It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember Pip [QUOTE] Of course, if one was aware of this and required a part for a Lotus, one could easily ask for an Allegro part and fit it to the said Lotus with a clear conscience - then grin innocently at the customer, who of course expected to pay a premium price for parts for his exotica. Not that I would have any part in this sort of thing, of course.[/QUOTE] cf. Elan/Imp driveshaft doughnuts. There were (allegedly) some Elan models fitted with a heavier duty version, but down the Industrial Transmission stockist on the nearest industrial estate the HD doughnuts were to be found for the same price (or cheaper) than the Imp ones. Clear conscience, etc, etc. and a shit-eating grin to boot.