
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Thomas, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    You criticised people for idly threatening 'violence' to bike thieves[1]
    and yet you take part in wanton valdalism (mirrors) and also intimidate
    the elderly.

    [1] Which I suspect no one expected to be carried out
    deadmail, Dec 5, 2003
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  2. David Thomas

    pete boyall Guest

    I've never "attacked" another vehicle, but when they've attempted to
    run me off the road I've happily accelerated out the way without
    worrying too much about their wing mirror ... does that count?
    pete boyall, Dec 5, 2003
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  3. David Thomas

    jsp Guest

    It goes like this: They come alongside you and begin to drift, causing
    you to be squeezed between them and the kerb, or the like. You, wanting
    to attract their attention, bang on the top of their car. In the
    excitement, you leave a dent. As this normally occurs when there is an
    imminent risk of them killing you anyway, your concerns are largely


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Dec 5, 2003
  4. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Next time answer the fucking points.

    I shan't bother discussing them further since you'll twist and turn as
    per normal.

    deadmail, Dec 5, 2003
  5. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    My concerns are largely irrelevant?
    deadmail, Dec 5, 2003
  6. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Odd. In (almost) 23 years of driving and riding in the UK and Europe
    (and a little in other places) I've managed to clock up somewhere
    between 7 and 800 thousand miles.

    In all of that time no one has ever tried to run me off the road when on
    a bike, it's happened once (accidentally) and once intentionally when
    driving a car.

    I must lead a quiet life.
    deadmail, Dec 5, 2003
  7. David Thomas

    gomez Guest

    That's rathert a large range, Can you be more precise?
    gomez, Dec 5, 2003
  8. David Thomas

    pete boyall Guest

    I commute to work on my bike through rush hour traffic, where this
    took place there are two lanes which zip merge down to one. Drivers
    get wound up and irate at people going up lane 2 and then trying to
    force their way in - they regard it as queue jumping.

    I've also had someone try to run me off this road when I've been
    driving my car - I was in Lane 1 and the guy in front of me moved
    across to block the guy in Lane 2 who was driving up the "outside".
    So the "overtaker" decided the best solution was to drive into the
    side of my car. Or would have done if I hadn't left myself a bit of
    space and pounded the horn.

    I guess it depends on where you ride, and when.

    Or luck.

    800,000 miles. Must be beginners luck :)
    pete boyall, Dec 5, 2003
  9. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Well I think it's about 770,000 miles but I could be wrong.
    deadmail, Dec 5, 2003
  10. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Me too, M4 about 80 miles each day.
    I've got that in spades so I guess that's it.
    deadmail, Dec 5, 2003
  11. David Thomas

    jsp Guest

    Your concerns that they might subsequently choose to use their car as
    the cause of my demise. These occurrences occured when they were
    already using their car as an instrument of my demise, so I had little
    to lose.

    I'm sure your concerns in a more global sense are very relevant and


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Dec 5, 2003
  12. David Thomas

    Mickl Guest

    A few weeks ago, on my way home from work one evening, filtered to the front
    at some lights; plenty of room but the bod in the car to my left didn't like
    it. Sat on my back wheel from the lights all the way to the next roundabout,
    at which point because I was taking it easy (damp evening + roundabout =
    not my favourite combination) he was able to pull alongside me, window down,
    mouth flapping and barely audible abuse falling out (earplugs).

    Onto the two-lane dual that followed, and he then 'drifted' across the front
    of me, pushing me towards the central barrier - didn't fancy that so I eased
    off, prepared to just sit behind him - well behind him - to the next lights,
    where I'd just filter carefully past and away from him again.

    But no - for his next trick, he decided on the good old faithful brake test.
    I was far enough behind him, and sort of half expecting that, so it wasn't
    too much of a problem.
    But what nearly was a problem was his next trick - into reverse, and flying
    back at me - now that *was* a bit unexpected.
    Fortunately I got out of the way.
    Darted round him and into the safety of the queue for a set of lights not
    far in front (where he couldn't get me) and took his reg number.

    Got home, phoned plod; disinterested sounding copper took the reg no but
    none of my details.
    Phoned back a couple of days later and the plod I spoke to couldn't find any
    record of it at all, much less tell me if they'd found the bloke/spoken to

    But then what was I doing expecting anything else?

    I just wish I'd been nutter enough to have had it out with him there and
    then, instead of entrusting it to Essex plod only for them to seemingly lose
    it in their pile of papers (although I suppose I *could* be doing them a
    Fortunately, this nutter is by far the exception to the rule. Most of them
    seem to be pretty good.

    By the way - while not exactly a newbie on here, I'm up until now pretty
    much a lurker, so haven't really introduced myself, so - um - Hello
    Hope I haven't broken any posting rules in the above, although I'm sure
    someone will let me know if I have.
    Mickl, Dec 5, 2003
  13. David Thomas

    Hog Guest

    Perhaps you don't filter much?
    I've found the M1 particularly bad for people quite clearly noticing my
    presence and pulling in front of me. It tends to happen when filtering only
    slightly faster than the traffic. It never really happened while riding the
    Great White Whale which confirms something or other. Filtering at high speed
    with no lights on is better in this respect.
    Hog, Dec 6, 2003
  14. David Thomas

    gomez Guest

    So a lot more than 7 miles then :)
    gomez, Dec 6, 2003
  15. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    A fair amount, I'm more often passing other bikes (on my commute) than
    passed by them.

    I can't think it's 'cos I'm 'laid back' about things either.

    Maybe the M4 is relatively civilised?
    deadmail, Dec 6, 2003
  16. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Well I doubt that hitting mirrors off of cars could be viewed as self
    defence. How did it defend you?

    And the hitting a car roof... wouldn't it have been easier to beep your
    deadmail, Dec 6, 2003
  17. David Thomas

    pete boyall Guest

    There's more space than on urban roads, the speeds are higher so you
    have more room to manouvere (if you see what I mean ...) and are
    leaving larger gaps, drivers are less likely to deliberately block you
    because most of them won't even know you're there, and those that do
    aren't wound up by sitting in stationary traffic.

    I think of lots of things ...
    pete boyall, Dec 6, 2003
  18. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Please give a fuller explanation. I can't picture the scene.
    He must have been pretty deaf...
    deadmail, Dec 6, 2003
  19. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest

    Yes and no... there's been roadworks on the M4 for the last 2-3 months.
    There is generally a 3 mile section where the speed is between
    stationary and 60mph. Plenty of scope for people to get pissy in

    But still, thankfully it's not London; I hate London traffic even though
    I get to feel really smug in it.
    deadmail, Dec 6, 2003
  20. David Thomas

    deadmail Guest


    Fucking hell, that's the best ASCII diagram I've seen in a news group.
    You take this debating stuff seriously, don't you...
    <snip reason for hitting mirror>.

    I'd have banged his window. If the door's in front of you then you've
    got access to it. Hitting and damaging a car is likely to get some
    drivers going onto full *left* lock...
    To hit the mirror you must have been alongside the car. I'd have been
    concentrating on getting the **** out of there and would have wanted
    both hands on the bike and all of the balance I could muster.

    Again, banging on the windscreen or the drivers door window would have
    surely been easier?

    In both occasions it seems that you've responded to being under threat
    by causing damage; In those situations it's the last thing I'd have done
    since it could have provoked the driver.

    Mind you, when I've been under threat I have on one or two occasions got
    off my bike, blocking the car's way and given the driver a rabid piece
    of my mind; when I'm angry I would be more than capable of damaging a
    car but suspect I'd be more likely to (try) to damage a driver.

    I've no other choice really, have I.
    deadmail, Dec 6, 2003
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