Veggie Daves Film.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Feb 29, 2004.

  1. Cane

    deadmail Guest


    Re: PayPal's 4%
    I think that's more than a little harsh.

    Sure one quid in twenty is a sizeable comission but, if it allows you to
    sell 'via the internet' that's access to a large market that you'd have
    trouble addressing through conventional means. What you pay in
    comissions you'd have *easily* paid in conventional advertising or sales
    agent costs.
    deadmail, Mar 1, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  2. Sorby wrote
    Not if you are a stinking capitalist bastard. If you are one of them it
    is your right under God.

    It is not the payment for the service that I object to. It is, what
    appears to me at any rate, the kin exorbitant charges they make. The
    British banking system takes the piss out of business and IMHO really is
    a major contributor to keeping it down.
    steve auvache, Mar 2, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. wrote
    Just because you have taken the time and trouble to source a cheaper
    advertising medium or found ways to expand your customer base doesn't
    give the bankers absolute rights over 4% of every penny you put into the
    till. Well it does but it shouldn't.
    steve auvache, Mar 2, 2004
  4. Cane

    'Hog Guest

    Banks have to deal with huge levels of fraud though. You pay 4% because we
    don't burn multiple offenders.
    'Hog, Mar 2, 2004
  5. 'Hog wrote
    They set the rates before they opened for business and fraud simply
    couldn't happen if they didn't open for business.
    steve auvache, Mar 2, 2004
  6. Drug smuggling?
    Boots Blakeley, Mar 2, 2004
  7. Cane

    sweller Guest

    Banks at fault? Makes a refreshing change from "Hughie Scanlon's
    treacherous acts".
    sweller, Mar 2, 2004
  8. Boots Blakeley wrote
    Drugs. Eeuw, how so last century. Porn please.
    steve auvache, Mar 2, 2004
  9. Cane

    antonye Guest

    Not quite what I was getting at- my company is quite
    capable of providing all the secure facilities for
    Veggie to take card details, but the banks simply
    won't allow it. Instead they want to charge him to
    use their own "approved" system.
    antonye, Mar 2, 2004
  10. Cane

    gomez Guest

    Capable maybe, but who are you to be trusted to handle peoples' card
    details? There is a whole legal and financial regulatory rigmaroule
    surrounding this to be considered.

    BTW I bet the big companies pay nowhere near 4%. Its the little man
    who gets stuffed.
    gomez, Mar 2, 2004
  11. Cane

    antonye Guest

    I think you've missed the point - the company does no
    more than process the card details to take payment.
    This has no more inherent security risks than you
    handing over your card to the guy in the local garage
    to swipe it, or when you phone a company and give
    out your details to the company at the other end.

    We don't store any information from cards at any
    point in time as it's all processed through automated
    payment systems.

    But in Veggie's case, and getting back to the point,
    his bank wouldn't let him use any other kind of card
    processing facility except their own, which they
    charge rather handsomely for.
    Yes, volume transactions do get discount, but not
    by much.
    antonye, Mar 2, 2004
  12. Cane

    gomez Guest

    Point taken, but remember we are talking about institutions who are
    still not sure if the move from quill and paper was a good idea. Its
    a cartel and even new players have to agree to play by the old boy's
    gomez, Mar 3, 2004
  13. Cane

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Cane
    <G> Not shifting many dinosaurs then?
    Nigel Eaton, Mar 4, 2004
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