Used Bike Purchasing for the Vacationing American?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by shakalaka, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest


    A friend of mine is a Director for a well known IT company- he gets
    about 3 weeks a year. His view was this was generous.
    In the UK a minimum of four weeks a year.
    It's not 20%.
    deadmail, Aug 13, 2004
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  2. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest

    What cumulative impact; businesses get to reclaim vat on materials etc.
    it's a tax aimed at the end user.
    deadmail, Aug 13, 2004
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  3. shakalaka

    sweller Guest

    I'm committed to work 197 days a year for GBP 33K - maximum day length
    9h 30m (average 8h 45m).

    Which is nice.
    sweller, Aug 13, 2004
  4. Aha... heard it from a friend then! Must be true!

    IT in the US is on the way OUT. Offsourced to India whenever possible.
    Geeks are lucky to have a job let alone vacation and good riddance. I
    was getting tired of listening to those dweebadonna weenies bitch and
    whine about the oligarchy. And from the sounds of it your friend works
    for a shit company. You see we don't have government bullshit
    regulations over every little thing. Employers and 'ees are free to
    arrange whatever they find agreeable. Which is probably why your
    friend has crap benefits whilst others do not. A few raw eggs every
    morning ought to help his testicles descend rather nicely.

    As one who holds citizenship in the US and EC I think I know better
    than yourself or your friend. My estimations come from actually living
    here and there vs. BBC doublespeak. If you want to be a middle class
    droid then Europe is definately the way to go. Free healthcare (though
    you should tip the doctors and carry private insurance if you want
    first class), decent education, etc... blahblahblah. The government is
    geared towards power to the people and all that.

    At the expense of being SOOL if you're anything beyond much upper
    middle class. There is a very real glass ceiling that prevents one
    from setting up small business there. And it will always stay small
    thanks to countless regulations, misappropriations and socialist
    masturbations. The individual is nothing more than a member of a
    larger collective. Who is only entitled to a "fair" amount of personal

    The US by comparison is a free market free for all. I truly enjoy
    watching the impotent being devoured and exploited like oh so much
    irrelevant meat. We can fight all the wars we want and I know my
    children will never be asked to serve. We can set up pro-business tax
    policies and pocket the difference... let the little people eat cake!
    Darwinism improving the breed. The sock-n-sandal touriste you so
    readily mock is not an American. That's just an accidental piece of
    meat that real Americans use to fatten their portfolios with. America
    never really did abolish slavery, we just made it an equal opportunity
    (and voluntary) enterprise!

    So go ahead and appease every turd world country of terrorists,
    pseudointellectual socialist and useless wards of the nanny state.
    Don't forget to work your ass off so the Frogs can smoke their
    Gauloises at the cafe and comment on your bourgeiose sensibilities
    while receiving the EC unemployment cheque.
    Means shit when you're being paid peanuts for the work. Ask any young
    UK types what their job outlook is like. Must be why alcoholism is so
    rampant amongst young Britons.
    Oooh.... so sorrry. 17.5%. A world of difference!

    Just don't land your sorry ass in other EC nations where's it's 25%!
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Aug 13, 2004
  5. shakalaka

    AndrewR Guest

    Oh you wouldn't believe how much paid holiday I get.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 13, 2004
  6. It is - I'm NHS - only 48 days paid holiday... A bit shite really
    comparted to the 10 or 15 days the Merkins get...
    Attilla the Hungry, Aug 13, 2004
  7. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest

    Well, yes. I've known him for twenty years and I know a few ex-pats
    based in the san jose area.
    Well, I say IT; semiconductor co. Rather a large one.
    My freind also holds EC and US citizenship and has lived in the states
    for about 10 years now.

    So, I don't know how since you don't know him you can presume to know
    more than him. You *might* then again you *might not*. You simply
    don't know.
    *yawn* you'll need better bait than that. At least *try* to make it
    Hmm. Not really worthy of comment.

    I think your crowd did enough appeasing/training of terrorists in the
    past. Problem was the dog got too big for the owner, didn't it.
    You stated that multinationals in the UK wouldn't give any more holidays
    than US companies.
    Well it's a considerable difference.
    My arse isn't sorry and I spend (almost) as much time in other EC
    countries as I do in the UK during the working week. So I think I've a
    little experience of this.
    deadmail, Aug 13, 2004
  8. shakalaka

    Bownse Guest

    which raises the "cost" of material, etc.. Nothing's free no matter what
    the government might try to say to the contrary.
    Bownse, Aug 13, 2004
  9. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest

    48, lucky bugger. I only get 40. But on the pittance we get paid in
    Europe it's about the same as 2 days in America apparently according to
    our friend Delirious.
    deadmail, Aug 13, 2004
  10. shakalaka

    Bownse Guest

    retired, eh?
    Bownse, Aug 13, 2004
  11. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest

    There's the cost of the admin of the tax collection, true enough;
    however the business buys materials (on which it pays 17.5% VAT), adds
    labour, sells a product (on which it *charges* 17.5% VAT) so, assuming
    the business sells at a profit then VAT can be considered to 'enhance
    its cash flow' since it holds the money until it does the VAT return
    (last time I ran a company- about 10 years ago from memory once a

    It's not going to 'effectively double' the vat rate to 40%.
    deadmail, Aug 13, 2004
  12. shakalaka

    Bownse Guest

    I forgot to include holidays. 30 days is just personal days. Ooopsie!
    Bownse, Aug 13, 2004
  13. shakalaka

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Bownse
    You really are rather stupid, aren't you?

    But then of course, you are a Septic.
    Nigel Eaton, Aug 14, 2004
  14. shakalaka

    Lozzo Guest

    Attilla the Hungry says...
    Last US firm I worked for only gave their US based employees 5 days
    holiday on top of statutory ones. We in England got 20 days, which at
    the time wasn't the legal minimum. Our US colleagues were not best
    Lozzo, Aug 14, 2004
  15. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest

    The company gets to *benefit* from holding onto the VAT money before it
    passes it on to the government.
    So the US states with purchase tax are also socialist then?
    deadmail, Aug 14, 2004
  16. 48 days holiday here includes the (8?) national bank holidays
    (Christmas day etc).
    Attilla the Hungry, Aug 14, 2004
  17. shakalaka

    deadmail Guest

    "leave him Nigel, he's not worth it"
    deadmail, Aug 14, 2004
  18. America - what a place - if only we had the delights they do... I so
    wish I'd been born American...
    Attilla the Hungry, Aug 14, 2004

  19. Translation:
    I am a second rate citizen living in a third rate economy and
    therefore must prostitue myself to the lowest quality US employers,
    often on a foreigner's visa. From this peon's existence I will make
    sweeping generalisations of an entire nation.
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Aug 14, 2004
  20. You really do have to grasp rather desperately to make your socialist
    nanny look appealing eh?

    You're still paying tax to the government on supplies and AGAIN on the
    final price. That you get to keep the windfall for a little while
    doesn't mean the consumer avoided paying 17.5% on your material costs
    and 17.5% on your final selling price.
    Yes, unfortunately. But the they top out at 8% or so in a worse case
    scenario. Most places charge far less if anything at all.

    And thanks to our Prayerful President Bush we are in the process of
    gutting out this nonsensical welfare state nonsense.
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Aug 14, 2004
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