Ulysses v. Rebels

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Batfastard, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Batfastard

    manson Guest

    barry taylor wrote:

    Hopefully, they will aadmit what they have done sooner or later on the
    Dunno about the rest, but they pay me to be a member. :)
    ....and, indeed, the most common attitude amongst members is positively
    There is always the Howard government.

    manson, Mar 13, 2005
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  2. Batfastard

    barry taylor Guest

    Conehead wrote his usual dribble:
    :: ::: Conehead wrote:
    :::::::: The "rockers" have also been "discouraged". The U.C. doesn't
    :::::::: actually have the power to rule against them.
    :::::: but Commandant Bedford seems to think he has the power
    :::::: and has **ruled that U.C. members who wear rockers will be
    :::::: expelled**
    ::::: Where? When?
    ::: at the Ulysses **so-called Annual General Meeting** in Cantberra
    ::: during this last week
    ::: as a result of the Cantberra Rebels OMCG threatening to remove
    ::: the rockers from garments worn by UC members
    ::: attending the UC annual get together in Cantberra
    ::: **apparently** the Rebs invited any UC member
    ::: who did not wish to remove the rockers
    ::: to visit Rebel HQ for an enlightenment session
    ::: bjbear
    ::: off his rocker
    ::: ( but not wearing one ) ,,,
    :: So, there was no "ruling", and your post was crap?

    apparently you can't read ...

    :: There was no "expulsion", and your post was crap?

    adult literacy classes are advertised on TV

    :: The AGM isn't "so-called", and your post was crap?

    you oughta get out more often

    :: "The Rebels invited" isn't compulsion, expulsion, nor a ruling, and
    :: your post was crap.

    you need an adult literacy course, or two or three
    as usual your post was crap

    :: You are a fuckwit "apparently".

    appearances can be deceptive
    you are a wanker "apparently"

    barry taylor, Mar 14, 2005
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  3. Batfastard

    barry taylor Guest

    Conehead dribbled yet again:
    ::: nope ! there is only the one club
    ::: and lotsa branches
    ::: which have no say whatsoever in the operation of Ulysses Club Inc
    :: They have a say each year at the AGM (or, in your words, "so-called
    :: AGM"). So does any member who wants to.

    seeing as you are such an experienced long time member of UC
    and have attended so many annual gatherings of Ulysses Club Inc
    you would know the difference between
    the week long gathering which is referred to as the Annual General Meeting
    and the official Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is held on the Saturday
    and includes election of office bearers

    branches as such have no say at the AGM, only individual members

    what a pity you are illiterate and have never been able to read
    the minutes of Natcom or that excellent publication "Riding On"

    ::::: they have a national committee,
    ::: which does what it likes, how it likes, when it likes
    :: which follows the dictates of the membership

    sez you !

    :: You sound like a stupid prick who would join a bowls club and demand
    :: the right to play golf on the green, or rink, or whatever it is.

    and you sound like an illiterate know-it-all ....

    :: As long as I've been a Ulysses member (member # in the 7,000's),
    :: people have joined and then decided that the Ulysses Club would be
    :: far better off if it did exactly what the new member decided it
    :: should.

    sez you !!

    :: Dumb pricks who sit at home and pontificate about what "apparently"
    :: happened at a meeting they didn't attend deserve scorn and derision.

    dum pricks who sit at home and pontificate about matters they
    don't understand, because they can't read proper
    also get the scorn and derision you deserve

    :: So, Barry, cop a bit of scorn & derision to go with your jumped-up
    :: ideas that you have the right to bitch about a club that you chose
    :: to join.

    you can't read, can you ?
    you certainly don't understand either what has happened in Cantberra
    or what I and others have been saying
    nor do you understand that I am not critical of the Ullysses Club
    but I am highly critical of the manner in which Natcom
    continues to act

    :: Better still....do us all a favour and resign.

    no thanks - why don't you do us all a favour and FOAD

    :: I'll personally refund your membership fee.

    ha ! bloody ha ha !!

    I'm starting to get an idea of where your nom de guerre comes from

    good luck with your rehab
    and the literacy class

    no regards

    barry taylor, Mar 14, 2005
  4. Batfastard

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    enough reason to part with a shitload of cash (more so than many other clubs
    I have been associated with I might add). ...
    I think it was $5 for 5 years when I joined.....
    Knobdoodle, Mar 14, 2005
  5. Batfastard

    Boxer Guest

    Clearly his definition of a shitload of cash and mine are very different.
    (in my view a shitload has at least 3 zero's).

