
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by AndrewR, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. AndrewR

    ogden Guest

    Can I suggest "Hog"?
    ogden, Jun 23, 2009
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  2. AndrewR

    Adrian Guest

    Apart from the use of a vehicle on the road, not the pavement, y'mean?
    Adrian, Jun 23, 2009
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  3. AndrewR

    Tosspot Guest

    You have no chance, since Moody Judy and the **** Bubbles turned up it's
    been a nightmare. Most of the regulars have fucked off. It has to be
    said, the problem is not the trolls but the fuckwits like Mason that
    keep feeding them.
    Tosspot, Jun 23, 2009
  4. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    I'll stop you right there, I was simply suggesting mortar shells for the
    other NG!!
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  5. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    Roadside breath tests for alchohol and drugs and blood tests for
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  6. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    Heh well I was positively suggesting them as potential trolling! Though
    I can't think of any practical reasons bicycles couldn't have a rear
    number plate if required and 3rd party liability insurance? well I
    think all citizens should have it as a matter of course.

    Helmets? do I GAF, no. I sometimes ride my motorcycle without one,
    though it does make me giggle. Going round to the shop in shades at
    20mph has my eyes watering. Every time a see a Righteous Bro' on his
    HardlyWorthit resplendant in Open Face, Bandana and Oakleys I laugh and
    realise WHY the daft faggots never ride over 50mph in HOG groups.
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  7. AndrewR

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    Heh, My last post (September last year) there:

    Glad to see things haven't changed.
    Don't even bother lurking any more.
    Alex Ferrier, Jun 23, 2009
  8. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    It does have a certain *je ne sais quoi* I suppose, you young scamp.
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  9. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    Good Grief
    I_was_not making suggestions!
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  10. AndrewR

    dog Guest

    From: "Hog" <>
    Newsgroups: uk.rec.pedestrians
    Subject: Re: Social obligations for pedestrians
    Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2011 16:40:07 +0100

    I don't see why you're objecting to wearing a number plate on your arse.
    I mean, you look like a **** anyway.
    dog, Jun 23, 2009
  11. AndrewR

    ogden Guest

    And it says "persistent troll" like nothing else.
    ogden, Jun 23, 2009
  12. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    You are wrong you know
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  13. AndrewR

    DozynSleepy Guest

    Hog wrote:
    Never used to need liability insurance, why would we need it now ?
    DozynSleepy, Jun 23, 2009
  14. AndrewR

    Pip Guest

    Des actually has/had a(n actual, real, for-sure) pushbike of which he
    was very proud, hasn't he? There's a coincidence.
    Pip, Jun 23, 2009
  15. AndrewR

    Hog Guest

    Cunts that scuff up against my Porsche with their zimmer frames for a
    Hog, Jun 23, 2009
  16. Oi, fek orf. I couldn't live without my beer scooter.
    Brownz \(Mobile\), Jun 23, 2009
  17. Not only that, but don't *most* cyclists have a motor vehicle as well? I
    pay road tax on two vehicles, which is itself stupid, as I can only drive/
    ride one at a time. Oh, I suppose while I'm out on the pushbike, the wife
    might pop down the shops in the car. Makes the case for charging the
    "road tax" via fuel then. In which case these days I'd pay about 25c a
    year for the bike instead of €100.
    Paul Carmichael, Jun 23, 2009
  18. AndrewR

    Eddie Guest

    I ain't riding on no cycletrack, fool!

    Too many bumps, too narrow, too many obstacles, pedestrians not
    realising that there's a pushbike bearing down on them (even if you're
    in front of them). Give me the road, any day.

    (I saw what you did there, you little scamp.)
    Eddie, Jun 23, 2009
  19. AndrewR

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Hurdles for pedestrians? Hey, we could add hoops for them to jump
    through, too, for a leaner, fitter Britain.
    Pip Luscher, Jun 23, 2009
  20. AndrewR

    Tosspot Guest

    Errrmmm, doesn't the work 'tax' imply something? Like for instance, you
    pay it and not avoid it? Indeed regardless of whether it is sensible,
    or indeed disguised as 'duty'. What is 'duty'? Who knows, it is what
    the 'Customs and Excise' seem to make up as they go along.

    I fucking *hate* Customs and Excise. Death is to good for them, they
    should pay duty first.
    Tosspot, Jun 23, 2009
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