useless stupid m'fing deer

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Not wanting to let others in your backyard see you squirm?

    I didn't think you'd have it in you to say anything else. Instead of either
    disputing it, or shutting up about it, now you start whining about
    crossposting? You're not only a're a lame fool.

    Do you plan on riding tomorrow? I know some people who "likes
    riders"....then there are some who don't.....ride that is.
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
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  2. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    Is your point that your Dad was on one of his big time 1500 mile rides
    on Oct.31/04?

    If it is I would point out he posted on the 30th and Nov.1st. Seems a
    little inconceivable he did 1500 miles in one
    Actually for the last four months there are very few lapse of posts by
    your Dad. He has been glued to that keyboard.

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 9, 2005
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  3. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Google it asshole.. I posted it.. hmmm.. You can't read anyway.. Last half
    assed decent run I made was to TMRA II DA meeting in Elgin, Tx.. That was in
    September.. Good little run.. Sure was nasty weather though.. I don't where
    you are coming with all this shit, anyway.. my ride reports are pretty well
    know and reported.. It's all in the archives.. Damn.. you sure are a
    lameass.. I think ol' Johns' prisoner computer course was a little more
    efficient than yours ... speedo...LMAO..
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  4. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't tell me that you were playing that silly ass game with this idiot.. ??
    Damn.. don't you recognize the John Moran strategy there.. He's getting his
    ass blistered and wants to jump someone through some hoops with the "proof"
    shit.. That whole lie was transparent.. LMAO.. Lightweights like this one
    sure don't have any business cross post, flame warring..

    All this for a worthless piece of shit like John Moran.. This dude doesn't
    know that Moran thinks that pussy bike he rides isn't a motorcycle..
    Remember when ol' Quenten bought that Virago 1100 ? Soon as he found out
    every woman in Texas was using them for a first bike.. he sold that thing..
    All the bullshit John has tried to piss about my Vulcan .. Sheesh.. what's
    he gonna say about this ol' boys ride... Google that .. you stupid ****..
    Damn.. if you lose that address .. let me know .. I'll post it again..
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  5. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are a lying sack of shit.. sport.. LMAO..How many ways do I have to tell
    you that I don't ride just on weekends..Your two days bullshit is another
    goddamed lie.. September is three months ago.. That was my last ride in
    2004... Whoosh.. why am I explaining anything to a stupid mother fucker like
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  6. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    You're simply too stupid to know what the point is, aren't you?
    Four months would have September and October in there...unless Canada is on
    some weird calendar system.

    From what I found (maybe there's a different google in Canada...I doubt it
    since it's down here in Texas) there were more than plenty of lapses in
    posting times. It's not my problem that you're too stupid to find the
    information and ride reports. Go read a book and educate yourself. There's
    "Internet for Dummies" that's on the shelves now. I hear you might also be
    able to pick up a copy at Of course, the rest of us get jobs
    where the employer is more than happy to pick up the tabs for our education
    and they send us to fine schools all across the country and world.

    BTW, is it too cold for you to ride? Is that it?

    How many days are from October 14th through 19th? More than two? That was
    only three months ago and it was more than two days...unless Canada is on
    some weird calendar system. How many days did you ride trips in October?

    And I would appreciate it if you'd stop chunking your shit in this backyard
    when I'm trying to throw it back into yours.
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  7. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. sport.. you don't even lie.. real good.. sheesh.. you've entertained
    me enough.. he's all yours Brian.. This fool is certifiable..
    trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  8. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    The stupid son of a bitch is stir crazy.. Don't you remember that goddamed
    place in the winter.. He's snowed in.. This fool couldn't ride a motorcycle
    if he had one..
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  9. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't you get it ? this moron is nuts.. He's cooped up in his room in
    Canada.. snowed in and crazy... He's got a Virago 750 bike with about 4000
    miles on it and thinks he's a biker because him and his buddies thought they
    were good flame warriors.. LMAO..
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  10. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Actually, there's a whole month in October. November 1st would be only two
    months ago...unless you're on one of those weird Canadian calendars.

    You merely proved you have no reading ability. I specifically said "up to
    October 31st from August 1st". Are you too stupid to know what that says?

    Try again, shithead. The more you flail about, the more you look as big an
    ass as you are.
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  11. another viewer

    Calgary Guest

    That is a 200 mile ride!!!! Wow!!!! I am speechless!!! Oh you are
    some rider Dood. 200 miles!!!! Geez Mapquest puts it at a little over
    3-1/2 hours!!!!! Shit I bet you had to top up with gas before you
    came home!!!!!

