Victorian Motorcycle Learners and License Tests

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Meatpopsicle, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. Meatpopsicle

    Meatpopsicle Guest

    Hi All,

    I recently, just yesterday, got my Victorian motorcycle license and
    thought it would be useful to list the practical riding tests that I
    went thru. I could not find many references on the net to the exact
    tests that where required, just comments about how easy they were, so
    here it is. I did the learners test in October 2004 and the license
    test in March 2005, both at Armstrongs in Thomastown, Victoria.

    A. Learners Permit
    1. Full stop within a ~60cm x ~60cm coloured box. Can be done at any
    speed as long as your front wheel is in the box.
    2. Slow ride thru a ~15m long and 60cm wide box. Must take longer than
    10 seconds. Start from a stand still and stop at the end.
    3. Signal and turn left within a ~60 cm wide ~6m long 90 degree lane
    4. Signal and turn right within a ~60 cm wide ~6m long 90 degree lane
    5. Emergency stop from 25km/h with a signal from instructor. Must stop
    within 11 meters.

    - Can not stall during the extire test.
    - All test are pass fail, there is no score.

    B. Licence Test
    1. Emergency action consisting of either a left swerve, right swerve
    or emergency stop. A set of lights to indicate the action required
    which is random to the rider. 4 runs to be performed at the lights and
    approach speed must be ~25km/h. Test is scored depending on how
    quickly you can stop (less distance is better) and how wide you can
    swerve (wide is better). Your hands must not cover the controls.
    2. Ride thru (once left and once right) a ~1m wide and ~8m long ~120
    degree lane. Much like the learners, but the curve is not at sharp and
    the lane is wider. Done from a standing start with ~15m approach.
    Score is based on "how fast you can safely ride thru" the lane. The
    description is a bit vague, but if you do it at ~25km/h like I did,
    you will get 3 points each direction. Touching the line will score 8
    points, too slow will score 8 points. I assume it is timed thru two

    - Can not drop the bike during the entire test, instant fail.
    - If you do the incorrect emergency action, you get 8 points.
    - If you ride too slow up to the emergency action, you get to try
    again, but you only get two re-attempts.
    - Total score must be less than 40. (I got 24)

    Now some tips.
    A1. Approach as slow as you can and don't jam on the brakes.
    A2. Move off and use the clutch and rear brake to adjust your speed.
    Look up and not at your front tyre. Keep the engine revs up.
    A3. Remember to turn off your signal
    A4. As above
    A5. Approach at 25km/h. There is no use in going faster as it is not
    speed based.
    B1. Approach at 25km/h. Wait for the light, do no pre-empt it. Do no
    try and swerve beyond your limits since it is score based. 4 runs at 3
    points each is better than dropping the bike.
    B2. Lean the bike and avoid the lines at all cost.

    There are written tests as well that I have not listed here, but if
    you read the VicRoads book, you will be fine.

    Hope that has been helpful

    Meatpopsicle, Mar 29, 2005
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  2. Meatpopsicle

    Col Guest

    wow, that was recent ;^)

    Col, Mar 29, 2005
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  3. Meatpopsicle

    GB Guest

    (Meatpopsicle) wrote in
    And I suppose that there'll always be one smartarse who makes it
    take half an hour!

    GB, not me - I'm way too wobbly for that!
    GB, Mar 29, 2005
  4. Meatpopsicle

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    At a rally a few years ago some dude on an R69S entered the slow race
    against a whole bunch of trail and trial bikes. Flag dropped and off they
    went. The dude on the BM hadn't moved forward an inch when the rest got to
    the other end or put their feet down. Impressive.
    Me too.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 30, 2005
  5. Meatpopsicle

    FruitLoop Guest

    I used to put the throttle arm behind my back and just use idle engine revs
    and the clutch action to ride as slow as possible to get the slowest time
    one handed . I think I got approx 38 secs however the guy at MM stated that
    people had taken a minute.I reckon on the right bike and a little practice
    thats possible especially on a trials bike .
    FruitLoop, Mar 30, 2005
  6. Meatpopsicle

    sanbar Guest

    You forgot to add "Do your test on a motor scooter 'stead the CB250 and
    pass the riding test first time every time".
    Was embarrassing when I did mine, as they gave me a little Honda 80 and
    my knees kept interfering with the handlebars on the turns. I had to do
    Nurburgring knee-scrapers just to get around the wee corners at speed.
    - sanbar
    sanbar, Mar 30, 2005
  7. Meatpopsicle

    Nev.. Guest

    Maybe for the licence test... When I did my learners permit test the only
    person who failed out of the group was on a scooter. It couldn't go slow
    enough for the slow ride test... no clutch to slip.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Mar 30, 2005
  8. Hello, Nev..!
    You wrote on Wed, 30 Mar 2005 19:55:01 +1000:

    N> Maybe for the licence test... When I did my learners permit test the
    N> only person who failed out of the group was on a scooter. It couldn't
    N> go slow enough for the slow ride test... no clutch to slip.

    That's gotta suck unless the guy/gal was a total cluster. Never ridden one, but surely they have to make allowances for non-clutch bikes?
    Farque Khantz, Mar 30, 2005
  9. Meatpopsicle

    Nev.. Guest

    If you choose to make the test more difficult for yourself, that is your own
    fault. This person did all of the training on the RTA bikes but decided to
    sit the test on her own scooter which her husband had trailered in for her.
    She thought it would be more practical to pass the test on the bike which she
    would be riding. Gotta love irony.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Mar 31, 2005
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