
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Thomas, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. David Thomas

    Pip Luscher Guest

    In general road traffic law-breaking terms though, wouldn't this be a
    case of "a person or persons who reside a domicile constructed of
    silica-based panels should refrain from using naturally-occurring
    mineral objects as manually-launched projectile weapons"?
    Pip Luscher, Dec 6, 2003
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  2. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    deadmail, Dec 6, 2003
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  3. David Thomas

    Ace Guest

    It's funny how Des's biking career mirrors his Usenet one so
    Ace, Dec 8, 2003
  4. Coming back for some European touring on the FJ12, I was queuing in a
    slow moving lane for immigration control at Dover when an ***hole in a
    vehicle next to me realised he was in the wrong lane and moved over into
    my space.
    First thing I knew was when his passenger window hit my 'bar end'. I
    banged on his window and got the 'stare straight ahead' response as he
    continued to move over hitting bar end and boxes.
    With a balled fist and winter weight gloves on I managed to put three or
    four large dents in his roof with out causing myself any harm.
    He pulled back in to his lane and drove to the front of the queue and
    cut in. He must have looked upset because when I got to drive through
    C&E they were taking his car apart.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 8, 2003
  5. I'm coming back from Norwich toward King's Lynn on Sunday, I'm on a dual
    carriageway bit doing 70 in the outside lane of traffic, a few mph
    faster than the inside lane in the car.
    I'm driving into a setting Sun on a cloudless day. For a moment my
    perspective of the road around me became confused:
    The road appeared to be getting narrower.
    The white line dividing the lanes had disappeared.
    It was the guy in the car at my 10oc position, he was slowly pulling out
    towards me looking intently into his drivers door mirror oblivious of my

    I pulled over hard as far as I could go and brake but not too hard as
    there is a car too close behind me. The guy wanders half into my lane
    and then seeing I'm there wanders back again.

    That got the old blood pumper working faster.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 8, 2003
  6. David Thomas

    Klaatu Guest

    Got home, phoned plod; disinterested sounding copper took the reg no but

    Officially It has to be recorded does it not ?
    You have to think of the consequences. Nutter drivers with no
    insurance or a stolen car, Pissed, Drugged carrying weapons.

    It's just not worth it, however angry you are. IMO.

    I have had to stop my bike and calm down after (unprovoked) attempts
    to knock me off.
    Klaatu, Dec 8, 2003
  7. Mick Whittingham wrote

    Customs men can be bikers too you know.
    steve auvache, Dec 8, 2003
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