Uncle Stan....and regrets

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by Beckyboo, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Beckyboo

    Beckyboo Guest

    From: Larry -xlax- Lovisone - view profile
    Date: Sun, Dec 3 2000 12:00 am
    This was posted a while back by:

    Email: Larry -xlax- Lovisone <>

    Uncle Stan... my 65 year old knee dragger friend... survived crashing
    his RC45 serial #10...
    Lance... his Ducati riding friend... saw the bike low slide in a high
    speed sweeper...
    Bike and rider continued straight hitting a Mercedes... OUCH!!! they
    both bounced off the side of the car... Stan got hit again by his
    spinning bike... DOUBLE OUCH!!! He was helicopter out unconscience...
    suffered a mild concussion... loss of 4 front teeth... and a badly
    swollen left leg... Currently Uncle Stan is 95% recovered and is happy
    with the 20K insurance offer to fix the RC45... While this is in the
    works he eagerly awaits a new VFR 800 and looks forward to knee
    Stan's only regret is that he had to cancel plans to race his RS 250
    Aprilla at Los Vegas RaceWay...


    I am wondering if Uncle Stan is now regretting continuing to knee drag
    out on highways and teaching his novice girlfriend to do so after she
    was killed 4/20/06 on Hwy. 1 NW of Petaluma, the same approximate
    location of this accident...don't think a Mercedes was involved this
    time....nor will he be paid 20K....and the double ouch goes deeper than
    skin.....but unfortunately not Uncle Stan's.
    Beckyboo, Apr 28, 2006
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