VFR750F-T swing arm bearing removal - easy?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by usenet, May 21, 2004.

  1. usenet

    usenet Guest

    I need to replace the swing arm bearing(s) on my VFR750F-T, according
    to Haynes it sounds quite simple. Now I know Haynes can be misleading
    (it insisted that the centre stand had to come off to replace the
    exhaust, quite untrue) so I thought I'd ask here if anyone has done

    According to Haynes you basically get the bike on stands such that the
    rear wheel is just resting on the ground and then you can remove the
    bearings. I've had the bike suspended like this before, it's quite
    simple to set up a couple of axle stands under the rear pegs, so
    that's not a problem. Haynes doesn't mention any special tools or
    anything like that needed.

    I have a well equipped garage and can press new bearings in etc., no
    problems there. I'm just a little concerned that Haynes makes it
    sound so easy.
    usenet, May 21, 2004
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  2. usenet

    usenet Guest

    I've just looked a bit harder at Haynes, I think I was reading about
    the other bearings in the suspension, even so getting the swing arm
    out doesn't appear to be rocket science.

    Can anyone tell me what bits I should get? I.e. are the bearings both
    the bearings and the races or do I need to replace anything else as
    well as the bearings? My list at present would appear to be:-

    Pair of swing arm bearings
    Pair of oil seals.

    Is it worth replacing what Haynes call the 'suspension linkage'
    bearings at the same time? If so, what do I need there?
    usenet, May 21, 2004
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  3. For all questions VFR, you should ask here : WWW.bikersoracle.com/vfr/forum

    It's the Honda vfr Club boards..
    Roddy MacDonald, May 21, 2004
  4. usenet

    usenet Guest

    I loathe web based message boards, I have yet to find a single one
    that works as well as Usenet. All the ones I have joined I have
    quickly left again as both the content and the ease of access leave
    much to be desired.

    Are there no newsgroups or mailing lists dedicated to the VFR?
    (Mailing lists are second best but, with a decent mail program, still
    much more usable than web forums)

    Just to show I will try things out I just went to look at
    WWW.bikersoracle.com/vfr/forum, have you tried to search for anything
    there? A search for "swing arm" produces zillions of irrelevant hits,
    presumably because it searches for anything with either 'swing' or
    'arm' in it, not a lot of use.
    usenet, May 24, 2004
  5. usenet

    Eddie Guest

    Have you actually tried looking for one?

    Here, let me help:

    1. Open your preferred web browser;
    2. Go to http://www.google.com/ ;
    3. Type in "vfr mailing list";
    4. Press 'Search';
    5. Et... le voila!


    HTH, HAND, FOAD, etc., etc.
    Eddie, May 24, 2004
  6. usenet

    Ben Blaney Guest

    AOL. I haven't found a good one since chat.westhamunited.co.uk back
    in 1996.
    Ben Blaney, May 24, 2004
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