    Ulysses Membership Renewal is currently $20.00 per year ($60.00 for 3 years
    and a $20.00 joining fee for new members)

    Most riders can usually get that back on discounts allowed by traders on
    goods (10% on a $500 jacket etc 5% on a set of tyres).

    My BMW Club is $50.00 per year so in comparison Ulysses is a bargain if you
    want to be a member.

    As for rockers on jackets, do as you like if you are willing to take the
    risk, personally I am amused by anyone wearing a "Cut-off" it is so very

    Boxer, Mar 14, 2005
  6. Hello, Knobdoodle!
    You wrote on Mon, 14 Mar 2005 11:14:04 +1000:

    K> X-No-archive: yes
    K> Farque Khantz wrote:
    ??>> Just so you know, I am old enough to join UCI but yet haven't found a
    ??>> good
    K> enough reason to part with a shitload of cash (more so than many other
    K> clubs I have been associated with I might add). ...
    K> ~
    K> I think it was $5 for 5 years when I joined.....
    K> Clem

    Yeah, my mistake - I clicked on the wrong map (I looked at the international member which was $140). A new aussie member is up for $80 for 3 years. Still not cheap for a club that doesn't give you a voice.
    Farque Khantz, Mar 14, 2005
  7. Batfastard

    sharkey Guest

    And at least one of them _before_ the decimal point!

    sharkey, Mar 14, 2005
  8. Batfastard

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    And the OMC refer to the police as the Blue Gang.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 14, 2005
  9. Batfastard

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Trying to picture Zebee in a tutu................. Can't do it.

    Good post Zebee.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 14, 2005
  10. Batfastard

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I turned up at the North Sydney Hilton in 1985 (pre-booked) in a typical
    Sydney downpour wearing waxed cotton gear and dripping all over their lobby.
    After I removed the panniers from the Guzzi, a bell boy carried them to my
    room for me. I had to park the bike myself.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 14, 2005
  11. Batfastard

    Moike Guest

    I dunno, if I were trying to project the image of a tough guy, (which is
    even less likely than ZB pretending to be a ballet dancer) I'd be
    content with the notion that it took a champion kick boxer to lay me out.

    Moike, Mar 14, 2005
  12. Batfastard

    Moike Guest

    Heh. In similar circumstances, (late at night, dripping wet) an
    attendant at a classy (well, expensive) Brisbane hotel offered to take
    my bike up to the designated bike-parking area on the 6th floor of the
    carpark. "Mind you, I've never ridden a bike before, but I'm game if
    you are."

    Moike, Mar 14, 2005
  13. Batfastard

    John Guest

    On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 09:24:21 GMT, "Conehead" <>

    Snipped lots...


    John, Mar 14, 2005
  14. Batfastard

    sharkey Guest

    Somewhat more embarrasing if you get KOed by a ballet dancer.

    (would that be taking a swan dive?)

    sharkey, Mar 14, 2005
  15. Batfastard

    Boxer Guest

    You get a voice if you choose to have one.

    One vote one value.

    Boxer, Mar 14, 2005
  16. Batfastard

    Boxer Guest

    More like a fivefive?

    Boxer, Mar 14, 2005
  17. Batfastard

    Boxer Guest

    Waxed cotton, you old bastard!

    (Bellstaffs still hanging in the garage, can not bring myself to turf them
    although they have not fitted me for 20 years).

    Boxer, Mar 14, 2005
  18. Batfastard

    Moike Guest

    Dunno, have you seen the muscles on some of those legs?


    (and the blokes are pretty strong too!)
    Moike, Mar 14, 2005
  19. Batfastard

    Gary Woodman Guest

    Turf them? You bastard! How could you throw generations of
    and silverfish on the street!



    Mark Latham, former Leader of the Alternative Liberal Party:
    message to the business community is that Labor is pro-growth
    Gary Woodman, Mar 14, 2005
  20. Hello, Boxer!
    You wrote on Mon, 14 Mar 2005 04:10:55 GMT:

    B> ??>>
    ??>> Yeah, my mistake - I clicked on the wrong map (I looked at the
    ??>> international member which was $140). A new aussie member is up for
    ??>> $80 for 3 years. Still not cheap for a club that doesn't give you a
    ??>> voice.
    B> You get a voice if you choose to have one.

    B> One vote one value.

    B> Boxer

    Not according to Barry.
    Farque Khantz, Mar 14, 2005
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