useless stupid m'fing deer

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    <>!!<>In the younger and working years.. quite a few of us would leave
    the metroplex on Friday afternoon.. Run the hill country and the
    Border.. by the time we'd get home on Sunday afternoon, we'd have way
    more than 1500 miles on those motorcycles.. hmmm.. Don't do that much
    anymore, but some of the younger ones still hammer those runs..
    During those same years.. I've soloed overnight from Garland to Los
    Angelos..Leave at eight in the morning and arrive between four and five
    following morning.. then take a little nap and pull a days work on the
    job.. Don't do that much anymore, either..
    LOL.. still make some good rides, but I don't push it like I used to.. I
    leave when I have time to do the run.. Take my time and come back when
    I'm ready for the trip..
    The wannabe LD riders don't get it.. These guys think they've invented
    something and try to impress each other..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    I said up the thread line, that I dont doubt it a bit. You probably
    answered the guy who ask you in a discussion of a typical bike ride here
    in Texas, in a somewhat jestful manner. But when old what's his name,
    Don, and another feller, got to making an issue of it, by trying to
    prove a google point....that you should have remembered the exact time
    and probably thought, why should I? I reckon.
    <>I understand why they jumped on it, because they thought they could
    prove you have never, ever, rode a long ass ride on a weekend, because
    you are Bill Walker. <> I have some doubt about the Alaska Freezing Bike
    ride, descrbed by a feller up the line.<> That's my business If I wanna
    doubt anything I read in here. He described the temp, in a way, that it
    sounded like it was way under 32*. I didnt ask him to prove it. I took
    him at his word, but I don't have to believe it. My thought is
    riding a motorcycle at any speed in sub freezing, for very long, and
    stay on the bike, sounds, you know. kinda fishy!! <> But, I bragged (on
    him, and kinda congradulated him!) I guess it is possible. Glad it wasnt

    <>'Happy Trails to You'>>>BJAY>>>

    And we're still waiting for what ride Don has been on since August to top
    the ride to Jalisco and back. How many times do we have to ask?
    Brian Walker, Jan 10, 2005
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  2. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    So you can lie in TxMoto but not in Reeky?
    Your the one pushing this Brian. Your Dad has already admitted his
    statement that he typically rides 1500 mile weekends only losing a
    week or two a year to weather was bullshit. Why do you want to keep
    bringing it up. You're embarrassing your Dad.

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 10, 2005
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  3. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 02:32:08 GMT, "Bill Walker"


    Let's add em up, you lied about me not sending you a map, you lied
    about those typical 1500 mile weekends you rode and you lied about
    Keith claiming he had cancer.

    Damn there is a pattern forming here Bud!

    Now tell us all again just how you feel about liars?

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 10, 2005
  4. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    Yup it pretty much says what I wanted.
    My information on quoting with WebTv is third hand from someone who
    isn't able or is too lazy to make the effort to quote. I am glad to
    see it's no big deal for you.
    Actually anyone with Web access can use Google. It's not so much
    getting stuff on someone as it is a written record of what was
    actually said. Comes in handy when there is a dispute regarding a
    past comment or post.
    If nothing else Bill is entertaining.

    Live to Flame and Flame to Live has been the Reeky Motto going way
    back to the Denisons of Doom days, so the little tiff going on right
    now with Bill is nothing new. We go through them every winter. The
    last real good one has lasted two years and isn't over yet.
    Unfortunately one of the participants is a little under the weather
    right now but as soon as he feeling better I am sure it will heat up
    again. Although Bill is not as creative as the gentleman who is
    currently not doing well, for the most part we find Bill entertaining.

    All things considered I like TxMoto too. It is not as multicultural
    with the variety of topics as Reeky but it seems you have decent
    support and participation, so as time allows I will leave my 2 cents
    worth here.

    Good Discussion.


    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 10, 2005
  5. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Where did you get this from the statement above? Are you unable to read?
    You honestly can't read, can you?
    Brian Walker, Jan 10, 2005
  6. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm sorry, I didn't know we were dealing with a retard in Canada. You truly
    have no idea what that man just said to you, do you?

    Shit, it's no wonder you bunch of people can't seem to get anything done
    without the help of the United States. I forgot what the people of Calgary
    were like...from the time I was up there. Now that I recall, it seems I used
    to kick y'alls asses on a daily basis...because y'all were too stupid to
    figure out if someone is kicking your ass, either learn to fight or go get
    someone bigger who can fight.

