Vehicle Insurance.. Again..

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Mike Alvey Guest

    Mike Alvey, Sep 9, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Mike Alvey Guest

    hmmmm, maybe my memory is bad, now I'm thinkin it was fullstate that
    don't like links. I guess I'm just so confused.
    Mike Alvey, Sep 9, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Many thanks to Elmer McKeeghan and Mike Alvey for providing the information
    on the Bill proposed by TMRA II .. After briefly scanning through the Bill
    presented to the legislature in 1999, there is a part of the proposal that
    jumped out at me.. The section that deals with non-compliance with the

    I also want to thank my friend Fullstate.. The circumstances don't apply in
    this instance, but caused me to reflect that indeed, there is a definite
    problem in this area..

    Fullstate has suffered an injury that has caused him to be laid up for some
    time.. I can visualize that predicament occurring to another who lives from
    paycheck to paycheck.. The yearly cost of his drivers license would be
    $200.00 .. To the consumer who is working and receiving a weekly paycheck,
    that is an insignificant amount and could be budgeted without much of a
    problem.. For the consumer who has lost his job due to a economic downturn
    or due to an unexpected injury that occurs at or near the expiration of his
    yearly premium, that amount would be critical to the welfare of his family
    ... Not a pretty picture.. He has the choice to either provide for his family
    or to become an offender of the infraction of driving with a suspended
    drivers license..

    This had not occured to me before.. When I read the Bill, my friend
    Fullstate came to mind, and I considered the "what if".. As with any
    legislation that may become law, there could be consequences that would
    impact the very consumer that it is designed to protect.. That is not to
    say, it is a bad Bill, only that it has some areas which need to be
    resolved.. I believe that we can all agree that we have too many unlicensed
    drivers on our streets and highways..I can visualize creating even more
    unlicensed drivers by assessment of a yearly fee of $200.00..

    Of course, lower fees would reduce the cash flow of the insurance company
    and increase the resistance to any reform.. Those companies will fight to
    the end to preserve that bottom line profit..

    The politicians who are already aligned with the companies would certainly
    have significant and reasonable support by the consumers and voting public
    to defeat any such legislation..

    Although the concept of Driver's Insurance vs. Vehicle Insurance has merit
    and should be examined carefully, I believe there is flaws in the past Bill,
    that would require some study to make it affordable to ALL ..

    Input from the ones who will be required to live with ANY proposal of
    legislation should be considered and vented before being presented as a
    proposal.. We've all experienced some degree of problem with the existing
    law, and I believe we all agree that it should be reformed to a more level
    playing field between consumers and the insurance companies .. TMRA II has
    been active in working for some manner of reform.. support for that
    organization would be a very good place to start working toward the reform
    to provide relief.

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 9, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't worry about it, Mike.. goes with the territory of "advanced age" and
    all that.. As you well know, I am living proof and a perfect example.. LOL..
    Thanks to both you and Elmer for digging out the old Bill..

    Perhaps .. my post in response to Elmer, after I briefly scanned the Bill,
    might very well be misunderstood as opposition or a turnaround of some
    sort.. I hope not, that was certainly not my intent..

    Afterthought leads me to examine my own reservations about the proposal .. I
    believe that we might relate this Bill to the successful reform of the
    Helmet Law.. After hard negotiation of the Helmet Law.. we successfully
    incorporated the options and responsiblity of the rider to exempt him from
    wearing a helmet..With certain optional requirements, the rider could still
    be in compliance of the Law, if he chose other options..

    In the Drivers License Insurance Bill, there seems to be no options for the
    consumer.. He either pays the yearly license fee, imposed by the state, or
    his license is suspended.. I'm not sure that is a solution to meaningful
    reform of the consumer unfriendly legislation that we now have in place..

    We might examine "optional" alternatives that would give the consumer some
    choice in being in compliance and to not having his drivers license
    automatically suspended by reasons that might be beyond his control.. i.e..
    Unemployment.. Injury or Illness.. Financial responsibility is a prime
    concern for most, especially the consumers who have experienced accidents
    with uninsured motorists or drivers without licenses..

    In "real life".. there is no way to totally eliminate those risks on the
    streets or highways.. As responsible consumers and citizens, the goals must
    be to minimize those risks as much as possible.. Obviously .. the current
    system is not adequately serving that purpose.. The insurance companies have
    enjoyed the financial rewards and the consumer has been imposed upon..

    It is my position that our system can be reformed by responsible
    consideration of alternatives that won't contribute to the financial burden
    of an already overburdened consumer.. Many thanks for the hard work and
    effort of TMRA II.. The leaders and membership should be commended for
    advocating the best interests for all riders and consumers, alike..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 9, 2004
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