On going through my CD collection I've come across an album called "Danger Calling" by a band called Wraith from 1992. Out of idle curiosity I went to Amazon to see what else they'd done. Seems they did a couple more and then faded out. But a web search has revealed that the album I have is pretty rare. Apparently it was a press of only 500 copies. It was produced by two members of UFO which appears to give it a bit of kudos. The copy I have is also signed by all the band, I got it at a Games Workshop convention in the early 90's because the band were signed to Games Workshop's, now defunct, label Warhammer Records and were there plugging it. Any ideas how I can find out if it's worth something? Web searches aren't turning up much, apart from one Japanese copy on Ebay that's going for about 20 quid.