U-turn In Business District

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by JB, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    Hey Guys,

    A little question about U-turns in a Biz district. First the
    Tonight I was in Saratoga (on Big Basin Rd) and made a U-turn at an
    I mis judged the turn so had to do a 3-pointer. A cop was down the road
    and saw
    this. He pulled me over; told me I did two things wrong but (no worries)
    he wouldn't write a ticket:

    1) It is illegal to make a U-turn in a business district (I specifically
    "Even at an intersection?" and He said "Yes")
    2) It is illegal to do a U-turn if your turning radius won't let you
    the turn (no 3-pointers)

    I went to www.leginfo.ca.gov and the only section of Vehicle Code which
    had both U-turn and
    business district was this one:

    22102. No person in a *business* district shall make a *U*-*turn*, except
    at an intersection, or on a divided highway where an opening has
    been provided in accordance with Section 21651. This turning
    movement shall be made as close as practicable to the extreme
    left-hand edge of the lanes moving in the driver's direction of
    travel immediately prior to the initiation of the turning movement,
    when more than one lane in the direction of travel is present.

    I could not find anything about the 3-pointer.

    SO what say ye, legal eagles? Me thinks the cop wanted to check if I'd
    been drinking
    or something. He got a bit huffy when I asked for clarification. Plus,
    I'd never heard
    either of those before (and cannot find anything in the vehicle code).
    JB, Aug 31, 2005
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  2. JB

    kriyamanna Guest



    665.5. A "U-turn" is the turning of a vehicle upon a highway so as to
    proceed in the opposite direction whether accomplished by one
    continuous movement or not.

    You can search the CVC website if you want to play "courtroom" some
    more, and you'll probably discover that the 3-point u-turn does become
    illegal if it impedes
    oncoming traffic, but, in that case, the u-turn completed in one
    continuous movement would also be illegal.
    kriyamanna, Aug 31, 2005
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  3. JB

    M. MacDonald Guest

    Could be a local (city) law.

    M. MacDonald, Aug 31, 2005
  4. JB

    JB Guest

    My thoughts exactly!
    JB, Sep 1, 2005
  5. JB

    JB Guest

    Yah. I suspect the fact that I had to do a 3-pointer made him think I
    was not completely sober...
    but still it is nice to understand what is legal and what is not ... and
    having an authority muddy
    the waters seems very, very wrong.

    If he had stopped me and said something akin to "I noticed you misjudged
    that U-turn there and
    I was concerned that you were having difficulty driving. " He could
    have blamed it on a phantom
    mechanical problem if he wanted to check up on me without telling me
    tales about what is legal
    and illegal. He probably didn't think it mattered much - but if I am
    ever on a jury and I am asked
    if I think police are more or less honest than the average person this
    event will come to mind (along
    with some other times than I am confident an officer lied to me ... to
    get the truth of course).
    JB, Sep 1, 2005
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