    Maybe I went to school with you too?

    Oh, and we have nothing in common between Alberta and Texas. Those who say
    we do, they're just being polite to the idiot mentality you folks have going
    for you.
    Brian Walker, Jan 10, 2005
  7. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    Poor baby boy Brian, all worked up in a lather trying to protect his
    Daddy's reputation. But alas his Daddy has been repeatedly caught
    lying and even though he has admitted it, baby boy can't accept it.

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 10, 2005
  8. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh.. I'll be glad when they get that door cleared away.. you sure need
    to get out and get some air..
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 10, 2005
  9. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    BTW.. part of that lie I told about the little run to Elgin in Sept..
    Sorry.. 'bout that.. Seems like I plumb forget another little run I made on
    the fourth Sunday in September.. That's the weekend of my family reunion in
    Texarkana.. Damn.. sport.. I've sure gotta break myself from all this lying
    shit.. LMAO.. Left Irving about 8:00 AM.. Spent about five hours visiting
    all my people and started making my way back to Irving.. Got home about 8:30
    PM... give or take..

    If I'd known there was a super sleuth like you tracking me, Id start
    documenting all this stuff.. Nah.. silly mother fucker like you ain't worth
    all the trouble.. Shit .. boy .. you are too fucking silly to know I'm
    jerking your stupid ass around in front of all your silly assed buddies..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 11, 2005
  10. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Wait a second here! Do you mean you lied about going to Texarkana and didn't
    tell the Canucks? You made a 500 mile ride in a day for a casual ride and
    didn't let anyone in Canada know about it?

    Whew, we're gonna have to talk about that one!

    They just don't know how to handle something like that. To those folks up
    there, it's supposed to take people 3 days to start a motorcycle....and no
    computer business being done in those 3 days. They can't seem to figure out
    how to do both. If you're caught making a posting on any given day, that
    means you weren't anywhere close to the motorcycle. Those Canucks are
    strange ones, I'll be quite honest.
    Brian Walker, Jan 11, 2005
  11. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Not even close to a "lather" or "worked up". Just simply baffled that
    someone is so stupid they don't understand what Bill Walker just wrote.

    And the worst part (if it can get worse) is that you continue to not see it
    and continue to make an ass of yourself with it.
    Brian Walker, Jan 11, 2005
  12. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ain't this a hoot.. ?? See what I mean.. if you are patient they'll do it to
    themselves.. All that crew just might jump in a start slingin all their
    shit, but .. but.... but ?? Ah well..
    Bill Walker, Jan 11, 2005
  13. another viewer

    Wakko Guest

    Feel free and welcome anytime.
    I went through Calgary last year, during the Stampede. It's a mighty nice
    looking town.
    Wakko, Jan 11, 2005
  14. another viewer

    Tony D Guest

    How the **** you been?

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jan 12, 2005
  15. another viewer

    Wakko Guest

    Hey Bill Walker! Your pants are too short and you smell funny! Take that!
    Wakko, Jan 12, 2005
  16. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. and my motorcycle makes loud noises .. Sounds like a Harley fartin'..
    Regards Waco..
    Bill Walker, Jan 12, 2005
  17. another viewer

    Wakko Guest

    Very good, sir. How's the civie life? Doing Smiley's this year?
    Wakko, Jan 12, 2005
  18. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    We do enjoy a good party and you can't find a better one than
    Stampede. If you ever make it back this way as I have told many in
    Reeky there is always cold beer in the fridge and raw meat on the
    grill for a wayward rider.

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 12, 2005
  19. another viewer

    Tony D Guest

    Kickin' man! Finally got a good job after hunting for months and loading
    fridges etc. So all is well here. And yes Sir, I'll be at Smileys:) Hey,
    hows fence post neck been?
    Tony D, Jan 12, 2005
  20. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    I seem to recall someone making fun of your motorcycle's pipes. Said "sounds
    like a lawnmower". Then he started his and began to ride away. If you
    recall, it looked and sounded like the ole boy yanked the drain pipes out of
    his house and mounted to his motorcycle....

    On that, I'd take the lawnmower any day!!!!
    Brian Walker, Jan 12, 2005
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