    And in the last four months that is the best you can come up with.

    You are a funny man Bill Walker.

    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 9, 2005
  12. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Enjoy.. this pissant has entertained me enough for a week.. LOL..And
    that'sjust today..
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  13. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yep, I've just about had enough of him for one nite. I'm thinking about
    riding tomorrow. It's supposed to be in the 50s and sunny. Wanna go? We
    might even get lucky and get "hypothermia" while we're at it! Whoo-hoo!

    Oh wait! It's not supposed to rain. Okay, scratch the hypothermia. I guess
    we'll just have to stay home....
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  14. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    From what I'm getting, he's only rode about 50 miles in the past 6
    months...because it's cold.
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  15. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    I dunno, I rode a bicycle quite a bit while I was up there in Calgary. It
    seems to me it was this time of the year too. It didn't bother me that much.
    I *did* look at those folks like they were silly though.

    We walked around in the snow in shorts and shower shoes. I guess if you're
    worried about hypothermia when it hits a blistering 50 degrees Fahrenheit,
    it might make someone want to stay in a fire.
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  16. another viewer

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yup, and the month before he made a ride to Jalisco Mexico. Before that it
    was to BC Mexico.

    And where have you been in the past 4 months? What's that? It was cold?
    There was moisture? Ah, too bad.
    Brian Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  17. another viewer

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Depends on the rider. B/BW? Yep. Pretty much.
    Bownse, Jan 9, 2005
  18. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... hey bud.. This is typical John Moran and Sunny Williams poser and
    usenet bullshit.. I've posted my address and invited them to a party.. This
    one tried to bluster around and scare someone .. Didn't work out well when
    one of the contributors made an ass out of him.. He's got him a couple of
    buddies to back him up on a newsgroup and thinks he's a majority of
    something.. That boat is leaking fast..

    This little crew needs a "cause".. to support their poser images.. They are
    supposedly running around the country waving a t-shirt and signing it..
    hmmm.. Know where that one came from..? I'll give 'em a cause that they can
    really impress some real Texas Bikers.. hmmm.. See where I'm heading.. While
    they're doing their little t-shirt thing and doing a "reunion" at Possum
    Kingdom.. I'll invite the whole bunch to attend the Tarrant County TMRA II
    chapter meeting... Ain't that a swell idea.??

    Course they'll be on their own.. Wild horses couldn't drag ol' Sunny, John
    Moran or Mark Johnson, Road draggin' Don or Louie into a crowd of men like
    the ones at those meetings.. LMAO.. Can you imagine ? hmm..Bet this crew is
    more of the same.. But.. it's an open meeting and they'd sure have an
    opportunity to share their motorcycling views with some hands that'd welcome
    input from a group of bikers around the country and Canada.. And look at the
    causes that TMRA II represent.. Hey .. TMRA II represents causes that affect
    bikers all over the United States.. What an opportunity for this crew..
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  19. another viewer

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoops.. the invisible man offers profound thoughts.. LMAO.. hey fat boy..
    not going to well for the little crew.. huh ? I've always had you head and
    shoulders over John Moran, et al.. Finally got a picture of you without your
    batman rig on top of your head.. Whoo hooo.. Must have been taken in front
    of the last Prince Albert Lodge you attended.. ROTFL.. damn.. fat boy.. you
    and your buddies need some serious exercise and diet restrictions.. Even at
    seventy.. if I couldn't make a tub of blubber like you smoke, on a
    motorcycle or on foot, I'd be embarrassed..

    Damn.. batman.. you are as bad out of shape as your buddy John.. No wonder
    you guys avoid any place where there's real bikers..LMAO..
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
  20. BW talking about DonBinns)
    He's a lightweight Louie.. carry your own water for a change you mealy
    mouthed bastard.. LMAO.. whew.. what a gawd damned joke.. Don't you
    phony shits know that I'm retired and don't have to wait for a weekend
    to ride a motorycle..???   You know all that.. Louie.. You've been
    taking cheap mealy mouthed shots at me for a long time.. trouble is..
    you ain't got the backbone ..Neither has the Canadian..
    I am glad you pointed out, that you can pick any 2 0r 3 days to take a
    LD or a SD ride. You and I arent ''tied to WK-ends'' to do a motorcycle
    ride, eh? By Golly<!>

    ‹›‘Happy Trails to You’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 9, 2005
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