Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Hog

    Hog Guest
    "The British National Party will capture senior roles on police authorities
    if plans to introduce direct elections go ahead, ministers have been

    Could UKRM take control of Plod in a given County, removing all cameras and
    speed traps, encouraging high speed riding and banning slow drivers.

    Or was the article just bollocks
    Hog, Nov 22, 2008
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  2. Hog

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Depends on how good your grass roots political organisation is. A job
    for Mr Carley clearly.
    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Gilera Nordwest * 2 Yamaha WR250Z |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Nov 22, 2008
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  3. Hog

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Nov 23, 2008
  4. Hog

    sweller Guest

    Do you believe that's what people are thinking - that there's not enough
    police control?
    sweller, Nov 23, 2008
  5. Hog

    A.Lee Guest

    I didnt use the right words, but IMO, the Police do not investigate
    low-level crime enough, and the Justice system as a whole doesn't seem
    to be working well - (Daily Mail mode) typical headlines of "55
    burglaries, yet only gets community service" do not inspire much
    Then people get fined for doing 35mph in the middle of the night in a 30
    zone, and you can see why resentment in both the Police, and the
    Government can make people listen to a party that espouses justice and
    punishment for offenders.

    That the BNP support immigration controls would be a plus point for
    I am amazed at times at the attitudes of some people. I sat down for
    dinner in a pub on Thursday, (this is in Leicester, apparently the most
    'multi-cultural' city in England) and heard a story of a Ticket
    Collector on the railway, telling people to get out of 1st class.
    He was only doing it, I was told, as he was a "black ba.....". I was
    quite shocked to hear this - even if people think this, surely they
    wouldnt say it openly in a packed pub, but he did, and felt no shame in
    doing it.
    Until then, I thought this person was quite alright, but no longer, it
    was just embarrassing.
    That is someone who would hold such views, so yes, I think many people,
    especially white working class do hold such views.

    A.Lee, Nov 23, 2008
  6. Hog

    Colin Irvine Guest

    You mean they spend too much time on high-level crime?
    Nothing to do with police control.
    Is this common?
    Possibly. But "support immigration controls" is such a general term as
    to be a meaningless basis for debate.
    Colin Irvine, Nov 23, 2008
  7. Hog

    A.Lee Guest

    No. One example, a bus shelter not far from me has the glass broken
    regularly. I was talking to the man who replaces the glass, asking what
    has been done about it. He replied "nothing, the Police cannot
    'stake-out' the shelter, and without catching the vandal doing it, they
    will take no further action" so it is no longer being reported to the
    Police, as they are not bothered.
    Minor crimes like this cause problems for many people, as well as a cost
    to the Bus Company. It causes resentment for many people as they feel
    that the perpetrators should be brought to Justice.
    No, but the perception is that the Police=CPS=Judges/Magistrates, they
    are all one body who do not care too much about minor crime.
    I already said I didnt mean 'Police control', rather a more pro-active
    Police, who deal with all crimes, rather than the ones that are easy.
    Yes, I think so. Report a burglary, you get a crime number, catching the
    culprit is very unlikely. Go through a speed camera at 35mph, you get a
    It doesnt seem a level playing field, hence the Daily Mail and Express
    sell thousands of copies every day when they say the same thing.
    I dont think the Party are overtly rascist (I may well be wrong, I have
    not delved into their aims), but obviously they have some members who
    are racist, as well, I presume, as some who are not, but do support
    controls on immigration.

    A.Lee, Nov 23, 2008
  8. Hog

    M J Carley Guest

    I'll get the trades council on it.

    Semi seriously, you probably could get a lot of support for a campaign
    to elect right-minded people to police authorities if you did the
    legwork. You'd have the Daily Mail on your side, too, if you said it
    was anti speed camera.
    M J Carley, Nov 23, 2008
  9. Hog

    ogden Guest

    I had a surreal experience while getting a haircut in Maidenhead once.
    While chatting with the barber, who was of Pakistani extraction, we got
    onto the subject of politics. Can't remember why. Anyway, he started
    talking about his mates in the pub, referring to one of them as "and
    he's BNP, but he's alright." It struck me as fucking weird that this
    bloke had a mate who was openly racist, yet they still regarded each
    other as friends.

    I was unsurprised to see Maidenhead infested with BNP members when the
    list was leaked.
    ogden, Nov 23, 2008
  10. Hog

    ogden Guest

    I suggest you do.

    The first line is "On current demographic trends, we, the native British
    people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty

    Even if you ignore that sentence, it doesn't take a genius to see the
    difference between what they say and what they mean. Read the web page
    above, substitute "white" for "British" and see whether you think
    they're overtly rascist (sic).

    If you're in any doubt, look at the shadow of Enoch Powell on this:
    "immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to
    return to their lands of ethnic origin"
    ogden, Nov 23, 2008
  11. Hog

    Ex-Pat Andy Guest

    Isn't this where the current political system has lost its way? We're no
    longer offered "right-minded" people, instead we're offered career
    politicians who subscribe to one of the mainstream political parties that
    have monopolised the corridors of power.
    Ex-Pat Andy, Nov 23, 2008
  12. Hog

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Nov 23, 2008
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