UKRM FAQ3.0 mini-FAQ Frequently Asked Questions list v3.0: [URL][/URL] Q) Why is there a new version of the FAQ? A) The old one was out of date, and had quite a few broken links. Plus, we wanted to give it a new lick of paint. Q) why's it look a bit like the team-ukrm web-site? A) It just does, OK? Q) But I liked the old FAQ - it was quirky and funny and - goddamnit - *Holy*, because Windy wrote it - what can I do now? Please, God, help me… A) It's still there, archived at [URL][/URL] Q) Where have all the ickle kittens gone? A) The new FAQ proprietors were - quite frankly - sickened by the idea of pictures of cats in urkm's FAQ. They're still there in the archive, if you really must. Q) What about the other "funny" stuff - the hippo song etc.? A) Well, it just didn't really seem to be a FAQ. Some of this stuff *might* get re-used on the main site later, and then again, maybe not. Q) There doesn't seem to be anything particularly new here - what's with that? A) This release of the FAQ was mainly the effort to get all the content into a consistent format, and allow updating of pages/content using a Content Management System. Hopefully this will allow more frequent updates to the FAQ, as a team of content people can work on it simultaneously. Q) Who's responsible for this abomination against the True Holy FAQ? A) Adie did almost all of the content re-population. darsy did the coding gubbins and some content sanity checking. Blaney was supposed to do some stuff, but didn't (surprise!). He'll be on the case for future updates, though. Apparently. Q) I sent in this or that and it hasn't appeared in the FAQ - why not? A) It probably got lost - send it in again - either to the older FAQ email address or to [email][/email] - this email address might change in the future, but it'll do for now. Q) now that darsy hasn't got the excuse of working on the FAQ web-site, will there be the long-promised re-launch of A) Sort of. Maybe. There's a decision to be made about whether to move the main web-site into a similar format as the new FAQ, or go with an alternative design. There are pros and cons to both approaches. Expect some sort of announcement soon-ish. Q) I have the URL '[URL][/URL]' in my .sig - is this good? A) No. Link to [URL][/URL] instead.