UgggggLy MotorSickels.

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 11, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Tony D Guest

    I had a Yamaha 650 back around 1983 (it was a 1976). Great motorcycle by the
    way, but I digress. I painted it "Yellow Gear" yellow, same color the Navy
    paints the support gear on Aircraft Carriers. Right after I painted her, I
    took 3 tickets within 4 months for speeding, loud pipes (stuffed them with
    steel wool to get by the ticket) and speeding again. I painted her black.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jun 12, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    paulmbedard Guest

    coming from a Braves game today, lost in downtown Atlanta, we turned a
    corner in the Focus and saw a truck EXACTLY like the one in Sanford &
    Son. The driver looked like "Grady", and it was near Grady Hospital.
    The bike he was hauling looked like a sh*tty 70's Goldwing worth about
    $20 (it was HUGE!), and all I could glimpse was no seat or handlebars,
    and it said "Yoshimura" on it...I thought that was a supplier company?
    No pic, because I won't take my digital camera in the rain...ohgeeez it
    was ugly!
    Those bikes you see in Viet Nam tapes w/huge fenders were so ugly
    (Dream 305's?)...
    if anyone's seen Orange County Choppers, they make some VERY ugly
    machines...but Paul sr. has a good attitude...
    those huge Honda Vespa-like scooters you see on the back of big
    reirees' RV's are pretty retARDED, but I hear they're good machines...
    powder blue is a gross color for a gastank, and most trikes with bodies
    are pukey...
    and BMW made some gawdawful gastanks...
    paulmbedard, Jun 13, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Polarhound Guest

    My neighbor bought a Vespa a couple of weeks ago, right after my father
    got his Yamaha Majesty 400. The guy even bought a chain that has to
    weigh more than the bike to lock it up.

    Speaking of the Majesty, my father mentioned he had it up to 88mph to
    pass a car on the highway yesterday with plenty of power to spare. I'd
    try it out, but I feel like a monkey fucking a football just sitting on it.
    Polarhound, Jun 13, 2005
  4. i was, uh, blinded by a big bright full moon ?
    another viewer, Jun 13, 2005
  5. BJayKana wrote:

    Perhaps you think they're not supposed to look ugly ?

    My white (well actually, white streaked with grease,
    dirt, mud, rust and bird droppings) '88 R100GS has been
    rode hard and put away wet for 120,000 miles and it's
    just starting to look good.

    It's what folks in the antique biz call the "distressed"
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jun 13, 2005
  6. "Rob Kleinschmidt" <>
    wrote in message
    Ah, so what you are saying is that I'm increasing
    the value of my motorcycle...
    Keith Schiffner, Jun 13, 2005
  7. I seem to recall a "where can I buy a ratbike ?"
    thread on reeky a while ago.

    Truly ugly bikes, for when OCC just isn't ugly enough.
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jun 13, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Rayvan Guest

    I can't get passed the ugly engines sticking out each side of the bike frame
    To a guy who wrenches bikes, those engines sticking out of each side of
    the frame are beautiful. It means we don't have to disassemble half the
    bike to do routine maintenance. :)

    Rayvan, Jun 13, 2005
  9. To a guy who wrenches bikes, those engines sticking out of each side of
    the frame are beautiful. It means we don't have to disassemble half the
    bike to do routine maintenance. :)

    and since they are out in the wind, they don't need water cooling and
    its excess weight.
    another viewer, Jun 14, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    buck12ga Guest

    and since they are out in the wind, they don't need water cooling and
    its excess weight.
    I like the way the engine looks, too.

    buck12ga, Jun 14, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    <grin>   I kinda like that yellow color on a motorcycle.. Been riding
    this green Vulcan for more than 8 1/2 years and thinking about doing a
    complete paint job on it.. Yellow is one of the colors I'm considering..
    There is also a dark purple that almost looks black.. That's purty,
    After seeing the Superfly's motorcycle in Austin, I'm almost convinced
    that yellow would be the best choice.. hmmmm... You don't suppose miz
    Honey would make fun of my bright yellow motorcycle, now do you ?
    Regards to the fine lady..
    (Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker)

    ‘‘Actually miz Honey, pretty much likes that Yeller Goldwing that we
    see here, around town.’’ heehee!
    I like yellow on Harleys, and on some crotch rockets, around here.
    I just don;t particularly like a big ole Goldwing painted canary yellow.
    It almost looks like a Volswagen. That's just too much yellow too me.

    My first Goldwing, a 76 model, was Candy Apple Red. It was plain.
    Nothing on it. I, later put a regular shield on it, and a sissy bar, no
    bags, no other means of packing stuff. And rode it for
    9 days, packed with stuff tied on,including sleeping bag, tent, and did
    my first Colorado Trip.

    My point for mentioning this, is there's folks that don't like a Candy
    apple Red GoldWing, I bet. (bjay)
    BJayKana, Jun 15, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest


    begin quoted vomit:
    coming from a Braves game today, lost in downtown Atlanta, we turned a
    corner in the Focus and saw a truck EXACTLY like the one in Sanford &
    Son. The driver looked like "Grady", and it was near Grady Hospital.
    The bike he was hauling looked like a sh*tty 70's Goldwing worth about
    $20 (it was HUGE!), and all I could glimpse was no seat or handlebars,
    and it said "Yoshimura" on it...I thought that was a supplier company?
    No pic, because I won't take my digital camera in the rain...ohgeeez it
    was ugly!
    Those bikes you see in Viet Nam tapes w/huge fenders were so ugly
    (Dream 305's?)...
    if anyone's seen Orange County Choppers, they make some VERY ugly
    machines...but Paul sr. has a good attitude...
    those huge Honda Vespa-like scooters you see on the back of big
    reirees' RV's are pretty retARDED, but I hear they're good machines...
    powder blue is a gross color for a gastank, and most trikes with bodies
    are pukey...
    and BMW made some gawdawful gastanks...
    chornbe, Jun 15, 2005
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