No DNS resolution?
Valued member! I say, that certainly sounds special, how exactly does one achieve that may I ask? Actually, I'll probably buy the DVD when it comes out anyway, I was just looking to watch it as it comes down, as it were. Ta for the offer anyway, much appreciated.
Beelzebub says... It's the one parked next to the ukrmcorsa, with the go faster wheeltape and loud exhaust -- Lozzo Triumph Daytona 955i SE Suzuki SV650 K3 Honda CBR600 F-W Suzuki GSX-R750L Yamaha SR250 SpazzTrakka
Yer a star and no mistake, tireless devotion to duty, nowt recompense but the knowledge of a job well done and the adulation of your peers. So when's Long Way Down Ep2 going up?
Sucking his keyboard for inspiration, Statto typed: Could you kindly cc that one to me as well, if it isn't too much trouble? Ta.
**** knows; it's always been like that, so the server it's running reboots at 1 a.m. every day. When I have time, inclination, enthusiasm, energy etc., I'll rebuild the server from scratch.