VFR - VTEC or no VTEC?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Jeremy, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Casual (subject to domestic finance meeting) interest in swapping the
    Fazer for something else. Spotted a couple of VFRs:

    HONDA VFR 800 Fi 799CC , 2001 Y Reg , 7,700 miles, Metallic Silver.
    Full Service History. £4,499

    HONDA VFR VFR800-2 VTEC 800CC , 2003 03 Reg , 2,400 miles, Silver.
    Full Service History. £5,499

    Both from same dealer who are talking of a trade-in range of circa 2500
    - 3200 for my bike (9k miles) depending on what I buy.

    I quite fancy a VFR...


    '02 Fazer 600 in blue
    jeremy at hireserve dot com
    Jeremy, Sep 5, 2005
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  2. Jeremy

    Muck Guest

    Depends if you want to pay a lot, or a very lot for a big service, when
    service time comes.
    Muck, Sep 5, 2005
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  3. Jeremy

    Cane Guest

    I rode the 2001 model when a friend bought one. It's a good all round
    bike but I didn't like the linked brakes.
    Cane, Sep 5, 2005
  4. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Up until the arrival of the new Sprint ST it was always *the* choice for
    sports-tourer in seemingly every test in every magazine. So linked
    brakes and VTEC can't have been *that* bad else the rest of the package
    is so exceptional as to render these as simply relatively minor niggles.


    '02 Fazer 600 in blue
    jeremy at hireserve dot com
    Jeremy, Sep 5, 2005
  5. Jeremy

    SteveH Guest

    I like my non-VTEC 800, my brother prefers his last of the range 750.
    (In fairness, though, he rides mainly solo, whereas I do 90% of my
    mileage with a pillion and a fair amount of that with luggage[1])

    If you want sporty go with a late 750, if you want touring go with a
    non-VTEC 800.

    IMHO, the VTEC was a massive step backwards - increased servicing, peaky
    power and a camchain.

    [1] I don't really enjoy riding in the UK anymore, but tend to ride
    quite a lot of miles when we take the bike abroad.
    SteveH, Sep 5, 2005
  6. Jeremy

    dwb Guest

    Have you actually had a go on a VTEC one?
    dwb, Sep 5, 2005
  7. Jeremy

    SteveH Guest

    No, but the figures on paper and the specs. tell me all I need to know.

    You don't need to ride one to know that the power delivery isn't as
    progressive or that it has a camchain rather than gear driven cams.

    We both sat on one in a showroom and decided that it wasn't anywhere
    near as comfortable for long distance 2-up stuff, either.

    I fail to see what your point is, as I didn't actually express an
    opinion on how they ride, only where the spec. and figures show a
    backwards step.
    SteveH, Sep 5, 2005
  8. None of the above. Get the best late-model 750 you can instead.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 5, 2005
  9. Jeremy

    dwb Guest

    Paper isn't everything.

    Though in this case as I've said before I'm inclined to agree - I just was
    questioning the "massive step backwards" when the fact you haven't ever
    actually ridden one is taken into account.
    dwb, Sep 5, 2005
  10. Jeremy

    SteveH Guest

    Gear driven cams to chain driven cams *is* a massive step backwards,
    IMHO, and that's before you've looked at the torque curves. (although
    that's probably more to do with the way I ride - I use the torque rather
    than power)
    SteveH, Sep 5, 2005
  11. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Is there any issue of reliability between the 750 & 800 models - why
    would the 750 be a preferred choice? To behomest, I know i need ot bone
    up on all this stuff before going any further... looking for a decent
    buyer's guide to VFRs - sure there was something in Bike recently

    <goes off to look>


    '02 Fazer 600 in blue
    jeremy at hireserve dot com
    Jeremy, Sep 5, 2005
  12. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    So the VTEC and a change from gear to chain-driven cams eh? Hmm......

    '02 Fazer 600 in blue
    jeremy at hireserve dot com
    Jeremy, Sep 5, 2005
  13. Jeremy

    SteveH Guest

    I'd agree with the lard and boredom bit, but not sure about better
    value, as a really nice 750 will easily fetch the same money as an 800 a
    year or two younger.
    SteveH, Sep 5, 2005
  14. Jeremy

    dwb Guest

    Have the cam chains on your Fazor given you any grief?

    Here's a challenge - see if you can find anything on the Net about the cam
    chains on the Vtec VFR - I bet you won't. [1]

    [1] you will find stuff about rectifiers, engine management, servicing
    costs, Vtec stupidness etc - but I don't think you'll find much about cam
    chain problems.
    dwb, Sep 5, 2005
  15. Jeremy

    SteveH Guest

    Hmmmm, thing is, everyone raves about how good the last of the 750s
    were, which is currently inflating prices. A couple of years ago they
    were quite astonishingly cheap for what they are, but market forces have
    started to push prices up now.

    I do know people who'd happily pay more for the last of the 750s rather
    than the first of the 800s.
    SteveH, Sep 5, 2005
  16. Jeremy

    wessie Guest

    Jeremy emerged from their own little world to say
    wessie, Sep 5, 2005
  17. Jeremy

    Lozzo Guest

    dwb says...
    I've ridden all three variants and owned an early model 750FK. In order
    of preference it'd be:

    1. 94-97 VFR750F
    2. 98-01 VFR800i
    3. 88-89 VFR750F (17 inch wheel models)
    4. 02 > VFR800 VTec
    Lozzo, Sep 5, 2005
  18. Jeremy

    Statto Guest

    <fx:sulk> The shiteoldviffer is worse than the 800s? Better punt it
    Statto, Sep 5, 2005
  19. Jeremy

    Lozzo Guest

    Statto says...
    Not exactly, it's just that the middle model 750 like yours wasn't as
    engaging as the early or later ones, so tend to be a bit forgotten. They
    are very worthy bikes and a bit underrated really. If I had to put it in
    that list it'd be at position 1 1/2. To be bought if a decent one came
    up at a good price in favour of a scruffy 800, but don't pass up a high
    mileage later 750 to have one. I liked riding yours, but it was nice to
    get my Gixer back again.

    I only rate the early 750 below the 800 because there are so few of them
    worth buying now, the second generation viffer like yours is fast
    getting that way too.
    Lozzo, Sep 5, 2005
  20. Jeremy

    Statto Guest

    Typical Honda then. Worthy, underrated but ultimately dull.

    Hence the "shiteold" comment earlier.
    Statto, Sep 5, 2005
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