I did a quick lurk as a result of this thread. Ye gods what a mess. Even if they do get a regulated group set up I wouldn't bother posting. -- Malc Rusted and ropy. Dog-eared old copy. Vintage and classic, or just plain Jurassic: all words to describe me.
IIRC someone - who was possibly Spike Milligan - proposed a hurdle or leaping-stone that had to be negotiated by MPs wishing to enter the House of Commons.
They *should* be, but in the case of the nutters, they'll be deliberately and spitefully slowing down the faster, more important traffic. Unfortunately URC now has a nucleus of car-haters (many of whom hilariously say "I don't hate cars", despite just happening to support every anti-motorist measure, even those which make things less safe for cyclists, e.g. speed cameras and keeping motorbikes out of bus lanes in London). The car-haters are relentlessly obnoxious towards anyone who expresses the "wrong" opinions, meaning that most if not all "moderate" cyclists in URC have long since left. The group now almost entirely consists of mentally unbalanced, lying idiots who are anti-motorist first, and cyclists a distant second (if at all, in the case of the likes of Spindrift), and who agree with each other on everything all the time (so what's the point of having a discussion group?), with just a very small number of "dissenters" (and the car-haters are even trying to get rid of them by starting a new group, which they hilariously refer to as "moderated", when what they really mean is that they're just trying to censor those pesky people who dare to go on URC and show that they're wrong about things).
So where do motorbikes fit in? Obviously we're faster than cars, but are we more or less important? Please show your working out. -- AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas) Aprilia RSV-1000R, Honda VFR750F-L BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL) BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, DS#5, COSOC# Suspended, KotTFSTR# The speccy Geordie twat.
You are one of the nutters, but on the other side of the line. I have no idea why you continue to post on URC.
Based on this description, I've just got to look in and check the place out. And I certainly count as one of ukrm's cyclists.
Perhaps you should inquire about returning to cycling after a serious leg injury, and then wait for someone to ask what caused it.
I've just had a look... it's a mess, isn't it? And if they think that a moderated group is going to help, I fear they're very much mistaken.
["Followup-To:" header set to uk.rec.cycling.] You're certainly welcome to do so - there has been occasional discussion of modification necessary to make cycling safe, legal and comfortable for various different mobility problems (can't bend knee, one hand cannot grip, that sort of thing). It may well be that someone already knows of the solution. Many of thses solutions are far from cheap, however. regards, Ian SMIth
Given Champ's track record, the obvious answer is for him to get a tricycle. That way he can't fall off, and everyone else will know to steer clear.
<bad form> A post-adopting-a-phrase google reveals this: <http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=O2shuuRU_M0> I feel dirty.
In If Sir is referring to a machine such as this: http://www.legslarry.org.uk/BikeStull/NewToy.jpg then Sir is advised that falling off is not only possible but, at least during the first year or so of the learning curve, highly probable.
In Don't be. I bought it in October 2007 and have subsequently spent more time trying to get the brakes to work than I have riding it.
In The BEER is in the fridge, or in the Mr Larrington. That Marmite is a by-product of the brewing of BEER in no way excuses it from smelling like Stan's undercrackers after fifteen pints of Bass and a vindaloo, nor from it tasting much as one would imagine a mashup of dead dogs, used motor oil, pepper and battery acid might.
Corrrr lovely stuff! Although I do love Marmite, I wasn't so fond of it when as a child, I lived near their factory in Vauxhall. What a niff.