[QUOTE="Bill Walker"] combination I dunno.. I've asked for ideas and input.. Go for it..[/QUOTE] I think Bill is referring to liability, not full coverage which would include stolen vehicle protection. Bill has a point and I have noticed this for some time and complained about it but only to the insurance agent, not a politician. If I add a 2nd or 3rd vehicle, liability only, the cost always goes up even thought they claim I get a multicar discount. As long as you add a vehicle to an existing policy that is as safe as the current vehicle, there should be NO increase in premium. I can see a small fee just to handle the paper work for the extra vehicles. Conceivable adding a safe 70k mercedes could make no difference in liability if it shares milages with a found-on-the-road-dead pickup. I have complained about this, especially since i commute to work exclusively on my motorcycle, but I am rated as if I drive the cage to work even thought I dont. [QUOTE] Don't get stuck somewhere .. If the individual is insured, he is covered ... Split hairs and question the difference in value of the Mercedes and a Greyhound bus.. I believe I pointed out a difference in commercial coverage and individual coverage.. Make no mistake, if you are comfortable with the system as it is, then you should be happy with what we got.. I have no interest in "selling" anyone on "any" idea.. We've got a few weeks ahead of us, that we could explore aternative measures to address to our legislators.. We can either spend that time trying to discover a more equitable plan for consumers, or we can argue about[/QUOTE] details I propose changes that limit payouts. For example, if you are injured and you or your passenger were not wearing a seat belt (helmet, etc whatever) then you cannot collect insurance even if the accident was the fault of the other driver. There would be no tickets for not wearing a seat belt, etc. However, this might be hard to prove and might require some type of sensor that can detect if the seat belt was engaged when the accident occured. Some new vehicles have "black boxes" that record stuff like that anyway as I recall reading.