Vehicle Insurance in Texas

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The insurance issue has been a thorny one for several years.. There seems to
    be much disagreement about solutions to the problem.. One thing that
    everyone seems to have in common, is that there is a problem.. This problem
    will continue until the common desire to come to a solution is reached.. The
    problem is political, since legislation is involved. The problem will
    persist until the monetary influence is removed from the picture.. Many of
    the lawyers in Texas, survive on the litigation profits.. Many of our
    legislators are largely financed by the insurance company donations to their
    campaigns.. Various proposals have been offered which would limit the market
    share of the insurance companies and the lawyers subsistance, as well as the
    donations to the politicians.. None of those entities will submissively
    forfeit their incomes.. Under the existing provisions of the law, the entire
    process is being financed by the consumers.. The suggestions offered include
    the "pay at the pump", which has been proposed and rejected by the lawyers,
    insurance companies and the legislators.. Most of their opposition has been
    based on the extraordinary high cost of the gallon of gasolene, which of
    course is eyed by the oil companies.. None have posed the issue of the
    decrease in taxes that are imposed by the state and the federal government..
    Many of the taxes included in the cost of gasolene are also taxable in other
    areas such as property and school taxes, sales and estate taxes.. We are
    talking about triple and quadruple taxation.. Considering the limitation of
    the insurance company players in the market, and the number of vehicles
    registered in this state, costs of the per gallon would rise only slightly..
    The elimination of some of the state and federal taxes which would be
    possible, just might marginalize any increase, whatsoever.. The only losses
    would be to the insurance companies, the trial lawyers and the
    politicians..Ever notice the bridge and highway tax that you pay when you
    register your vehicle each year.. hmmmm.. Wonder if the oil company is taxed
    for that item.. Their product is consumed on those highways and bridges..
    The entire mechanism of insurance legislation needs to be scrutinized and
    revised..So far.. we have been subjected to the notion that insurance
    companies must be enabled by legislation to sustain massive profits.. Trial
    lawyers must be provided with market share of litigation.. (have you tried
    to hire a lawyer, lately).. As a result, we have seen the cost of premiums
    rise continuosly since the mandate insurance legislation became law..It
    isn't necessary to throw out the baby in the bath water.. The current system
    is workable, but only if the insurance companies are mandated to provide
    affordable coverage to all .. In the real world, the lawyers charge
    prohibitive fees, if you could hire one for a borderline case.. Most won't
    even touch a case that is questionable.. The insurance companies won't even
    defend a case that is borderline.. It is usually settled without being
    litigated, however, the lawyers get their cut and life is good.. Everyone
    received their cut and the injured party pays the cost by increased premiums
    or out of pocket.. Reasonable profit is fair and is to be expected, obscene
    profit is what the reality becomes, in the current system..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    I completely agree. However, I do believe that those of the
    high risk variety should be assessed higher rates for their actions.

    But, as I see it, they(high risk) are being charged higher premiums,
    and so is everybody else, so the high risk just drop the coverage.

    The Family, Feb 21, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Actually Nurick.. I could care less what you pay for anythng..
    Again.. pay your premiums and enjoy..
    So .. if you are satisfied.. "What is YOUR problem"..
    On the other hand.. I don't know that you have anything.. So again.. "what
    is your problem"..
    Good .. pay your insurance premiums and STFU..
    Ah well.. some of the other "insurance company advocates" had sentiments
    like yours until the bolt of lightning struck THEM.. Your qualifications for
    analyzing any position, especially mine, is zero.. Albert .. you are a
    foolish child..
    Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Lynn McGuire Guest

    The insurance issue has been a thorny one for several years.. There seems to
    I am paying $625/year for my 99 Expedition and $650/year for
    my wife's 97 Civic. I am also paying $2300/year for my 20 yr old
    son's 2003 F150. These are all with $1000 deductible and full
    coverage including uninsured motorists at Amica Insurance. Amica
    is a mutual insurance company and rebates all profits back to us in
    the form of dividends. I also am paying $220/yr liability and
    uninsured motorist on my 2000 Nighthawk 750. My son is on there
    also which caused it to go up by $91.

    In 2002, my homeowner insurance was $1020. In 2003, it was
    $2030. Same coverage. In 2004 it is $1600 with a mold exclusion.

    It is the lawyer's fault. Period.

    Lynn McGuire, Feb 21, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    How is it the lawyer's fault..?? Not that I have any affection for those
    sorry sob's.. The insurance company is the ones who are sending you those
    bills with the blessings of the political leadership in Austin..
    Bill Walker, Feb 21, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Where you been anyway.. you lying ass phony ? What scrutiny..::??
    Bill Walker, Feb 22, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Seems real simple from this end.. Nurick .. since you are so happy with
    those high assed rates you pay ??? Then pay the sons a bitches and shut the
    **** up.. You are nothing but a damn troll anyway.. What'd they do.. run
    your wormy ass off "reeky"..?? LOL
    Bill Walker, Feb 22, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I thought you were delighted with your rates, you lying bastard.. Now .. you
    want to blame it on the lawyers.. Make up your silly assed mind, if you
    Bill Walker, Feb 22, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest


    LMAO. No.. ROTFLMAO... Juvenile.. Told you.. All anyone has to do is just
    give you the rope.. You will take care of the rest..
    Bill Walker, Feb 22, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Pay those rates and smile, Nurick..
    You are an idiot.. I don't argue with idiots.. The profit margins are there
    for anyone to take a look at..
    How many different ways do I need to tell you to pay your insurance
    premiums, if you have insurance.. Smile when you write the check.. You are
    so funny..
    Bill Walker, Feb 22, 2004
  11. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    I'd like to hear more about this new bike actually, but I'm not sure
    what it is. It seems, or did I misunderstand, in some earlier post I
    thought you(Albert) referred to it as an ST13. However, in your
    sig, I see a '04 Yamaha.

