Undercover cop cars?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by George W. Frost, May 18, 2004.

  1. George W. Frost

    Johnno Guest

    To your knowledge, has this sort of situation actually happened?

    It's certainly not unreasonable for a driver to choose NOT to pull over when
    an unmarked car is involved. The point about hijacking is quite relevant.
    I wouldn't pull over for anyone unknown who flagged me down, unless it was a
    marked police car.

    Johnno, May 18, 2004
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  2. Might be time to irritate certain parties by mentioning the Clear Direction
    To Stop matter.
    It's fun ignoring party lights and stupid antics from stupid and
    astonishingly self-important oafs.

    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Warning: All posts to be treated with a grain of salt.
    By Order
    Toby Ponsenby, May 18, 2004
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  3. George W. Frost

    mrt Guest

    Drive to the nearest police station.

    Explain how you were afraid that they werent legit etc
    mrt, May 18, 2004
  4. George W. Frost

    Dave.au Guest

    thats interesting because you dont have to pull over if you can put
    reasonable doubt on it that it might not be a cop you can drive to the
    nearest public place (ie service station etc) and then pullover
    Dave.au, May 18, 2004
  5. George W. Frost

    Stan Marsh Guest

    There was an unmarked Kia Carnivale being used in Albury. I felt sorry
    No, not HWP. I've seen this car doing at least 80 through the centre of
    town, with full lights and sirens.

    I've also seen it being used on a saturday night, rounding up a rowdy drunk.
    The officers sprayed him, and then he was put into the back of a divvy van.
    Stan Marsh, May 18, 2004
  6. George W. Frost

    Gonz Guest

    Look at the case currently on, I know its not related to police actions but
    the Falconia case where they were pulled over and then you know the rest.
    Gonz, May 18, 2004
  7. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    Never happened to me before and I had exclusive use of a covert car for
    about 7 years ay one stage. The only ones who won't pull over are those who
    have something to hide (stolen vehicle, disqual, warrants) or indeed women
    drivers who simply don't look in the mirrors because it's adjusted to
    reflect their own image and must have the CD up too loud. I honestly drove
    behind my ex gfs mother from Camden to Oakdale (approx 17kms) once blasting
    the horn, driving offset from her car and flashing my headlights to hand her
    something before she got all the way home. She got all the way home.

    Shane, May 18, 2004
  8. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    There probably wouldn't be an issue with doing that. If it was a short
    distance you'd get there I guess but a longer drive would find marked
    vehicles surrounding your vehicle before you got there.
    Shane, May 19, 2004
  9. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    Most people are intelligent enough to realise that if you're being pulled
    over in a built up area with plenty of lighting and plenty of witnesses that
    it's relatively safe to do as you're being asked. Police too, are concerned
    about where they pull vehicles over. Generally speaking they will only pull
    over a vehicle where we have plenty of light and if that's not possible it
    may be the case that we allow the offender to continue driving until we
    reach a safe area. You have to remember, there are a lot more people out
    there wishing to cause harm to police than there are those driving around in
    cars pulling over innocent people with fake blue lights and sirens.

    Shane, May 19, 2004
  10. George W. Frost

    untermensch Guest

    Lets get one thing clear about this "legal" tint stuff.

    An unmarked vehicle was recently put over the pits by its own department and
    the RTA stated quite clearly
    "Why bother bringing it here. It is exempted and allowed to have these

    Dont bother asking me where it is or who passed it as it is not to be
    disclosed, but I assure you, from first hand experience they are exempted
    and can have all the tint they want
    untermensch, May 19, 2004
  11. Pepper spray - Like dogs pissing on posts.

    That stuff was sneaked into use *on the basis that it was a viable
    alternative to using guns*
    So, now we see the turds are spraying *drunks* with it.

    But gee - isn't it good that they didn't shoot the drunk.

    See how the bracket creep of police powers goes?

