V2, V4, F6

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. louie

    louie Guest

    Occasionally 3 of us ride. The RedShad engined with a F6, Biggest Ed w/V4,
    and I'm V2.
    We have the devilist of a time figuring out how to race each other.

    Biggest Ed has the overall advantage as he can pull 2 plug wires and get
    that low down torque for low rpm racing, and go back stock for the high rpm.
    RedShad and I try to and do sometimes fool him. RedShad will act like he is
    going to race and Biggest Ed goes full 4 cylinders and I get him with my low

    Biggest Ed is very competitive. He is fun to mix up.

    louie, Jan 27, 2008
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  2. louie

    redshad Guest

    He wont hardly gun it until is on the homeward bound trip. He WILL air
    it out when hes pointed towards the house......

    redshad, Jan 27, 2008
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