    Tell use/me what it is, and how you like it. Please.

    Thanks - Gary
    The Family, Feb 22, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    People have had the term driven into their heads so much that they
    don't know what it means. They think it means "big award".

    As with anything else (back to the music industry) we as consumers
    have industries telling us what to think. It gets to the point that we
    don't know right from wrong. First the industry tries to get new laws,
    and when that doesn't work or when the law is against them, then they
    change our ways of doing things by telling us their interpretations.
    No place in the law of copyrights is there anything saying it's
    stealing or copyright violations to download mp3s or "music" for that
    matter. It does say it's unlawful to provide it to others (in
    caveats). To ask 100 people today whether it's illegal to download
    music or not, you'll get about 90% saying it is. Yet, on the other
    turn, they also say it's okay to pay .99 cents per song for
    downloading. It's crazy!
    Brian Walker, Feb 22, 2004
  13. Bill Walker

    Lynn McGuire Guest

    I did. I found a bunch of pro-consumer sites which claimed absurdly high
    And, the spoiler in all this is Amica Insurance. Amica is a mutual,
    all profits are returned to the insured in the means of dividends.
    The house insurance dividend is 15% (if I remember right) and the
    car insurance dividend is zero. Amica is very highly rated by
    Consumer Reports mag (usually #1 or #2). Yet, Amica's rates
    are squarely in the middle of the pack. No agents (they sell by
    word of mouth - in fact you have to have someone recommend you)
    and your claims are handled very professionally. I've been with them
    for 20 years now and my Dad has been with them 30+ years. No
    complaints other than they are picky who they insure.

    However, Amica does not insure motorcycles.

    Lynn McGuire, Feb 22, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    Thanks, that sounds great. I was also considering an ST13, but
    wanted to broaden my options. I've been to the Yamaha site,
    and seen the 1300. Honestly, it almost looks exactly like the Hon-
    da 1300, but I'll review more carefully.

    I, like you, am not too keen on this purchase criteria mentioned,
    but I'm a long way from that right now.

    Thanks for the information.

    The Family, Feb 22, 2004
  15. Bill Walker

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Please understand also that "dividends" in the insurance industry hold a
    different definition that do dividends in the financial services (stock
    market) industry.

    Insurance companies lobbied to the gov't to define "their dividends" as
    being "returned profits" - but that should really be understood as "return
    of overpaid premiums".

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, Feb 23, 2004
  16. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    And because the facts of the case are not public record we should be
    careful about making any kind of judgements regarding the merits of
    those cases.
    I'm not sure I agree that the risk is minimal, but I get your point.
    Problem is we also don't want the situation where it is impossible for
    the non-wealthy to pursue justice through the courts.
    Well, that's at least 3 of us. Maybe the three of us can hold up our

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Feb 23, 2004
  17. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    I think we agree that abuses of systems occur. I don't see any
    politically acceptable way to create a system that cannot be abused.
    Yes, the abuse sucks, costs, and needs to be addressed.

    A big part of the whole idea constituitional governments and systems
    of laws is to protect the little guy, those more vulnerable. I'm not
    ready to throw that out. In fact, I think the principal is in more
    dire need of protection these days.
    I appreciate it.

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Mar 1, 2004
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    When integrity and honesty prevail, legislation is unnecessary.. Since
    passage of the "Mandatory Insurance Bill".. there is no balance.. Our
    legislators have mandated the consumers to provide insurance coverage..
    There is NOT a mandate for the insurance companies to provide affordable
    coverage .. Since the law was passed, we have seen the costs of insurance
    premiums skyrocket .. This legislation should be revisited and amended to
    level that playing field, rather than the blank check for thievery that has
    been handed to the insurance companies.. The floors of the capitol in Austin
    are filled with the lobbyists for the insurance companies and the checks
    change hands every day that the legislature is in session.. These advocates
    who are delighted with their insurance costs would truly be outraged if they
    ever witnessed the outright bribery that occurs while those agents solicit
    support for the bills favorable to the insurance industry.. Mandates should
    be a double edged sword that makes the field level for industry as well as
    the taxpayer and consumer..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 1, 2004
  19. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    I'm going to have to think about this one for a while.
    Without regard to the MERIT of the idea, the idea of legislation that
    significantly reigns in attorneys actually getting passed is . . . ,
    well, it's . . . Well, I don't know WHAT it is besides being much like
    a snowball in hell.
    I appreciate it.

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Mar 2, 2004
  20. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Yes, sir. And when we deal personally and responsibly with our
    problems on a very local level, a lot of that bloated bureaucracy
    I suspect a lot more folks would be outraged if they knew what is
    actually happening in some of those places.

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Mar 2, 2004
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