Spurred on by the enthusiastic response for the 2005 UKRM Calendar I have decided it would be most excellent to include a CD of ukrm-created music with the calendar. Again - this will happen regardless of the amount (or lack of it) of interest/offers this post creates as I already have several tracks - some you've heard - some you haven't, and several lyrics waiting be recorded. What we need : =========== 1. Musicians & singers (of any ability) - the more the merrier 2. Lyricists & songwriters - to write 'amusing' ukrm-related lyrics to known songs we can cover - or original songs/tunes. 3. Knob-meisters - people who have the ability and/or skill to record the racket we make How will we do it? ============= It's unlikely we'll be organised enough to get together in any numbers to seriously attempt to record anything (although it that happens, great!) so I propose the following : 1. I'll collect your song ideas, lyrics, offers of help etc. via this mailbox --> ukrmcd(at)robdunsford.com 2. I'll then circulate an email to all interested parties about the suggestions. 3. We'll set a deadline for agreeing what we're going to attempt to record for the CD. 4. Once the deadline has passed we'll source a suitable click-track or MIDI file per song. These will be posted to a server for our disparate musicians/singists to download so we are all 'singing from the same hymn-sheet'. 5. You'll then have a couple of months to record any parts for the songs you see fit. 6. Once the couple of months is up our Knob-Meisters will get to work mixing the recorded parts into songs 7. The CDs will be duped and included with the 2005 UKRM Calendar. Again - feel free to discuss the idea here but send the Good Stuff(tm) to ukrmcd(at)robdunsford.com. This will ensure you are kept 'in the loop' as I won't be posting regularly to the ng about this project. Cheers
<waves> I'm a bit of a numpty with music technology, so I'd rather put my gear in the car and visit your extensive studio facilities than **** about with plugging my guitar into my computer. And, my sound card's a bit crap.
Good idea. Well I like it anyway. I can sing, play keyboards a bit. Owen's a fantastic singer. How about my Pillion Song, which goes to the tune of The Boxer. I've posted it before and someone has, I believe, recorded it, but I can't remember who it was. I'll post it again if you like. Owen's driven a mixer. emailed. -- Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address XV535 (sold), GPZ500S (promised), SR250 (in bits). BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2. KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3 Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world: www.originalsinergy.com I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation. www.pericles.demon.co.uk "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
Ah, good. I was hoping you'd surface. ) Not at all - the only pre-requisite is that the songs have been created or reworked by ukrmers. So you can send me over some of that ambient hungarian wolf-baying you've been wondering what to do with all these years. Seriously, it'd be great to have your influence on the CD. Make it so.
I just don't really like novelty songs[0]. And novelty songs about newsgroups is just *so* close to being filk, and that's Not Good. I don't really do "songs" at all, mind. I've got a sort of slo-mo Latin Amyl/Balearic Beat instrumental cover of "I will survive" you can have[1]. Well, things I can do: Play keyboards Play bass (badly) Compose stuff Produce stuff mix and remix (both real and virtual - I have a Soundcraft 16:4:2 desk somewhere or other). be abusive about other people's material etc. Things I can't do: Sing. [0] this is not entirely true - I liked the "Nathanial Merryweather's Songs to Make Love to your Old Lady by" CD hugely. [1] sadly, this is actually true.
Hi Tone (appropriate name btw). Was this band, V8, based in Telford by any chance? My 'studio' is a PC in my tiny home-office. Please email me your location etc to ukrmcd (at) robdunsford (dot) com so I've got your email address etc. Cheers
Not sure if you're interested but I can perform Jingle Bells by banging on my desk and shouting. It's very moving if I do say so myself.
that was OK. Except the laughing and revving bits at the start. I wanted to remix it properly, though.
I think we were generally pretty happy with it, I don't think the lack of a monkey banging a tin drum in the background ever came up.