Vernier caliper gauge - source?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Richard Sterry, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. I need to source some metric vernier caliper gauges, (for work), preferably
    plastic and with a dial gauge readout - an accuracy of ±0.1mm is sufficient.
    Nothing too difficult about that, you might think. However, there is a snag.

    It is vital that the full length of the 'tail' used for measuring depth is
    round in cross-section and narrow - 1.5mm dia is ideal. I have just such a
    gauge, and you can view a photo of it (30k JPEG) at . (The tail is visible on
    the right.) I have had this gauge for some years - it is Swiss made and
    branded Rabone. I think it was sourced from RS Components originally.

    So far, all of the ones I can find in shops, catalogues and web sites appear
    to have tails which are rectangular in cross-section, and far too wide.
    Either that, or there is insufficient information to work out what the tail
    is like. I thought I had found what I needed on one occasion, but when I
    ordered it I found that only the last cm or so of the tail was round. D'oh!

    Anyone aware of any makes/models/sources of a suitable gauge?

    Richard Sterry, Jul 2, 2004
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  2. There's lots on Ebay; new ones too. I dare say the sellers would answer any
    questions about the tail.

    Mungo \three sheds\ Toadfoot, Jul 2, 2004
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  3. Ah, that's an angle I never considered. Worth looking into - ta.

    Richard Sterry, Jul 2, 2004
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