Unaugural semi-final reminder - May 5!

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by BT Humble, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Just so as you don't forget. ;-)

    By the way, my brother from Boorowa is bringing his wife and 3 young
    'uns along. That's the first members of my family who could be
    troubled to turn up, and it only took 5 years! ;-)

    (The others live in Canberra. Tarago must be too far away.)

    BT Humble, Apr 27, 2007
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  2. Well, it is one hell of a trip from Canberra. I'm thinking of spliting
    the trek over a few days. I should be there saturday afternoon [1]

    The Happy Drunk

    [1] The better half has gven me a leave pass but it may be all-orf if
    she hasn't recovered from dental work ......
    The Happy Drunk, Apr 27, 2007
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  3. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    The trophies are completed.

    I had the beginnings of a headache before I started, and the
    combination of hacksaw noise, arc welding smoke and paint fumes have
    got it ticking over nicely now...

    BT Humble, Apr 30, 2007
  4. BT Humble

    Dale Porter Guest

    Well it's going to be a real family atmosphere then, as we'll have 3 young'uns with us as well. I'm thinking of repairing the nitro
    r/c truck and bringing it along to be a kid myself. :)
    Dale Porter, Apr 30, 2007
  5. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Hmm, I'd better fix the flat tyres on the half-dozen old pushbikes
    I've got scattered around there!

    BT Humble, Apr 30, 2007
  6. BT Humble

    Dale Porter Guest

    Well, as it turns out, I'm going to have to pike. Events are conspiring to stop me from going. Sorry BT. :-(
    Dale Porter, Apr 30, 2007
  7. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Bummer, dude! Who are we going to name as our Guest Of Honour now?

    BT Humble, May 1, 2007
  8. BT Humble

    Knobdoodle Guest

    [big grin]
    Knobdoodle, May 1, 2007
  9. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    BT Humble, May 2, 2007
  10. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    Moike, May 2, 2007
  11. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    OK, dumb question time....

    This isn't just my inaugural Unaugural, it's the first rally I've ever
    been to. I got myself a sleeping bag, and BT has kindly set aside a
    tent for me.

    What else do I need to bring?

    betty, making a list
    bikerbetty, May 2, 2007
  12. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    BT Humble, May 2, 2007
  13. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    1. Your preferred alcomaholic beverages;
    2. Food, if you want anything other than sausage sangers for dinner
    and bacon & eggs for breakfast;
    3. Outlandish coffee-preparation utensils (yes BigIain, I'm looking at

    BT Humble, May 2, 2007
  14. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    Triffic - thank you!

    bikerbetty, May 2, 2007
  15. In aus.motorcycles on 2 May 2007 15:00:11 -0700
    Some kind of mattress is a useful thing, ground is hard and cold.
    This may not apply if you are drunk enough, but I've never been that

    If you are the kind of person who just has to at least wash hands and
    face in the morning, or clean your teeth, then bring the gear for

    Often wise to BYO eating and drinking utensils. Unbreakable or disposable
    ones for preference. Sometimes logistics fail. Make sure some thing
    you have can handle hot drinks. Unless you like drinking the leftover
    poofter drinks in the morning of course.

    A hat. Heads get cold, even those with hair on them.

    Earplugs. You have no idea how much these boys can snore.

    Zebee Johnstone, May 3, 2007
  16. BT Humble

    bikerbetty Guest

    Snoring? Yikes, hadn't thought of that..... and me a light sleeper
    too. Bloody hell - from how many paddocks away are these blokes
    audible? Thanks Zebee, will most definitely have earplugs (and all
    that other useful stuff.)

    betty, an alleged snorer,
    but I don't believe it <snigger>
    bikerbetty, May 3, 2007
  17. BT Humble

    smack Guest

    baby wipes
    dunny roll
    water... lots of water.
    smack, May 3, 2007
  18. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Baby wipes? If you're inclined, bring 'em.

    Dunny Rolls will be supplied in plenty.

    As will the shovel (for fire stoking).

    I've got two of those 25 litre water containers, full of nice fresh
    Tarago rainwater - should be ample?

    BT Humble, May 3, 2007
  19. Well my chances of getting away is looking worse.

    I was assured by the dental surgeon that the girl's swelling would of
    started to go down by now .... instead it's reported to be more
    painfull and theswelling seems to be getting bigger ...

    What a time for her to need 6 teeth removed....

    There's still a chance :)

    The Happy Drunk
    The Happy Drunk, May 3, 2007
  20. BT Humble

    Moike Guest

    That's the word.....

    I'm truly devastated to miss the unaugural (and the ride up through the
    snowies) but the Tassie tour has been on my wishlist for a long time,
    and I booked it before you set the date.

    It does look like the weather won't be bad. The west will be wet, so
    we'll duck down the east coast, mess around in the south, then if the
    weather improves, return via the west. There are plenty of options.

    Fortunately I washed the Superbike last night, causing it to bucket down
    in Melbourne today, giving me a chance to discover that my Force Air
    jacket is no longer significantly water resistant. So I'll get out the
    old water tight one for the trip.

    (working more or less full time for the past few weeks makes the trip
    even more enjoyable. I must be getting old or something. Three weeks
    back at work and I *need* a break!)
    Moike, May 3, 2007
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