Is this hom? I think it looks shite [URL][/URL]
John Munro wrote You blokes who are into sports bikes just haven't got a fucking brain cell between you have you? Is this hom? You think it looks shite. It doesn't fucking matter what it fucking looks like coz if it is shown of at its best no **** will be able to see it will they? The bike will be going so fucking fast all they will get to see is a fucking red blur. Cans for sports bikes are not fucking ornaments.
Pet wrote You cannot pose on a stationary bike unless you have your tits out and then who is going to look at the cans?
John Munro wrote That wasn't a sprots bike at the end of that link? Looked like one to me but then I was busy searching in vain for the tits draped over it. Perhaps the lack of tits was a clue? Ahah. What sort of bike is it then?
I think if I posed topless with my tits out on my VFR people would far rather stare at my can - and it's the standard Honda one!
Compared to the joke Dan Dare standard cans that Honda have seen fit to fit on the VFR and ST, i think they're a huge improvement. Perhaps they wanted to see if people would still buy 'em if they were styled by Disney... JH
I haven't ridden one. I parsed the title as that, first time round, that's all. and then got a bit carried away...
Other than the original 916 and its successors, *all* under-seat systems look a bit shite. A decent can breaks up the otherwise dull lines of the back end of a bike. Take the new Suzuki CBR998 R1 as an example.
Heh heh. What me, talk about bikes?! Not likely. Don't know nuthin' about them. Pipe and slippers, maybe, but not bikes ;o)
Personally, I think it looks better than the stock things. However, in my usual perverse way, I'd not want the extra storage, I'd want two fucking fully functional pipes; bugger the torque curve! ;-)
Best VFR I've owned, by far. Third one. And can I qualify this by saying the *best* bike I've owned. And I've had a few... [1] -- John nx650 VFR800 [1] Several GSXR's, TLR1000, ZX12R
Well, that's "comforting" to know, however I do wonder what the hell it's doing to the thing as it's becoming quite regular if I'm doing full-power runs. It'll get to 7/8k then slip, causing me to back off. I don't wanna hafta back off...
Peril-sensitive, innit. Your bike is talking to you, Wik. What it really wants is an uprated clutch, capable of taking much more power - and a nice shiny sniffy bottle to go with it ...
Quite. I was reading about the Hawke Kawsaki BSB bike - they have a fancy Suter (sp) clutch in their bike - 2.5k it costs. And they fit a new one for each meeting...