Use of Steroids

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    I don't understand how or when, young athletes can use it, and the
    parents not know about it?
    Secondly, where oh where do they get it.?
    From the coaches, hmmmmm?
    Don't that stuff cost a bunch?

    I believe I would know when A young kid, was taking stuff, because of
    the ordinary symptoms: weight gain, personlity change, hyperness, etc,
    I've hurd of.

    It was brought out, how big BaseBall players have gotten in the last 5
    or 10 years, hmmmm, I think we know how?
    And humorusly said, Of HOW small, the baseBall fields, have
    gotten....<grin >
    BJayKana, Mar 20, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    Geeze dude! The antidote is an OTC product available everywhere. Call an
    intervention and slather 'em all with Preparation H.
    Bownse, Mar 20, 2005
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  3. Very true. One of my brothers is a veterinarian, and when he lived in
    Southern California in the early 90's, he had to keep his job a secret
    when he went to the gym, or he'd get pestered constantly for steroids.
    Actually, "pestered" is the wrong word - some of these guys got
    downright violent trying to score.

    Scott Gardner

    "One of the more, um, entertaining aspects of riding is the astonishing
    effortlessness under good conditions, the utter impossibility when
    conditions exceed your skill envelope, and the abruptness of the transition. " (Bob Prohaska)
    Scott Gardner, Mar 21, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Andrew Guest

    I don't doubt that the baseball players have taken performance enhancing
    drugs. It has always been that way. In the 60-70's there were
    'greenies' which were amphetamines. In the 80's it was cocaine. Back
    in Babe Ruth's day he was on painkillers, which were probably some type
    of narcotic (not necessarily performance enhancing.) Hell, Doc Ellis
    claimed he pitched his no hitter after tripping the whole previous night
    on Acid.

    This current baseball thing is just a red herring to distract us from
    what is really going on in America right now.

    I don't disagree that steriods are a problem for the highschooler or
    amateur athlete, but realize professional athletes will do just about
    anything for the little edge they can get on their competition.
    Andrew, Mar 21, 2005
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