    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Warning: All posts to be treated with a grain of salt.
    By Order
    Toby Ponsenby, May 19, 2004
  12. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    You know that for sure without the use of a light meter? Remind me to never
    use your services as a prosecution witness :) That entire window law is a
    joke. You could have your windows painted black with Dulux and the Police
    wouldn't be able to take action against you because we can't measure it.
    BUT, the RTA ARE going to introduce a light meter test for this very thing
    in the future along with emission testing on your exhaust system. Your
    exhaust systems will then be tagged and those that aren't tagged or marked
    with the appropriate confirmation of emission testing will be defected.
    Goodbye to those Milo tins hanging out the back of the REX'S I'm afraid.

    Apart from the fact that we're generally exempt from being prosecuted for
    these kinds of things, you wouldn't have even mentioned the darkness issues
    with windows until it concerned a Cop. You probably have darker windows
    yourself or have family with them. Big deal.

    No steel rims on an 'SS'.

    Where did you hear that? Nothing could be further from the truth. BTW, watch
    out for RTA covert cars in future. You thought you had issues with Police
    covert vehicles.............:))))))))))
    Shane, May 19, 2004
  13. Purely an objective observation. I had 5% tint on the rear and rear door
    windows, max legal on the fronts. The window tint place that did it, said that
    max legal is max legal, but you generally won't get bugged by police if it's a
    commercial vehicle (mine was a light commercial 4WD ute).
    They flatly refused to do 5% on the fronts because they said you'd get
    stopped if police notice.

    Rear cabin window was also 5%, as was the rear canopy door/window, but canopy
    front window was black. I had a rearview camera installed so I can see
    backwards. (everything was piled up to the roof so I couldn't see back even if
    the windows were clear anyway).

    Been stopped several times during the year or two that I had it and never had
    the windows mentioned.
    I thought they already had it, but similar to the smokey exhaust issue, they
    wouldn't do anything except force you (within 30 days whatever) go to the EPA
    (or RTA) for more testing.
    Oh, so the EPA won't shoot first and ask questions later like they've been
    doing so far?
    Personally, used to, but see sedans every so often with (to keep you happy)
    what looks like 5% (I had it so know what it looks like) all round. Parked
    near our place were I pas every few days.

    So, either it's an undercover car, or, the police never actaually police the
    tint issue.
    (shurg) read it in the papers many years ago where they used to drive up and
    down the snow fields with them. Not that I'm complaining, we've been to the
    snow a few times, and come across weirdos that are apparently exempt from the
    normal laws of physics governing traction between ice and smooth rubber.
    John Tserkezis, May 19, 2004
  14. George W. Frost

    Diesel Damo Guest

    Diesel Damo, May 19, 2004
  15. George W. Frost

    Kieron Guest

    An unmarked Commodore floats around the Perth area wth a Spiderman
    stuck to its rear rhs window, rug across the parcel shelf with toys on
    it, seems to do a nice little trade in pulling people over.
    Kieron, May 19, 2004
  16. George W. Frost

    Moike Guest

    Isn't that illegal?

    Moike, May 19, 2004
  17. George W. Frost

    tinkerbell Guest

    um, doesnt this *known* list of attributes make it all that much
    EASIER for a person to impersonate a police car???
    tinkerbell, May 19, 2004
  18. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    Wrong..........it always was intended to be used as a safer alternative to
    being belted with a spun aluminium baton. The capsicum spray is used as a
    deterrent and works wonderfully well. It can be used over greater distances
    than a hand held baton as well. On the other hand, our pistols were never
    intended for deterring certain behaviours.

    Drunks who are threatening Police or others with violence. 'Turds' is a bit
    strong isn't it?

    Toby, the angry little man who has obviously never met a real angry man
    before. You have no idea whatsoever Toby. Standing there reciting snippets
    of Latin to an angry man may confuse them for a while but it's not going to
    get them in the back of the van is it?
    Shane, May 19, 2004
  19. George W. Frost

    Shane Guest

    Shane, May 19, 2004
  20. George W. Frost

    atec Guest

    Face it m she didn't want to know it was you and hoped you would piss
    off .
    atec, May 19, 2004
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