Vacum Gauge damper screws

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by rufty_tufty_hoolythug, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. I have acquired one of these super, whizzo mercury carburettor gauge
    doo dahs. It had no rubber pipes or adapters with damper screws
    though. Does anyone have any idea where I could get these from?
    rufty_tufty_hoolythug, Sep 3, 2009
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  2. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    TOG@Toil Guest

    The dampers are just little plastic tubes with screws that restrict
    the flow through them, that's all. I'd have thought you could achieve
    exactly the same effect by buying four small G-clamps, and using them
    on the rubber tubes (when you get them).

    Don't forget you also need the metal adaptors that screw into the
    vacuum take-off points.

    (Used my gauges on the 400 Four last weekend....)
    TOG@Toil, Sep 3, 2009
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  3. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Greybeard Guest

    The dampers are just little plastic tubes with screws that restrict
    the flow through them, that's all. I'd have thought you could achieve
    exactly the same effect by buying four small G-clamps, and using them
    on the rubber tubes (when you get them).

    Don't forget you also need the metal adaptors that screw into the
    vacuum take-off points.

    I made my own set up years using the little plastic air flow taps for fish
    tanks, you can get them from any pet shop and are very cheap.


    FLHR -03 UK (95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy 2!)

    Garmin Zumo 550, To get me home!

    Greybeard, Sep 3, 2009
  4. Haven't you just said exactly the same as TOG? Why plagiarise him? Can
    you not think of anything to say yourself?
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  5. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Greybeard Guest

    I have said completely different to TOG.
    My suggestion was instead of using clamps, to use valves.

    2 completely different ideas!


    FLHR -03 UK (95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy 2!)

    Garmin Zumo 550, To get me home!

    Greybeard, Sep 3, 2009
  6. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Ace Guest

    Even copied his very words.
    Ace, Sep 3, 2009
  7. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Ace Guest

    No, you repeated his words as your own. Try re-reading your own post.
    Ace, Sep 3, 2009
  8. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Greybeard Guest

    I don't think I have.

    But then again, you mindless sheep all follow one another.


    FLHR -03 UK (95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy 2!)

    Garmin Zumo 550, To get me home!

    Greybeard, Sep 3, 2009
  9. It's sad and pathetic to do that.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  10. You wrote exactly what TOG did, then to try and make it look like you
    were capable of thought added a sentence on the end. You're a forger.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  11. True. Forger.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  12. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Greybeard Guest

    It must be your foreign interpretation then.

    I'm very sure that "Tap", is not "Clamp"

    In case you are not familiar with Aquarium concepts, you can indeed get, as
    TOG has rightly said, although no mention of Pet Shop or aquaria, clamp type
    You can also get, and which IMHO would be a little easier to use, a proper
    bank of air flow taps, or valves if you so prefer. These are 2 very
    different ideas, but with the same outcome, cheap and effective.


    FLHR -03 UK (95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy 2!)

    Garmin Zumo 550, To get me home!

    Greybeard, Sep 3, 2009
  13. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Greybeard Guest

    And you Sir are a complete Wanker.

    Perhaps you can show me where I wrote _exactly_ what TOG did?
    Greybeard, Sep 3, 2009
  14. You only added that sentence on the end of the forgery post that you
    tried to pass off as your own when we all know TOG said exactly the same
    thing before you.

    Just to make it clear what you posted (as your won words) was:

    All stolen from TOG - word for word.

    Then you added this sentence to try and make us think you were posting
    something new:

    If you count the number of >'s you can see that you deliberately posted
    TOG's words as your own. We've caught you out forging posts as your own
    so admit it and move along. Forger.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  15. A pleasure.

    ou only added that sentence on the end of the forgery post that you
    tried to pass off as your own when we all know TOG said exactly the same
    thing before you.

    Just to make it clear what you posted (as your own words) was:

    All stolen from TOG - word for word.

    Then you added this sentence to try and make us think you were posting
    something new:

    If you count the number of >'s you can see that you deliberately posted
    TOG's words as your own. We've caught you out forging posts as your own
    so admit it and move along. Forger.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  16. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    darsy Guest

    It's sad and pathetic to do that.

    darsy, Sep 3, 2009
  17. Mexican.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  18. rufty_tufty_hoolythug

    Jim Guest

    Join the Campaign To Misuse Apostrophe's!
    Jim, Sep 3, 2009
  19. Possessive use on one, and missing letters on t'other.

    Simon Atkinson, Sep 3, 2009
  20. There was a thread just a couple of days ago about Greybeard's lack of
    proper quoting. It is the same problem here in this thread. Outlook
    Express does not properly use > when replying to a Google Group post.

    Greybeard was advised to install OE-Quotefix to eliminate the problem.

    All other (competent) newsreaders quote Google Group posts properly. The
    fault is with Outlook Express.
    Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Sep 3, 2009
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