Looks like a burn out, to me. -- Alex BMW R1150GS DIAABTCOD#3 MSWF#4 UKRMFBC#6 Ibw#35 BOB#8 http://www.team-ukrm.co.uk Windy's "little soldier"
petrolcan said... It was nothing, really. Just one of those things that could have happened to anyone. I've got this chain, see. For locking the bike to stuff, like you do. Now, when I use my bike it lives in this handy little chain bag that sits on the pillion seat. But, what with moving and all, I don't know where it is[1], so I looped the chain through the grab rail. This had the unfortunate side effect of the chain passing in front of the number plate, twice. It's quite a bit chain, so it obscured most of the plate, which is a shame. Anyway, I think it was after I stopped for fuel, one of the loops managed to drop below the plate and touch against the tyre. The tyre managed to flick it up enough so that it was resting on the tyre as I went along. This doesn't present much of a problem. Until the chain wedges itself between the tyre and the hugger. At this point it starts to press quite hard on the tyre, and get rather warm. It then precedes to dig large quantities of rubber out of the nice new tyre. The chain also get hot enough to melt a fair sized hole in the side of the hugger. I still managed to make reasonable progress though. Including filtering like an utter **** and going round Loz's favourite motorway junction at a fair pace. Could have happened to anyone. [1] I've just remembered, it's in the back of the garage.