha and Suzuki especially to sell bikes 1 or more yrs after they were
    manufactured and title them for the current year. (No leftovers that way) .
    That is why you always need the serial # to get correct parts for these
    bikes. I know, I used to sell the parts. Honda and HD also should bring ser
    # because of mid yr changes in design. I believe European bikes have had
    fairly liberal interpretations of "model yr" when titling as well but I have
    no direct experience with them. Like cars, motorcycles are commonly produced
    beginning in august of the yr before the model yr.

    A coworker recently bought a 2000 something Yamaha whose NY State title was
    wrong by a year from the day it was first registered so it still happens,
    albeit a LOT less.
    Hank, Jun 15, 2008
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