Unaugural 9.0 - 2 month warning

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by BT Humble, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. BT Humble

    atec77 Guest

    jerry in a thong
    frkkk mine eyes mine eyes
    atec77, Mar 21, 2011
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  2. BT Humble

    Diogenes Guest

    Should be fun. :)

    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 21, 2011
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  3. BT Humble

    Diogenes Guest

    Bastard. :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 21, 2011
  4. BT Humble

    G-S Guest

    That's not a Sulu this is a Sulu!

    Well yes... he's got stuff to carry just like anyone else :)

    G-S, Mar 21, 2011
  5. BT Humble

    G-S Guest

    That is a while actually!
    I wuz robbed I tells ya! robbed!!

    G-S, Mar 21, 2011
  6. Not at me Nev, but then, maybe you deserved what she may have said about
    George W Frost, Mar 21, 2011

  7. Promise ?,
    that would be nice, been a long time since I have seen one of those.
    George W Frost, Mar 21, 2011
  8. Smart-arse, you really know how to hurt a bloke.
    George W Frost, Mar 21, 2011
  9. BT Humble

    Lars Chance Guest

    Yeah but most of those attacks have been attacks on comfort-food!
    Lars Chance, Mar 21, 2011
  10. BT Humble

    bruce Guest

    Broken levers at 10 paces ;-)

    that would have to be stubby levers?
    bruce, Mar 21, 2011
  11. BT Humble

    Diogenes Guest

    W-e-e-e-e-l... perhaps not...
    [bites tongue] :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 21, 2011
  12. BT Humble

    G-S Guest

    If you want to imagine George in stubbies go for it (not my thing but
    each to their own :)

    G-S, Mar 21, 2011
  13. BT Humble

    Les Guest

    To be fair to BB though... she is our resident ranga.


    PS. She is getting slack in her beer wenching duties of late!
    Les, Mar 21, 2011
  14. Absolutely right there Geoff I can't even imagine me in stubbies
    Don't think they make a size big enough
    George W Frost, Mar 22, 2011
  15. Not me. Get well soon.

    Fraser Johnston, Mar 22, 2011

  16. Thank Fraser
    George W Frost, Mar 22, 2011
  17. At the end of the day there is a reason why us bikers nod at each other.

    Fraser Johnston, Mar 22, 2011
  18. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    You win. (If you can really call that "winning".)

    BT Humble, Mar 22, 2011
  19. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Is he carrying a tape recorder?

    BT Humble, Mar 22, 2011
  20. BT Humble

    BT Humble Guest

    Well, what are you planning to do this year?

    BT Humble, Mar 22, 2011
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