I was stoned, but it still wasn't fast - although I never said anything about the seating position -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
Not anymore ... so that's my sex life completely ruined -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
And here's someone's notion of "talking up" the place: http://www.streetmap.co.uk/streetmap.dll?G2M?X=505786&Y=206722&A=Y&Z=1
It's a link to a map ... what the **** are you talking about? -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
He may just be referring to the house price information at the top of the page. -- Tim two#21, YGL#3 & BOTAFOT#84 Due to the limitations of current email, the lip movements may be out of synchronisation as you move your finger under the text while reading. tim dot ukrm2 at dsl dot pipex dot com
Oh... If anyone's interested, I can highly recommend Hemel hospital. Unlike William Harvey in Kent (where a number of staff are so incompetent they deserve to die slow and painfully) everyone at Hemel was a consummate professional -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Veggie Dave UKRM's Hospital Reviewer has spoken.
This shit should be in the FAQ. I can highly recommend the A&E dept at Crew and the orthopedic staff at Cheltenham General
Unfortunately, I wasn't impressed with the staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead. (I did ask the ambulance crew why they were taking me to that scruffy old hospital, when there was a nice shiny new one in Hexham, probably closer but the opposite direction. They suggested that I might like to get out and walk. I declined their kind offer.)
At the moment my review service is free, however donations to keep this service running are greatly appreciated -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
Talking of orthopaedic, I wonder if I should give Dr Simpson a bell? In fact, I think I will... -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
He's not a DR, tho, is he? Did you see the thread on Team Ixion recently about him? I'm afraid I'm in the Doubting Thomas camp - I think what he practises is mostly headology.
Go on then - if you insist. What have you got? -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
Bugger... -- Veggie Dave UKRMHRC#2 BOTAFOF#08 IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
I had two treatments, about 2 hours apart. I didn't really feel any different afterwards - I drove the car 200 miles there, and 200 miles back in the afternoon (this was 5 days after the break). As I've just posted on TI, I might believe that having two treatments a day for 10 days would have an affect. However, there are others who really do believe he works miracles - they walk in clutching an arm that they daren't move, and walk out with no pain.