
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Richard, Nov 30, 2003.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    I find it totally unbelievable that so many biker groups were on the road
    today, November 29 and the weather is so agreeable.
    For all those that make the Trip down FM 4 through LIPAN, I hope that you
    find our little town hospitable.
    I only wish I could join you on your rides, but with one kid in collage and
    another getting close, it will be several years before I can ride again.
    Richard, Nov 30, 2003
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  2. Richard

    Kawasakibob Guest

    I know from where you speek. Finally got back to ridding when the first
    graduated and the other two still in collage. Maybe you can find a
    inexpensive garage queen that requires nothing more that new tires,
    battery and a carb cleaning and sneek back into the sport. that took
    years off of my waiting.
    Kawasakibob, Nov 30, 2003
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  3. Richard

    Ed Stimach Guest


    Hi, Richard. There are some very affordable motorcycles out there on
    the resale market. The last four (4) motorcycles I purchased were used
    bikes and were all great purchases on my end.

    You can find a good deal out there.

    -- Butch --
    Ed Stimach, Nov 30, 2003
  4. Richard

    Richard Guest

    Thanks for the encouragement Butch, but at this time in my life the only
    affordable ride would have to be a gift.
    With transmission repairs, tuition, braces, and all the other daily living
    essentials, I fined that my income just covers my out go.
    Yet I am proud to be able to support my family, and can dream of that day of
    my next freedom ride.


    Richard, Dec 1, 2003
  5. Richard

    IceMan Guest

    There was this kid that was given a motorcycle on here and now he wants to
    sell it.
    but he is in OK
    you may want to check on it I think he was asking 300.00

    IceMan, Dec 1, 2003
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