Used Bike Purchasing for the Vacationing American?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by shakalaka, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Forgive my ignorance but how does one go bankrupt when they posess the
    world's largest nuclear arsenal?
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Aug 12, 2004
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  2. shakalaka

    Bob Mann Guest

    Not being able to afford the fuel to lift it off the ground?
    Bob Mann, Aug 12, 2004
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  3. shakalaka

    sweller Guest

    The former Soviet Union seems to be making a fine fist of disproving that
    sweller, Aug 12, 2004
  4. shakalaka

    Ace Guest

    Dunno, but I suspect it's correct. The pronoun stuff is coincidental,
    Ace, Aug 12, 2004
  5. shakalaka

    Nick Guest

    Mucho snip
    Another thought - work out how much you are prepared to pay for the
    insurance and the loss on the bike and then offer that to someone to
    'borrow' a bike for the duration. You could be a named driver on their
    insurance - might solve some hassle.
    BMW R850R
    Nick, Aug 12, 2004
  6. shakalaka

    azqaz Guest

    Party of the first part is "YOU". Party of the second part is the
    company you are purchacing the insurance from. The party of the third
    part, is the poor sod you hit.

    azqaz, Aug 12, 2004
  7. Pay attention... we're already in Iraq. You don't have to pay for shit
    when you can just hold up Habib's convenience station.
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Aug 12, 2004
  8. shakalaka

    Matt Guest

    I'm telling George you said that.
    Matt, Aug 12, 2004
  9. shakalaka

    AndrewR Guest

    I realised, after I posted it, that I'd missed a great chance for quoting an
    inspired monologue, so here it is (iprizes to those who manage to name the
    source) ...

    "This is my escape tunnel and this is a dress I made. This is a bar of soap
    carved to look like a gun, whereas this is plastic explosive moulded to look
    like a bar of soap. My plan is to blow up the cell using the plastic
    explosives. When the guards come to investigate they think I'm just some
    woman and fall in love with me. Then I whip out the soap gun and use it to
    force them into the escape tunnel and we refuse to tell anybody where
    they've gone until they promise to let us go!"

    "Erm, couldn't we just use the tunnel ourselves?"

    "It's a crazy plan, but it might just work ... what the heck, let's give it
    the old college try".

    The quoting is extremely approximate, as I haven't had a copy of the
    original for quite some years.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 13, 2004
  10. shakalaka

    Verdigris Guest

    Yes, and that's working out so well, isn't it?
    Verdigris, Aug 13, 2004
  11. shakalaka

    Bob Mann Guest

    He doesn't have rocket fuel.
    Hell, he can't even get any gas or oil since his cousin Akhmed keeps
    blowing up the pipeline.
    Bob Mann, Aug 13, 2004
  12. shakalaka

    Turby Guest

    It must be Monty Python. (Every quote a Brit uses comes from MP,
    doesn't it?)

    Turby the Turbosurfer
    Turby, Aug 13, 2004
  13. shakalaka

    AndrewR Guest

    'Fraid not.

    Some of the Brits might also have spotted it wasn't actually a monologue
    either, but once I'd typed out the bulk of it I realised that I need another
    person's quote in to link it to the "crazy plan" bit.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 13, 2004
  14. shakalaka

    Champ Guest

    "Top Secret" ?
    Champ, Aug 13, 2004
  15. shakalaka

    AndrewR Guest

    No, it's not from a film or TV-series.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 13, 2004
  16. Nobody cares how well it's going. We have unlimited resources at our
    disposal in comparison to EC forces. The ones that are dying are the
    ones who signed up for it. Tough titties this solidering business eh?
    We also have hamburgers. In fact I'm getting hungry just thinking
    about them!

    I laff at the estimations of this being America's next Vietnam. The
    Arabs better hope it doesn't become Vietnam. IIRC we killed off about
    about a coupla million of them Commies.

    Gas is still only $2.30 for 3.75 litres. Just spooned on a set of
    Diablos for $235USD. Yourself? Ah yes... still on the pound. And
    pricing things like it was a wimpy USD! All hail the Queen! Can I be
    your tampon?

    If all else fails we can nuke the entire middle east and bring in them
    starving Africans to pump the oil out for a cut of the proceeds.
    That's the problem with you Euros... always underestimating the
    depravity of the American people. Don't make me come over there and
    bitchslap those government dentures out of your mouth.

    Anyways we fixed you Europeans and your petty tribal conflicts, put
    you under our NATO umbrella, gave you a semblance of an economy and
    now that you have two hairs on your ass you wanna call it a forest?

    Relax, it's all under control. America's sky has been falling for over
    50+years and much to everybody's chagrin we keep propping it up like a
    two-bit dictator. Just don't forget keep buying those Treasury bills
    or we get funny ideas about the EC next!
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Aug 13, 2004
  17. shakalaka

    Bownse Guest

    Now THAT was worth the time it took to read it!
    Bownse, Aug 13, 2004
  18. shakalaka

    Lozzo Guest

    Bownse says...
    Homer[1] speaks again.

    [1] Simpson, not the Greek bloke.
    Lozzo, Aug 13, 2004
  19. shakalaka

    AndrewR Guest

    Which, presumably, was significantly longer for you on that side of the

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 13, 2004
  20. shakalaka

    AndrewR Guest

    Which doesn't worry us, because we get 2 - 2.5 times as much paid holiday
    per annum as you lot, so we can pay off our "oppressive VAT burden" while
    lounging around.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Aug 13, 2004
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