Undercover cop cars?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by George W. Frost, May 18, 2004.

  1. George W. Frost

    Neil Fisher Guest

    Only if it's not behind the driver, right? ;-)

    Neil Fisher / Bob Young
    personal opinion unless otherwise noted.
    Looking for spark plug leads?
    Check out http://www.magnecor.com.au
    Neil Fisher, May 23, 2004
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  2. George W. Frost

    Neil Fisher Guest

    The problem, as I understand it, is that if the pipes have the
    appropriate plate attached that says they are OK, there is SFA you can

    Neil Fisher / Bob Young
    personal opinion unless otherwise noted.
    Looking for spark plug leads?
    Check out http://www.magnecor.com.au
    Neil Fisher, May 23, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. How many bullets does it take to stop a dock worker?

    The correct procedure is to drive to the nearest police station. Same thing
    when armoured trucks are involved in prangs. They drive to the nearest police
    station first, THEN ask why the little old lady ran into them.
    John Tserkezis, May 24, 2004
  4. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    If it's obviously a defective muffler that still has a plate attached then
    there's a reasonable suspicion that the muffler has been illegally tampered
    with and therefore a defect would probably still be issued. I'm sure there
    will be plenty of Harley's with shotgun exhaust systems with the correct
    looking plates affixed ??
    Shane, May 24, 2004
  5. Shame you didn't use the "yoghurt pot" description. Would have been a tidy
    segue to them being full of bacteria.

    Hamish Alker-Jones, May 25, 2004
  6. George W. Frost

    Diesel Damo Guest

    As long as they don't bother with Majura Road, I should be fine =)

    How long have you lived in Canberra? In other words, do you pronounce
    "monaro" as mon-ar-oh (correct), or mon-air-oh (annoying)?
    Diesel Damo, May 26, 2004
  7. George W. Frost

    ant Guest

    I pronounce it the old Canberra way! I still call the canberra centre Monaro
    Mall, too. (and yeah, we say Mon AIR o).

    ant, May 26, 2004
  8. err, isn't that Mon-aaar-o
    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Warning: All posts to be treated with a grain of salt.
    By Order
    Toby Ponsenby, May 26, 2004
  9. George W. Frost

    feral Guest

    Actually the car is "mon ar o", the area/highway is
    "mon air o" and if you don't believe me, check Hansard. :)

    T.C. Feral
    feral, May 26, 2004
  10. George W. Frost

    Neil Fisher Guest

    Sure - AFAIK, you can issue a defect notice even if there is no
    Sure - but I suspect that when they go to the A(U)VIS, the person
    checks that the thing has the appropriate plate attached, if so, it's
    OK. A PITA for the rider, IOW, but not a solution.

    Neil Fisher / Bob Young
    personal opinion unless otherwise noted.
    Looking for spark plug leads?
    Check out http://www.magnecor.com.au
    Neil Fisher, May 26, 2004
  11. George W. Frost

    Diesel Damo Guest

    The English language sucks. There's just no rules. Like my pet hate "I
    before E, except after C." Oh really? Well how do you spell "seized",
    "neighbour", "weight", "height", "freight" etc etc etc. When there are
    so many "exceptions to the rule", it's hardly much of a rule.

    <wipes foam from mouth> What's Hansard, BTW?
    Diesel Damo, May 27, 2004
  12. George W. Frost

    Diesel Damo Guest

    So you must pronounce "Manuka" as Mar-ne-car then? =)
    Diesel Damo, May 27, 2004
  13. George W. Frost

    ant Guest

    I've always wondered at our pronunciation of Monaro (air-o). There must be a
    reason for it. It's Italian, isn't it?

    ant, May 27, 2004
  14. George W. Frost

    RVi Guest

    You say it the way it is spelt. Or a nick name for it Munro.
    RVi, May 27, 2004
  15. George W. Frost

    ant Guest

    Of course. I believe that's the Australian pronounciation actually. The
    kiwis say Man OO ka.

    ant, May 27, 2004
  16. George W. Frost

    Moike Guest

    I thought they said "Mer-NER-Ker"

    Moike, May 27, 2004
  17. Those words must be Irish - like O'Reilly.

    Hansard is the 'Parliamentary Record'
    Everything said is printed - except the most interesting stuff, the
    interjections and farts.

    BTW, the availability of Hansard is often used as back-up to the hoary old
    gag that ignorance of the law is no excuse.
    That's because it's theoretically impossible for a new law to be passed or
    an old one changed, without it appearing somewhere in Hansard or similar.

    The internet has made things interesting. If you are fortunate enough to
    own a computer, you can see the reasonably current acts and regulations in
    a trice.
    Go have a play in <www.austlii.edu.au>.
    BTW, if you had any doubt that Judges were turds more concerned with their
    own professional arses that the 'customers' of the courts, there's a wealth
    in evidence in the case law available there:)
    Or <http://scaleplus.law.gov.au> - pretty bland, but a tad easier to use.

    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Warning: All posts to be treated with a grain of salt.
    By Order
    Toby Ponsenby, May 27, 2004
  18. George W. Frost

    Diesel Damo Guest

    Might be. Just thinking though, Americans pronounce Camaro as Cam-air-o...
    Diesel Damo, May 27, 2004
  19. What would they know? - they pronounce shit like sheirt, and haven't yet
    figured they're arseholes, either.
    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Warning: All posts to be treated with a grain of salt.
    By Order
    Toby Ponsenby, May 27, 2004
  20. Wonder how many of_them_remember how to do basic trigonometry, though...
    Intact Kneeslider, May 27, 2004
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